Catalog excerpts

Control units and sensor/transmiHers for continuous monitoring of combustibles gases, toxic gases or oxygen. ATEX approved sensors and RINA / MED approved systems for marine applications. Gas Detectors 4-20mA transmitters for combustibles gas, oxygen, toxic gases detection, ATEX approved Explorer Gas Point stand alone gas detector with built-in pump, large display, 4-20mA output Via Pietro Chiesa, 25 r. • 16149 Genova - Italy Tel. (+39) 010.469.56.61 r.a. • Fax (+39) 010.642.42.05 E-mail: info@recomind.com • www.recomindustriale.com
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Infrared sensors
2 Pages
Combustible gases sensors
2 Pages
Oxygen sensors
2 Pages
Gas Screen 40 control unit
4 Pages
Explorer 4 control unit
2 Pages
Explorer 4 Multipoint
3 Pages
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