Catalog excerpts

Plascore Composites Plascore Board™ WEIGHT Performance Comparison 3.0 2.5 PP Honeycomb 5.0 pcf with 0/90 Fiberglass-PP Skin FLEXURAL RIGIDITY Aluminum Honeycomb 3.6 pcf with .020" Aluminum lbs-in2 / inch width 2 / inch width lbs-in FLEXURAL RIGIDITY *Data obtained through testing in accordance with ASTM C393/C 393M-06 at a Four-Point, 0 Quarter-Point Loading configuration and span of 20" @ 3" width, except .25”T @ 1.5" width. PP5.0-30 AA3.6-80 AA5.2-95 Aluminum Honeycomb 5.2 pcf with 0.018" Glass-Epoxy Plascore Board™ is a lightweight, structural composite sandwich panel designed to add strength to primary and secondary structures ... while saving time and reducing labor on the production floor. Plascore Board is manufactured to tight tolerances and is easy to cut, shape and drill. Available in a range of honeycomb cores with performance facings, Plascore Board offers an exceptionally high strength-to-weight ratio, making these value-added panels an ideal substitute for Plywood in applications where weight reduction is required. PP Honeycomb 4.0 pcf with .059" Okume Plywood FLEXURAL RIGIDITY Designed to add value in OEM Product manufacturing, Plascore Board panels are available cut to a 140000 custom size or shape, or in a standard sheet size of 48" x 96" in a thickness of ½", ¾" and 1". FLEXURAL RIGIDITY PP5.0-90 PP Honeycomb 5.0 pcf with .014" Glass-Epoxy with Peel Ply Plascore, Inc., employs a quality management system that is AS/EN/JISQ 9100, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 certified. (lb/ft2) per inch width inch width (lb/ft2) per IMPORTANT NOTICE: The information contained in these materials regarding Plascore’s products, processes, or equipment, is intended to be up to date, accurate, and complete. However, Plascore cannot TP 0/90 100000 140000 warrant that this is always the case. Accordingly, it is a purchaser’s or user’s responsibility to perform sufficient testing and evaluation to determine the suitability of Plascore’s products for a particular AA3.6-80 purpose. Information in these materials and product specifications does not constitute an offer to sell. Your submission of an order to Plascore constitutes an offer to purchase which, if accepted by Plascore, shall be subject to Plascore’s terms and conditions of sale. PLASCORE MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND REGARDING THESE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING AA5.2-95 80000 120000 WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Plascore owns and shall retain all worldwide rights in its intellectual property, and any other trademarks used in these materials are the property of their respective owners. The information in these materials shall not be construed PP4.0-85 as an inducement, permission, or recommendation to infringe any patent or other intellectual property rights of any third parties. 60000 TP 0/90 PP5.0-90 100000 Corporate Headquarters © 2012 Plascore, Inc. All Rights Reserved. v06.12 0 Plascore Incorporated 615 N. Fairview St. Zeeland, MI 49464-0170 Phone Toll Free Fax Email Web Plascore GmbH&CoKG Feldborn 6 PP5.0-90 D-55444 Waldlaubersheim OSB Plywood Germany PP4.0-85 Plywood Multi-Ply
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PAHD-XR1 5052
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PC2 Polycarbonate Honeycomb
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