Ribcraft Professional Range


Catalog excerpts

Ribcraft Professional Range - 1


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Ribcraft Professional Range - 2

Ribcraft Explained Ribcraft Options

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 3

RIBCRAFT Professional Range The Company Commercial Specification ‘In House’ Design and Construction Latest Manufacturing Techniques 3D CAD Design Welcome to the Ribcraft Professional range of Rigid Inflatable Boats (Ribs), we hope you find our brochure informative. Ribs are highly regarded as one of the safest ways of transporting people and equipment over short or long distances at sea. Founded in the late eighties, Ribcraft has gained an enviable reputation as a leading British builder of custom and production Rigid Inflatable Boats. Ribcraft is one of the few British Rib manufacturers...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 4

RIBCRAFT Professional Range The Construction Fuel Systems Engine Options Ribcraft locate their fuel tanks underdeck, maximising the console space and lowering the centre of gravity thus improving trim and handling. Using stainless steel under–deck fuel tanks enable Ribcraft to accommodate an impressive fuel load onboard, making extended voyages a reality. Ribcraft are able to supply the engine of your choice and our preferred brands are The Hull Ribcraft hulls are commercial strength Glass Reinforced Plastic (G.R.P.), Into highly polished tooling moulds Lloyds approved chop strand mat and...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 5

RIBCRAFT 4.8 Professional Range “All in all, over 1,600 miles of every type of sea, we never once felt compromised, in danger or fatigued by the ride given by the boat itself - a testimony then to Ribcraft’s product, workmanship and practical attention to detail” Steve Harvey of Team Ribex, RIB International Magazine. Designed as a complete all-rounder the Ribcraft 4.8 can be adapted to any application. The Ribcraft 4.8 design incorporates the qualities of exceptional safety, strength, stability, speed and comfort. Her high sheer bow and classic deep vee hull gives exceptional stability in...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 6

RIBCRAFT 5.3 Professional Range The Interior Ribcraft can customise the Internal layout for many applications, from family cruising to commercial use, diving, sailing club safety and rescue. The Ribcraft 5.3 has generous internal deck space to accommodate anything from racing marks, rescue equipment and family seating layouts. All control cables are routed below deck ensuring a clutter free working area. Ideally suited for anything from a family leisure boat used for water-skiing to a serious rough water rescue craft. The Ribcraft 5.3 design is based on the classic Ribcraft 4.8 hull...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 7

^Lj^—j Professional Range short list ¡1 you happen to be looking for a sensibly priced, well built Rib capable of taking you offshore in a mature fashion" Ribster who knows what they want and is going to exploit the superior build by using boats we have tested, so I would have no hesitation about taking this one on a long off-shore run" Originally launched in the late eighties the Ribcraft 5.85 soon had a dedicated following of leisure and commercial users. Although modified and refined over the years she remains true to her original concept of seaworthiness, reliability and strength. The...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 8

RIBCRAFT 6.4 Professional Range Commercial Use The Ribcraft 6.4 is the ideal choice for those who wish to carry people and equipment with confidence. Ribcraft 6.4 is suitable for anything from a RYA teaching school to an MCA approved working vessel. Users include the Metropolitan Police Special Operations, Qinteiq, Various Lifeboat organisations and countless powerboat schools, commercial organisations and diving schools. 8 RIBCRAFT Professional Range The Ribcraft 6.4 is a true offshore Rib capable of handling the most inhospitable sea conditions. The high sheer bow, deep vee hull and full...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 9

RIBCRAFT 6.8 Professional Range RIBCRAFT FEATURES • Deep Vee Hull • Fast and Soft Riding • Rugged Construction The Ribcraft 6.8 is designed as a commercial foul weather boat and has proven herself in this field. Even in inhospitable sea conditions worldwide the Ribcraft 6.8 will transport you with confidence. With a long steep sheer towards the bow and a generous 2.7 metre overall beam they are true workhorses of the sea. The Ribcraft 6.8 can be customised to your individual specification whether military, commercial or rescue usage. The craft is capable of taking a wide range of power...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 10

RIBCRAFT 7.8 Professional Range Ribc r af t 7.8 follow s t he re s t of t he Rib c r af t Ra nge in of fe r ing s afe a nd depe nd a ble bo at ing. She i s de s igne d a s a c omme rc ia l foul we at he r b o at a nd h a s prove n he r s el f in t his f ield. Eve n in inho s pi t a ble s e a c o ndi t io n s wo r ld w ide t he Rib c r af t 7.8 w ill get you t he re w i t h c onf ide nc e. W i t h a high s he e r bow a nd a ge ne rou s 2.7 met re b e a m t hey a re t r ue wor k hor s e s of t he s e a. T he Ribc r af t 7.8 c a n b e c u s tomi s e d to your indi v idu a l s p e c i f ic at...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 11

RIBCRAFT Professional Range RIBCRAFT Professional Range 11

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 12

RIBCRAFT 9.0 Professional Range The Construction Ribc r af t 9.0 O f f s ho re is a n inc re dibl y s t ro ng c r af t, f rom he r c ro s s linke d inne r mat r i x c on s t r uc t io n a nd c omme rc i a l l ay up to he r ex te nde d t ub e f la nge re s ul t ing in a bo at of imme n s e s t re ng t h a nd longev i t y. T he t ub e s a re b o nde d to t he hull ove r a n ex t e nde d t ube f la nge t h at gi ve s t hem f a r s upe r ior bo nding s t re ng t h b et we e n t ub e a nd hull t h a n c o nve nt ion a l f la nge s. T he e nd produc t is a n imme n s el y s t ro ng hull a nd t ub...

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 13

RIBCRAFT Professional Range RIBCRAFT Professional Range 13

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Ribcraft Professional Range - 14

^L^^Lj- Professional Range The 10.5 follows the Ribcraft concept of integrating strength, build quality and seaworthiness. She has a classic high sheer bow, convex warped deep vee hul! and a generous 3.5 metre beam. Developed from the highly successful Ribcraft 9.0 metre, the Ribcraft 10.5 is designed to carry crew, payload or passengers over short or long distances whatever the conditions. The increased beam, waterllne length and interna! space enable her to have greater configurations of internal layouts and power plants. Whether propelled by outboard or Inboard engines she gives a superb...

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All RIBCRAFT catalogs and brochures

  1. Ribcraft 6.8

    1 Pages

  2. RIBCRAFT 6.4

    1 Pages

  3. RIBCRAFT 5.3

    1 Pages

  4. Ribcraft 4.8

    1 Pages

Archived catalogs