Catalog excerpts
Defining Excellence
Open the catalog to page 11515 Southeast 16th Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 881 Production Plaie, Newpon Beach, California 92663 in/Cover Photos Ficfiard GiMon / N-Seas. Ine Email: pompanette@pompanette.
Open the catalog to page 2FIGHTING CHAIRS International - Tournament Series 2 -10 Ewieme. Jiimöo and Large -130 Pound Class 2 • 6 Pound Class "Warrior" 8 Pound Class "SMUT 9 Tournament Series FISHING CHAIRS Portable and Peimatiem Mounted Cockpit Fishing Chairs 11 - LADDER BACK HELMSEATS International - Tournament Series 14-17 PLATINUM HELMSEATS Standard and Narrow Width Platinum 19 - 20 S 22 DIVERSE HELMSEATS Pompanetle Upholstered and Removable Cushion 26 - 27 Removable Cushion Bench 28 F DOT REST. PEDESTAL ANO QUAD BASES Helmseal. Fighting Chair, and Rocket Launcher Pedestals 30 Table Mount Pedestals 29 - 30...
Open the catalog to page 3Pom pa net (e oilers two distinctive fighting chair linos: The International Series and Tournament Series. Although, both styles are identical dimensionally and share the same structural integrity, the manufacturing processes are very different. The traditional International line of chairs is hand crafted nul of the finest leak woods available, while the "Low - Maintenance" Tournament Series chairs are constructed oui of an injection molded engineering grade resin. Both < hair lines share the same undeni- able integrity, the same traditional styling and tl* <arne quality hardware U16L...
Open the catalog to page 4The Kick E-Z offset Pedestal constructed from heavy 4" 316 L MainleM steel Willi Delrin bearing systems on both ends. The pipe is hydraulically bent, eliminating seams or welds for improved appearance and strength. With the assistance oí" Captain t'eler tí. Wright. Pompanerte has developed an offset pedestal that has improved the "fish- ahrlitv" ni tofl.iv'1. I<tr|;cr ■.ixirt-TÏshim; le^elv Tin.' i imibiria- tioii ut Inni linn driven < uni epK and inlc^ïlv IMVII engineer- ing has generated a Iruly unique oir sei [H.fle'tal. The key to this innovative design is the indexing lui kim; position...
Open the catalog to page 5INT1010 International Jumbo Teak Fighi Chair with an optional INÏ4555 Reverse Rocket Launcher Large Standard Fighting Chair with a painted seat board. Pompanette fighting chairs come standard with a straight, flush mount pedestal system. Offset Pedestals are offered as an option on all 130 pound class chairs to accommodate larger vessels with wide beams. A wide variety of rocket launcher options are available as a replacement for the standard ladder back. Chair mounted rocket launchers provide a convenient means for additional, centralized rod storage and work space. The International line...
Open the catalog to page 6130-pound class fighling chair seal assembly Through boll Cast Stainless Steel Hardware. pedestal is a standard feature on Helm seats (Ottered as an class Tournament Series Fighting Chairs). Pompanette's 130-pound class fighting chairs are not iust beautiful works oí art. Our fighting chairs have been meticulously engineered to ensure that anglers (of any size) have the maximum amount of leverage when fighting larger game fish. The many adjustments available on Pompanette chairs are designed to aid and assist the angler and provide every advantage Adjustable Squeeze-Pin Flip Up- Gimbal...
Open the catalog to page 7Proven Tournament i\ niner\ PI impanelled full N/f I li <-\* imi I rï.nhîiriH i are available in three sizes: Entreme 2S-inches seal, lombo 23-Jndl MM, and Lar«e 21-inch seal. All three Full-Size (hairs share the enact same hardware, footrest assembly, arm hoard assemblies, and bai kresls. I lie various sizes diller only in seal depili and width. When spare is not a consideration larger seats are rii onimendixl allowing tor comfortable usi' )lded configurations. iteli Full-Size lighting chair features: ■Sizes Extreme. Jumbo and Large. (Ml widths 25". 23', and 21") 'Seat Board...
Open the catalog to page 8Small in slature but large in perform- ance. Pompanette's 130-pound Small fighting chair was designed to modale vc~M'K « i I li I ini i li'il i ta kpil space .ind still fx- able to handle the rig ors of unlimited c lass big game angling, Equipped with the same stainless steel hardware package as the larger ] 30 pound chairs, the Small differs in thai it has iieen si aled down featuring a smaller seat board, laddei Iwc k, and loot rest assembly. Available in the traditional teak molded configurations. 130 pound class Small lighting chair features: •Sla: Small 20" wide seat board ^^^^^ '...
Open the catalog to page 9Rated to handle tackle up to 81) pounds, this line of chairs offers Ihe same features as Ihe 130-pound class chairs but it substitutes the large diameter stainless steel pedestal and stainless steel hardware with a 2 7/8" aluminum pedestal and bright dip, anodized aluminum hardware. It's light weight and small turning radius make it the perfect choice for smaller vessels with limited cockpit space. Available In traditional leak or low maintenance injection molded styles 80 pound class Fighting Chair features: • 20 "Com pos ¡le fiberglass seat with structurally imbedded. integral bell system...
Open the catalog to page 10Rated to h.indls' tackle up ir> Hi) (hjunds, this line of chairs offers the same feature* as the 1.10-pound class chairs bul it substitutes the large diameter stainless steel |M'd<' and stainless steel hardware with a 2 7/8" alu- minum pedestal and bright dip anodized aluminum hardware. It's liRht vven;h1 and small turning radius make it the perfect choice for smaller vessels with limited cock- pit space. Available in traditional teak or low mainte- nance injection molded styles. 80 pound class Fighting Chair le a tu res: • 20~Composite fiberglass seat with siticiurally imbedded,...
Open the catalog to page 11Rut kei Launi hers have evolved into ont- of the mo-a important pieces or equipment on today's s|iortii<hing vc«ck. Koi kct Launchers provide .1 tenlraliml lot .ilion in whit h anglers i an ninniti>i multiple rod- ,il one time. Pompartene rot Iset launi lier mm ^mations range trom the J-iml pedinai mounl launi her In an intrii ate I O-nul I hair monili design. Custom rotkei launchers can be made (n accommodate almost any request. Pedestal-mount Rocket launchers are tree standing units that are securely fastened to the cockpit sole by means oí a flush mount deck plate. The...
Open the catalog to page 12All Pompanette catalogs and brochures
Pompanette brochure
8 Pages