Catalog excerpts

Kite Lines
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Kite lines enriching the brand for water sports: Robline TEUFELBERGER the well known producer of Kitelines and Robline the world famous brand for yachting ropes joined forces to create the biggest watersports brand in the market. Freedom, adventure and camaraderie perfectly compement the values Robline as brand stands for. WARNING Using these products may be dangerous. Only use our products for the purposes they are intended for. Customers must ensure that the persons using these products are familiar with their correct use and the necessary safety precautions. Please bear in mind that any...
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Robline in a nutshell Rebellious – breaking out of familiar patterns, breaking new ground with innovative, pioneering Robline lines. The colours of the Robline brand illustrate and emphasise this spirit. – if you plan on being among the frontrunners in competitions, leave nothing up to chance. With Robline you are sure to enjoy success in your race! – in the Robline Splice Center we can design your own personalised and exciting equipment with our Rigging Service. The result is a perfectly assembled set of cordage. – to us, it's not only about water sports, but also about community spirit....
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The Tarifa line is a must for every kiter who is keen on value for money. The 8-braid in combination with Dyneema® SK78 creates a thin line without compromising on safety features as the Dyneema® fiber compensates on breaking load and elongation. red Product name Tarifa minispools Product name Tarifa FL-340T minispool* *All minispools come in usable packaging consisting of 12 spools, sellable at the POS. The Garda line is for true professionals. The 8-braid with Dyneema® SK99 is advanced in terms of elongation, breaking load and shrinking. Product name Garda minispools Product name *All...
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This is the basic series among the 12-braid lines. Easy to splice but with high durability due to the Dyneema® SK78 fiber. Product name Capetown minispools Product name *All minispools come in usable packaging consisting of 12 spools, sellable at the POS. Maui lines are the true superstars among the kiteline assortment. Easy to splice due to 12-braid technology, with a high breaking load and low elongation due to the Dyneema® SK99 fiber. In comparison to Dyneema® SK78 products, a smaller diameter at same breaking load is possible without compromising on safety. Product name Maui minispools...
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Line Types Depower Line This kind of line needs special braiding and coating technology in order to ensure maximum wear resistance. When it comes to coating technology, Single Yarn Impregnation (SY) can be distinguished from the normal impregnation procedure. With SY every single yarn is separately impregnated and therefore shows better resistance to abrasion. With normal impregnation, a special coating recipe is used. Product name Leader Line For this type of line an especially smooth coating was developed in order to avoid injuries in case of an encounter between the bar and the rider. In...
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Related Products Polyester Sleeve This Polyester Sleeve was developed to fit the most common Robline Flying lines for the purpose of protective splices and end terminations. Spool Product name Polyester Sleeve Whipping Twine Dyneema® Innovative whipping twine made of Dyneema®. Dyneema® whipping twine excels mostly due to its high breaking loads and smooth surface. It is easy to handle and requires no additional waxing. Ø Available in boxes of 10 units each D-Splicer Dyneema® Scissors Special scissors with microserration for high-tech fibers. Product name D-Splicer Dyneema® Scissor D-Splicer...
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Kite Terminology ɖɖ Bridle Lines Bridle Lines are somewhat similar to a spider's web as they connect the kite through the pigtails with the Flying Lines of the kite bar. ɖɖ Flying Lines (front and back) These lines make up the biggest part of a kite as they are in general between 20 and 30m long and at least 4 of them are needed. Depending on the proficiency level, an 8or 12 braid as well as different fiber types can be chosen. ɖɖ Leader Line The lines that connect your bar with the flying lines. These are usually thicker than the flying lines for easier handling and avoidance of injuries....
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Information about product specifications For more than a decade, Robline has been a technological leader and successful producer in the field of Kite Lines. Our products are the ultimate benchmark in kiteboarding when it comes to quality, breaking load, lowest stretch, creep protection and shrinkage resistance. Many years of partnering with leading kite manufacturers have resulted in a superior portfolio benefiting kiters worldwide. Product name Breaking strength Product terms ɖɖ MBL = minimum breaking load in daN The value in daN (1 daN is about 1 kg) indicates the minimum breaking load at...
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Expertise from more than 225 years of experience What started back in 1790 as a simple shop making hemp ropes has since evolved into a globally successful group of enterprises specializing in the development and production of fiber and steel wire ropes as well as strapping. Great diversity TEUFELBERGER's products and services are destined for a wide variety of applications ranging from cranes and marine applications to packaging and through to personal protection. The continuity and stability of a family enterprise akes us a reliable partner who, competently and effectively, supports you in...
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TEUFELBERGER Fiber Rope GmbH Vogelweiderstraße 50 4600 Wels, Austria Telefon: +43 (0) 7242 413-0 Fax: +43 (0) 7242 413-9169 fiberrope@teufelberger.com www.roblineropes.com Titelbild: © Tom Images © 01/2020 | Kite Lines Wholesale | EN
Open the catalog to page 12All Robline catalogs and brochures
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Archived catalogs
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Kite Lines
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