Catalog excerpts

OMC-406 to be fitted into OMC-422 anti-radiation shield OMC-448 to be fitted into OMC-449 Thermowell OMC-4XX Temperature Sensors The Temperature humidity range consists of several sensors and accessories, for measuring air temperature, sea water temperature and relative humidity. As standard Combined temperature and humidity sensor an OMC-406 is used for measurement of temperature and High accuracy humidity. This sensor is supplied with two 4..20 mA out-puts and should be mounted into a radiation shield. When only air temperature is required the OMC-443 may be applied. This sensor is also used on board ships for sea water Temperature sensor temperature. In this last case the sensor is mounted into a High accuracy (A class) the sea water inlet using a thermowell. On request Eex sensors are available. Multiplate radiation shield Used for air temperature and/or humidity measurement The Observator range is in continuous development and so specifications may be subject to change with
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General OMC-406 The air temperature and humidity probe OMC-406 provides accurate and precise measurements of both temperature and humidity in two 4...20 mA outputs. The temperature sensor within this probe is a Pt100 element while the principle of humidity measurement is based on a capacitive measuring device. OMC443/448 The air temperature sensor OMC-443/448 provides an accurate measurement of temperature using a Pt100 sensing element. A build-in amplifier is provided with a 4.20 mA output. This corresponds with -40 to +60 deg. C. Other range -30 to +70 deg. C. is available on request. The...
Open the catalog to page 2All Observator GmbH catalogs and brochures
Visi-Plus Cassette (CS/CL)
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Visi-Plus Light Extra
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Visi-Plus Light
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OMC-115 WindSonic
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OMC-210-2 Rain Gauge
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Brochure MET-LINK
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Brochure OMC-140
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Brochure OMC-160-3
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