Catalog excerpts

FRAZETOeCASARETOspa FABBRICAZIONE OTTONAMI • HARDWARE MANUFACTURERS Indirizzo / address via Caorsi 38 - 16031 Sori - Genova - Italy Telefono / telephone +39 0185 700 903 r.a. Telefax +39 0185 700 102 www.razetocasareto.com - info@razetocasareto.com RINA ISO 9001:2008 Sistema Qualita Certificato Prime emissione / First issue 24 aprile 1997
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Questo catalogo mostra articoli che normalmente produciamo in serie. Tuttavia la gamma dei nostri prodotti e molto piu estesa, comprendendo articoli in ottone, lega leggera, acciaio, acciaio inossidabile, eseguiti anche su disegno o campione del cliente. Interpellated quindi per qualsiasi vostra necessita. This catalog shows items included in our standard line. However, the range of our products is much larger than the one here shown, as it includes items in brass, light alloy, steel and stainless steel, manufactured upon customer's drawing too. Con I'ordine vogliate indicare: 1) II numero...
Open the catalog to page 3
Categoria Pag- Accessori Porte stagne Oblo' e Portelli / Accessories for watertight doors, 3 portholes and hublots Chiusure mobili e cassetti / Cabinets and drawers locks and latches 4 -> 28 Alzapaglioli / Hatch lifting handles and lockers 29 Accessori letti / Pulman bed accessories 30 -> 33 Ganci - Attaccapanni / Hooks and coathooks 34 -> 37 Cerniere per mobili / Cabinet and hatch hinges 38 -> 41 Aeratori mobili / Cabinet ventilators 44 -> 45 Corrimano / Handrail holders 46 -> 48 Maniglie mobili / Cabinet handles 49 -> 50
Open the catalog to page 4
CERNIERE HINGES Hinge Stainless steel: Ø 8 mm Thickness: 2 mm 30 x 40 - 40 x 50 - 50 x 60 mm Stainless steel: Ø 8 mm Thickness: 2 mm 40 x 100 - 30 x 90 - 20 x 80 mm Stainless steel: Ø 8 mm Thickness: 2 mm 40 x 100 - 30 x 90 - 20 x 80
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CERNIERE HINGES 3855 Cerniera Inox: Ø 13 mm Spessore: 2 mm 110 x 90 mm 110 x 75 mm Hinge Stainless steel: Ø 13 mm Thickness: 2 mm 110 x 90 mm 110 x 75 mm
Open the catalog to page 7
ACCESSORI PORTE STAGNE OBLO' E PORTELLI ACCESSORIES FOR WATERTIGHT DOORS, PORTHOLES AND HUBLOTS 4058 Chiusura stagna per gavoni con foro per lucchetto Impugnatura: 50 x 100 mm Tavella: 110 x 30 x 8 mm Spessore massimo: 59 mm Watertight hatch lock with hole for padlock Knob: 50 x 100 mm Lever: 110 x 30 x 8 mm Max. thickness: 59 mm 4059 Chiusura stagna per gavoni con maniglia a filo Maniglia: Ø 90 mm Tavella: 110 x 30 x 8 mm Spessore massimo: 64 mm Watertight hatch lock with flush handle Flush handle: Ø 90 mm Lever: 110 x 30 x 8 mm Max. thickness: 64 mm
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CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Button Latch Chiusura in ottone cromato, pulsante D 10 mm , scontro a L in acciaio inossidabile chrome plated brass latch; D 10 mm push button, st.st. L shaped striker plate
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CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Soft Close Cabinet Lock Soft Close Cabinet Lock meccanismo di chiusura per cassetti dotati di guida soft close, senza pomolo o maniglia per permettere a cantieri e designer di nascondere e customizzare il sistema di apertura locking device for soft close driven drawers without knob or button , ideal for yards and interior designers to hide and customize the push button
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CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Soft Lock - Chiusura per anta e cassetti con maniglietta rivestita in pelle con scontro Adatta a spessori da 4 a 27 mm Corpo chiusura Ø 24 mm Fits panels of 4 to 27 mm thickness Ø 24 mm hatch body
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CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Chiusura a scrocco con maniglia a filo Hatch lock with flush handle Dimensioni: 60 x 34 mm Adatta a cassetti e ad ante armadi spessore minimo 18 mm Hatch lock with flush handle Overall size: 60 x 34 mm Suitable for drawers and wardrobe - minimum thickness18 mm
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FLUSH LINE Design: Giangi 8004 Flush Lock E una chiusura universale che resta quasi a filo del pannello dove viene installata. E adatta a cassetti e mobili in genere, si apre con un movimento molto dolce (basta premere il pulsante su un'estremita o tirare dall'altra) e offre un buon appiglio per cassetti o ante piu pesanti. Per pannelli di diverso spessore (dai 4 ai 27 mm) non necessita di adattatori a parte. Il kit comprende corpo chiusura (pulsante, corpo filettato, rondella e dado) e scontro. Pulsante personalizzabile con inserto in madreperla in diversi colori oppure con l'incisione di...
Open the catalog to page 13
CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Soft Close Flush Lock Soft Close Flush Lock meccanismo di chiusura per cassetti dotati di guida soft close, e pomolo ovale. locking device for soft close driven drawers with oval knob Video
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CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Flush Flush Lock Flush Flush Lock chiusura universale per mobili in acciaio inossidabile e cornice ovale, con st.st. universal cabinet lock with oval frame and sea gull tail handle maniglia featuring the same award winning mechanism of all flush lock line
Open the catalog to page 15
CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES Flush Flush Lock Flush Flush Lock chiusura universale per mobili in acciaio inossidabile e cornice rettangolare, con maniglia incassata a coda di gabbiano e lo stesso meccanismo di tutta la linea Flush Lock st.st. universal cabinet lock with rectangular frame and sea gull tail handle featuring the same award winning mechanism of all flush lock line
Open the catalog to page 16
CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES chiusura universale per mobili in acciaio inossidabile, con maniglia incassata e lo stesso meccanismo di tutta la linea Flush Lock st.st. universal cabinet lock with recessed handle featuring the same award winning mechanism of all flush lock line
Open the catalog to page 17
CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES 800480Cabinet Flush Lock Cabinet Flush Lock meccanismo di chiusura per ante mobili, pomolino di chiusura a rotazione cabinet locking mechanism and thumb turn flush lock design “flush lock design”
Open the catalog to page 18
CHIUSURE MOBILI E CASSETTI CABINETS AND DRAWERS LOCKS AND LATCHES chiusura universale per mobili in acciaio inossidabile, con maniglia incassata e lo stesso meccanismo di tutta la linea Flush Lock , design lineare , presa e confort massimizzati st.st. universal cabinet lock with recessed handle featuring the same award winning mechanism of all flush lock line with improved grip, minimalistic design, and maximized comfort
Open the catalog to page 19All Razeto & Casareto catalogs and brochures
118 Pages
11 Pages
Catalogo completo
170 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
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1 Pages
1 Pages
Sans Souci
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3 Pages
Button Latch
2 Pages
Suitable on thin doors
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1 Pages
Lock with 2 screws m5x75 mm
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Bottom lock for double doors
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Shower Lock
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4 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
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13 Pages
1 Pages
Flush lock
1 Pages
2 Pages
flush 3 lock cartolina
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1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
catalogue 2013
166 Pages
water tight door
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various lcks
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furnishing accessories
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61 Pages