Catalog excerpts

U N PAC K I N F L AT E E X P L O R E Pict ure t he s ce n e . The sun i s setti n g ove r a dis t ant ho rizon , but the ai r i s sti ll balmy and t he crys t a l- c le ar se a i s lappi n g ge ntly all aro u nd yo u. You’re wi th f r i e n ds, far f rom t he crowds , wi thout a care i n the wor ld. Where are yo u ? You could be any whe re . Wi th a Red Pad d l e Co inf latable stan dup paddle board yo u can g o w hereve r you want, whe n eve r you want . Chuck it in the car, take i t on the plan e , carry it o n yo u r back – j ust take i t wi th you. Then unpack i t, i nf late i t an d ex...
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INSIDE 02 Why Red Paddle Co? 04 How we make our boards 06 Pick your perfect SUP 08 2016 Red Paddle Co boards 26 Grab a Red Paddle Co paddle 28 The world’s best SUP pump 30 Luggage and accessories 32 How to order
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Red Paddle Co is the world’s number one inflatable SUP brand. Here’s what makes our boards unbeatable An authentic experience We’ve been making inflatable boards since 2008 and have always believed riding an inflatable shouldn’t mean compromise on performance, design or quality. Red Paddle Co boards are stiffer and more durable than the competition, and have been designed so you can paddle anywhere. Quality always comes as standard At Red Paddle Co we’re obsessive about quality. Our boards are made of the most innovative materials, and we use pioneering manufacturing techniques. We test our...
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Innovation in every board We’ve taken the standard inflatable technology and redesigned almost every aspect of it to deliver a superior board. Our patented RSS stiffening system delivers unrivalled stiffness – and it’s unique to us (see page 5). Titan – the world’s best SUP pump Pumping used to put people off inflatables. We recognised that and engineered the gamechanging Titan Pump. It takes half the time and effort out of inflating, so you spend less time pumping and more time paddling (see page 28). Designed to perform Being able to take your board with you wherever you go is what...
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MSL fusion composite and airtight coating New for 2016, MSL involves fusing a second layer of hard-wearing polymer to the dropstitch core at the raw material stage, removing hand gluing errors. The high-tech industrial process also saves almost 2kg in weight and makes the boards stiffer at lower pressures. Stronger, lighter, stiffer – the new range of Red Paddle Co boards is the best we’ve ever made The most innovative inflatable SUPs in the world Red Paddle Co’s high-performance inflatable SUPs are full of innovation – our mantra is to design and manufacture high-quality boards with zero...
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Premium-grade inflation valve Because it’s the only place air can get in or out of your board, the valve has to be manufactured to exacting standards. Our valves are super strong and create an air- and water-tight seal. Thermosealed crocodile deckpad The grippy ‘crocodile’ finish to our deckpads helps you grip them with your feet. This means you can generate traction and control your board more easily. The colour is locked in. Second layer rail tape The final layer is the rail tape, which creates the seal on the quadruple layer rail. These are also coloured according to which Red Paddle Co...
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W E L CO M E T O T H E B OA R D There are lots of different types of paddling, and different types of paddler, too. The good news is there’s a Red Paddle Co board for every rider and every adventure. Here’s our quick guide to making sure you get the right one 2016 - 10’6 Ride - WindSup - SUP Artwork H OW T O Surf Surfing a SUP is great fun, and because you have a paddle for propulsion and balance, it’s a neat way to get into the sport. Our surf SUPs are short with a wider nose and narrow tail – perfect for catching the swell. They also feature our RSS stiffening system, for increased...
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WHAT’S YOUR RIDE? Everybody loves the Ride. All the Red Paddle Co quality, innovation and design packaged in our most versatile board. Pick the right one for you – and then go and explore your world
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9’8’’ ride WHO’S IT FOR? Lighter riders who need a versatile board The smallest of the Ride family is the 9’8” Ride, a board designed for all-round usage for lighter riders. You’ll get the best out of it if you’re under 70kg/155lb, but that doesn’t exclude heavier riders. In fact, for heavier riders, the 9’8” makes a great surf shape. Key to the Ride’s versatility are its dimensions. It’s 787mm/31” wide and 100mm/3.93” thick, which makes it a stable but manoeuvrable board. It’s a great board for beginners, but because it’s been stiffened with our RSS battens (see page 5), it delivers a...
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10’6’’ ride WHO’S IT FOR? Everyone – it’s the perfect all-rounder If you could only ever have one Red Paddle Co board, the Ride 10’6” is the one we’d tell you to get – it’s already the world’s most popular inflatable SUP. Its popularity is down to its versatility. It’s designed to float and glide easily on flat water, and it has just the right amount of curve in the plan shape so it rides smoothly and predictably in surf, no matter what kind of rider you are. And it’s 120mm/4.7” thick, which increases stiffness while not affecting ride and performance. Cargo tie-downs complete an iconic...
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WHO’S IT FOR? Bigger riders and family paddlers The Ride family is our most versatile, but we recognise that bigger riders often look for a board offering more stability, which is where the 10’8” Ride comes in. It has all the same qualities as the 9’8” and the 10’6”, but it’s two inches wider at 34”/863mm and has an extra 56 litres of volume, creating a more stable ride. It’s also 4.7”/120mm thick, which means you get greater stiffness at lower pressure. In fact, it’s more than 40 per cent stiffer than a standard 4”/100mm board at the same pressure. Another benefit of the 10’8” is that you...
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Red Paddle Handbook
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