Catalog excerpts

Custom designed and made stern gear You name it, we design it. Thrusters Azimuth, Deckmounted, Retractable and tunnel ones. Poseidon Silent Thrust Propeller We are very proud on this unique PSTP! Propellers Custom made and manufactured in any kind of material. Pegasus seals In and outboard shaft seals. Orion Thrustblock and flexible couplings. Nozzles Fixed and steerable with great advantages. Poseidon rudders Fishtail, non metallic wing and rudder tubes. Stern tubes Poseidon oil lubricated. HELLO Poseidon Propulsion B.V. is your trusted address with more than 30 years of experience in the...
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CUSTOM DESIGNED & MADE STERN GEAR We design and manufactures custom designed standard stern gear and rudder installations. What can you expect from Poseidon: and what is possible: • each component designed in 3D (Hypermill) • shaft and rudder systems manufactered in any type and material • by any classification society provided • torsion vibration calculations, axial whirling • total installation of the equipment • inspection of the installed installation and alignment. The entire design and manufacturing is done in close collaboration with the client, the shipyard and the d
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AZIMUTH THRUSTERS The name Azimuth comes from the horizontal celestial coordinate system. The azimuth coordinate is the horizontal angle around the horizon. An azimuth thruster is a steerable thruster that also turns in a 360 degrees angle around a horizontal bearing construction. Poseidon brand Azimuth thrusters are often used for main propulsion. They are available from 60kW to 2900kW. Every individual thruster system can be optimized for vessel speed or for maximum bollard thrust. Azimuth thrusters are available in Z-drive configuration with direct diesel engine drive or in L-drive...
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TUNNEL THRUSTERS For save and easy mooring, support during fishing and operation under dynamic positioning, tunnel thrusters are a good technical and economical solution. The Poseidon tunnel thrusters can be installed as bow thruster or stern thruster in the transverse direction of the hull. We can supply electric motor driven, hydraulic motor driven and diesel engine driven tunnel thrusters from 20kW to 2900kW. The tunnel structures can be manufacterd in steel, aluminium or FRP depending on vessel hull material. A full plug & play electric driven package consists out of a tunnel thruster...
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P OSEIDON S ILENT T HRUSTER P ROPELLER Poseidon has an unique propeller in her portfolio! A cavitation free bowtruster propeller. This propeller will create no yelling annoying noises! And so your tunnel thruster will be silent. The Poseidon Silent Thruster Propeller (PSTP) is manufactured either in aluminium, bronze or stainless steel. Any diameter is possible. The PSTP can also made suitable for any existing thruster. The PSTP sure will give no worse trust performance then ordinary propellers. Even better! As they do not cavitate. We have advanced software to make required proper...
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PROPELLERS & CPP BLADES Our custom designed and made propellers are all calculated and 3-D designed in house. The production of our custom propellers take place in approved foundries. Propellers can be produced for ice class applications and extreme working conditions. To design the suitable application, we carefully will consider: • Number of blades • Blade shape • Blade area • Skew C A P T I O N H E• E OTAT E M P O R E S E N T U N T R Rake • XCCambers and hubbCO N PERI QUIAS E EPERUM ILIS SU
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PEGASUS SEALS The Pegasus seal meets the modern high quality standards and are developed for applications where NO leaking is allowed. Shaft sizes from 50 up to 300 mm (2”up to 12”). : PEGASUS SEAL Poseidon designs and manufacturers a serie of special shaft seals. They are available for water, oil and grease lubricated applications. Water and grease also as a closed loop system. They can be integrated in any system for any type of vessel. We can supply them with special coated wearing lines, stand by seals, automatic greasers, integraded zinc anode plugs etc. P E R I Q U I A S The seals U M...
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O R I O N T H R U S T B LO C K O R I O N T H R U S T B LO C K Poseidon has a serie of thrust blocks: Heracles and Orion series. stern gear and rudder installations. What can you We designs and manufactures custom designed and standerdThese thrust blocks makes that the propeller thrust does not has to be absorb what gearbox/engine mounts. This creates a quieter and smoother propulsion system. expect from Poseidon: andby the is possible: These units are availabledesigned up3D (Solid kW application. They are always used in combination with flexible • each component from 10 in to 3000 Edge)...
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O R I O N T HE X I S T B LOO U P L I N G O R Ihas a N of flexible couplings:L E C C Kseries. O serie F L R U B Poseidon and Orion Poseidon These couplings make that the propeller shaft is mounted flexible on gearbox/engine units while passing on thrust. We designs and manufactures custom designed and standerd stern gear and rudder installations. What can you It creates a smoother ride. expect from Poseidon: and what is possible: Alternativelycomponent designed in 3D (Solid Edge) • each when a thrustblock is used these couplings does not has to be absorb by the thrust. This creates an even...
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F IR IE D & H T E E R A B L E N O Z Z L E S O X has aN of steel andU S T Bnozzles for yachts and commercial vessels. Depending on the O serie T S R polyurethane LO C K Poseidon We designs and power, vessel displacement and application, Poseidon will and rudder installations.type of nozzle. vessel, installed manufactures custom designed and standerd stern gear recommend the correct What can you expect from Poseidon: and what is possible: The most important results and reasons to use a nozzle are: • Upeach component designed in reductionEdge) • to 50% fuel savings and CO2 3D (Solid • Upshaft...
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POSEIDON RUDDERS For R I O N T H R Uand T B LO We manufacture these rudders in any material O any vessel Poseidon can designgoingsupply rudders.C K be arranged to. These can be connectedsuiting S hydraulic systems can the vessel and requirements. With to any We designs and manufactures custom designed and standerd stern gear and rudder installations. What can you expect autopilot and integrated in any Dynamic Positioning System. from Poseidon: and what is possible: Fishtail rudders: These fishtailcomponent designed in 3D (Solidin combination with the fixed nozzle. They can also be used with...
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