Catalog excerpts

Datasheet OMC-160-3 Wind Speed & Direction Sensor Features • High accuracy sensor • Contact free sensing elements • High reliability in every environment • All exposed parts in Stainless steel • RS422 NMEA0183 output • Cable length up to 1000 m (4 core) • Heated option available (OMC-163) • Alignment and status LED's in junction box The popular and often used wind sensor OMC-160-3 is a combined wind speed and direction sensor, based on the cup and vane principle. Having chosen for the highest quality stainless steel materials and internal non-contact measuring devices, this sensor stands for a long life time, having the highest accuracies within both the low range as well as the high range wind speeds. This sensor is commonly used within the shipping and offshore industry but can also be found on many airfields, container terminals and harbours, along highways and on bridges. The Observator range is in continuous development and so specifications may be subject to change without prior notice.
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Data summary The OMC-160-3 comprises a combined in-line wind speed Power requirements and wind direction sensor. The system is robust, corrosion resistive and easy to install. The wind speed sensor is a rotary-cup type, made UV resistant high quality polycarbonate. The wind direction sensor is a wind vane type, made from stainless steel. Dimensions, as per sketch The wind sensor is supplied with a RS422 NMEA0183 output. Output frequency standard 4 Hz. Option 1 Hz. • Mounting pole with two clamps for pole 35-60 mm dia Baudrate standard 4800 option 9600. Enviromental The wind sensor comes...
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