Catalog excerpts

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on foils Dear customers and partners, dear sailing enthusiasts! FSE Robline® has, for many years, stood for product innovation and the willingness to test the latest material technologies and introduce them in all segments of sailing. All this and our absolute determination to celebrate new successes with our partners from the worlds of industry and sports has time and time again spurred us on toward new levels of excellence in product development. An Atlantic crossing with friends, qualifying for the Optimist Dinghy WCH, or the European title in an Olympic class – all these feats in...
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Explanation of the technical data You will find the same data descriptions for all our products: DIAMETER [mm] LENGTH [m] greenblackredblack-greyblueneongreen- purpleanthracite anthracite anthracite anthracite anthracite BREAKING LOAD [daN] Polyester 24 ROPE LENGTH: The rope is measured in consideration of EN ISO 2307 standard The sample shows a 24-braided Polyester-cover with a core of Dyneema® SK78. Breaking strength: The detail in daN shows the load under which the rope would part. These loads are values which are approved as a result of laboratory testing. Performance in actual...
Open the catalog to page 4
ROPE GUIDE TAPERED SHEETS Choosing the right rope Brandnew fibers, STS stronger than steel® Configure your own High-Tech rope Admiral 10000, Admiral 7000, Admiral 5000, Admiral 3000, Coppa 3000, Ocean 4000, Ocean 3000 XG, Vectran® 3000, Globe 5000, Globe 3000, Soft shackle Ocean Coppa 500, Sirius 500, Sirius 300, Neptun 500, Orion 500, Orion 300 Dinghy Polytech, Dinghy Coppa, Dinghy Star Pro, Dinghy Star, Dinghy Vectran®, Ocean 7000, Racing Sheet Pro, Racing Sheet, 8-Plaited Dinghy Pro, 8-Plaited Dinghy, Dinghy Control, Dinghy Light, Dinghy Sheet, Saturn, Albatros Opti GroBschot, 420...
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ROPE GUIDE Getting exactly the right yachting ropes for your purpose means finding the right combination of core and cover properties, that is, the right performance mix in terms of breaking strength, stretch, abrasion resistance, and service life. Our product range offers you a great variety of options. In order to ensure that your new ropes will best cater to the specific requirements aboard your vessel, we developed the FSE Robline® Rope Guide! Use our new Rope Guide and find your ideal rope from our portfolio of Performance, Cruising, Dinghy, Mooring, and Anchor ropes. It‘s fast and...
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ROPE GUIDE Our Racing products are ropes meeting the highest demands. These ropes are made exclusively of high-tech materials and fibers and excel especially due to their high degree of customization allowing them to live up to the highest expectations. Our Performance products were developed specifically for competitive regatta racers. In performance sailing, we all know there is little margin for error. Choosing the right material for its intended application is our goal. What type of sailor am I? What type of rope do I need? Our success proves us right. Based on a wealth of experience,...
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What rope do I need? Boom lift Main Halyard Code Zero Spi Halyard Foresail Halyard Downhaul Racing.Tool.Box. Roller Reefing Line Dock Line Main Sheet Reefing Lines Anchor Line Monte Carlo Extension Mooring Bonifacio Winch Dock Line well suited well suited only in certain cases
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ROPE GUIDE Gennaker Halyard Dinghy Polytech Dinghy Star Dinghy Polytech Main Halyard Dinghy Coppa Racing Sheet Dinghy Sheet Dinghy Light Foresail Halyard Dinghy Polytech Dinghy Vectran^ Dinghy Star Dinghy Control Dinghy Polytech Dinghy Coppa Racing Sheet Dinghy Sheet Dinghy Light Dinghy Polytech Dinghy Coppa Racing Sheet Dinghy Sheet Dinghy Light Dinghy Polytech Dinghy Control Dinghy Vectran^ Dinghy Star WHAT ROPE DIAMETER DO I NEED?
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Which colors and diameters are available? The complete list of products in the FSE Robline® range in one view. SCHOTEN / SHEETs / SKJØTE black-yellow black-green black-red red-anthracite black-anthracite silver-anthracite RACING. TOOL.BOX. grey-blue grey-neongreen grey-neonorange white-red white-navy white-green black-white black-red black-neonyellow red-silver navy-silver green-silver orange-silver green-neongreen-anthracite black-purple-anthracite black-grey-anthracite blue-anthracite red navy green black neongreen-blue neongreen-anthracite red-anthracite blue-anthracite red blue yellow...
Open the catalog to page 12
ROPE GUIDE Step04 SCHOTEN / SHEETs / SKJØTE DINGHY Coppa white-red white-neongreen white-black black black-blue black-yellow black-red red-anthracite black-anth. neongr.-white neonor.-white pink-white silver-red silver-green silver-black silver-blue white-red white-navy white-green red navy black green neonyellow-bl. neongreen-bl. purple-black pink-black white-red white-navy white-green white white-yellow white-black white-red white-blue white-green white-yellow white-orange white-purple neonorange neongreen red navyblue neongreen-black neonorange-bl. red-grey blue-grey black-grey...
Open the catalog to page 13
BRANDNEW FIBERS: DYNEEMA® SK99 & DYNAMAX® Highest breaking strength at lowest weight The raw material for Dyneema® is Polyethylene which is changed on a molecular basis and in addition is stretched in one direction. These stretched molecule chains increase the breaking strength and decrease the elongation. Therefore Dyneema® has the lowest stretch at break of all synthetic fibers. Dyneema® has a very low specific weight and is therefore buoyant. The only disadvantage is that it creeps more than some other raw materials. This means the fiber will show a permanent elongation under load....
Open the catalog to page 14
sts stronger than steel® > Higher breaking force > Lower constructional elongation > Longer life The international team of FSE Robline® has succeeded in developing an entirely new technology providing special benefit to our customers. It name, STS, stands for „stronger than steel®“. In an ideal rope, each of its elements carries an equal share of a load that is applied to the rope. This makes it possible to derive maximum benefit from the performance potential of the materials used. Unfortunately, in practical use, it has not been possible to fully exploit this potential. Therefore, in...
Open the catalog to page 16All Robline catalogs and brochures
56 Pages
Splicing Instructions
16 Pages
Yachting Ropes and Kite Lines
52 Pages
Archived catalogs
Robline Catalog 2019/20
52 Pages
Kite Lines
12 Pages
FSE Robline catalog
19 Pages
Button Soft Shackle
4 Pages
FSE Robline Catalog 2015/16
30 Pages
6 Pages