Catalog excerpts

About Parker Parker Poland Sp.z o.o. is a wholly owned subsidiary of A.H.Parker & Sons (Gt. Britain) Ltd. and has an enviable reputation as one of the major producers of RIBs (Rigid Inflatable Boats) and GRP boats in Poland. It is accredited with AQAP 2120-2009 and ISO 9001:2008 and has supplied large numbers of RIBs to the quality-conscious commercial market and to leisure users. Parker RIBs are used in many countries by organizations such as Special Forces, Anti-terrorist Units, Army, Navy, Fishery Protection, Customs, Border Guards, Police, Fire Departments, Coast Guards and SAR...
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The Ostroda plant also uses computer controlled multi axis milling machinery for the manufacture of plugs and tooling, ensuring maximum precision and top quality finish. There’s an indoor tank for full pre-delivery testing. The ever-increasing popularity of Parker RIBs with leisure users, rescue services and other professionals both in Poland and elsewhere in the world provides undeniable proof of Parker quality and reliability. An extensive network of overseas dealers (see website for current list) ensures an expert and professional service to Parker clients wherever they are. Parker RIBs...
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The smallest of the Parker range, the 510 packs a lot into its length. A deep V hull provides a smooth, dry ride and the deep interior of the craft ensures that occupants are secure when the going gets tough. Top quality 'Hypalon' fabric is used for the 0.45m diameter tubes which - combined with excellent build quality - makes the Parker 510 a tough, no nonsense outboard-propelled all-rounder.
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Technical Data Length (overall) Internal length Tube material Beam (overall) Beam internal Single outboard installation Tube diameter Twin outboard installation Stainless steel under deck tank Recommended inboard diesel Wheelhouse Cabin Maximum persons
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The Parker 650 is an upgrade of the very popular Parker 630 model and is available with either single or twin outboards or diesel inboard. The latest super economical and lightweight Mercury Diesel QSD 2.0 (150 or 170HP) with the Alpha One or Bravo 1 sterndrive, Smartcraft Engine Management and Digital Throttle and Shift levers is proving incredibly popular. It achieves in the region of 36/38 knots, yet burns as little as 8 litres per hour at a comfortable cruising speed of 28 knots. The 650 has one of the smoothest and driest rides of any RIB under 7m and is equally at home as a...
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Technical Data Length (overall) Internal length Tube material Beam (overall) Beam internal Single outboard installation Tube diameter Twin outboard installation 2 x Mercury 60 HP 4 stroke 2 x Mercury 90 ELPTO 2 stroke Stainless steel under deck tank Recommended stern drive diesel Wheelhouse Cabin Maximum persons
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The Parker 680 Jet was specially designed for Parker RIBs by world-renowned UK naval architect Adam Younger. Parker specified the length of the craft and propulsion package (water jet only was required). The performance on the initial trials surprised us all. A speed of 40knots was achieved with superb sea keeping qualities. This model is ideal for shallow coastal water operations or for lakes and rivers. It is the perfect boat for Military and Navy use, search and rescue applications, Harbour Patrol, Police and Maritime Security work with or without cabin. The range is being extended with a...
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Technical Data Length (overall) 6,80 (m) Tube diameter 0,36 (m) at bow, Internal length 6,30 (m) 0,46 at stern to midships Beam (overall) 2,75 (m) Number of chambers 5 Beam internal 1,83 (m) Tube material Hypalon Dry weight 1300kg Stainless steel under 150(L) Recommended inboard Mercury Diesel DTI 3.0 (265HP) ^ec^ tan'< diesel with gearbox and water jet drive Wheelhouse Cabin Yes Maximum persons 12 CE certification Yes, Category B
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Tough and capable, designed for twin engine installation, the Baltic models are now very much established in the Parker RIB range and are offered to the professional, commercial and military markets where strength, space and seaworthiness are the priority. The superb handling features of the successful RS range have been incorporated into this larger and stronger design to provide the ultimate in offshore use. With its substantial beam the 750 Baltic easily carries two large outboards or twin Mercury Diesel QSD 2.0 diesel stern drives or single QSD 4.2 and her 58cm diameter buoyancy tubes...
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Technical Data Length (overall) Internal length Tube material Hypalon ORCA Beam (overall) Beam internal Single stern drive installation Tube diameter Twin outboard installation Stainless steel under deck tank Recommended stern drive diesel Wheelhouse Cabin Maximum persons
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This performance craft offers one of the most comfortable rides offshore by utilizing an ultra-deep 'V' hull. This produces the most predictable, best handling and most capable RIB of this size. There is no slamming effect; the RS just cuts into the waves like a "knife into butter". The Parker 750RS range is for those who put performance, comfort and safety above all else. Whether extended cruising with Mercury diesels or blasting around at 40+ knots with the economical Mercury Optimax or Verado four-stroke outboards, the Parker 750RS will satisfy the most demanding owners.
Open the catalog to page 12
Technical Data Length (overall) Internal length Tube material Hypalon ORCA Beam (overall) Beam internal Single outboard installation Tube diameter Twin outboard installation Stainless steel under deck tank Recommended inboard diesel Wheelhouse Cabin Maximum persons
Open the catalog to page 13
Tough and capable, designed for twin engine installation, the Parker 900 Baltic is well established in the Parker range and is offered equally to the commercial, military, Sea Safari and leisure markets where strength, space and seaworthiness are the priority. The best handling features have been incorporated into this large and strong design that is ideal for offshore use. With its substantial beam the 900 Baltic carries two large outboards or single diesel stern drive while its 58cm diameter buoyancy tubes provide safety and fendering in heavy conditions. With an exceptionally high flared...
Open the catalog to page 14All Parker Poland catalogs and brochures
catalogue Parker light
36 Pages
catalogue Parker dark
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Parker P690DC
2 Pages
Catalogue serie C
24 Pages
Catalogue serie P
32 Pages
Parker 770 Weekend
2 Pages
Catalogue Parker 660 & 800
24 Pages
Parker 660 Open
2 Pages
Catalogue Parker Cruiser
16 Pages