Catalog excerpts

CRAFT CANOE Suotr Nova Blu*St««t Anotar K»vlar/S>»ctro Photo by Nova Crait Canot Huida Boyau* Liant Photo by Nova Craft Canot A lew words from Tim Millet, President Nova Cratt Canoe Patitile fi'ie Irue North It's been 20 years since my business partners Pat and Zoltan and I did what some of our friends thought was a crazy idea - to purchase Nova Craft Canoe. Back then the world was our oyster and Nova Craft had a reputation for quality designs and boats, although mostly within the London, Ontario area. I still remember the odd look on my cousin's face when I told him about my new business...
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The classic lines ol Itiis canoe hide Ihe modern innovations incorporated into Ihe hull design. While il siili looks like a traditional canoe trom every angle, it has an asymmetrical hull lhal Improves speed. The rocker is mostly straight along the keel and raising noticeably just at ihe ends. This makes it easy to track In a straighl line while providing manoeuverability when you need it. This is a versatile family canoe that people can grow into. Beginners will find the stability and as paddlers become more advanced they will appreciate Ihe (aster hull and easy glide. » shallow arch •...
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[PROSPECTOR SERIES" The Prospecta 15 is a scaled-down version of our larger Prospectors that's faithful to the original lines in every way. You get all the great handling features that make the Prospector a paddling legend in a package that's a bit smaller and more responsive. The P15 is an ideal choice for paddlers who want a tripping boat but don't need the extra volume. Its extra responsiveness also makes the P15 a fun tandem playboat. * shallow arch The cargo capacity of the Prospector 18 model can only be described as massive. The Prospector lines produce a canoe that feels deceptively...
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The Supernova was designed as the ideal solution ¡or the paddler who loves lo do solo wilderness river Irips. While the Supernova hull characteristics do what you'd expeci from a white water boat - like keep you dry and effortlessly surf a wave - where you really appreciate Ihe canoe Is Ihe Hat water sections in between the frothy stufi. The Supernova would be most appreciated by experienced paddlers who enjoy messing around in rapids. Even though il comes lo lile in the rough stulf, it retains enough of a quiet nature Inai it won't feel out of place for a casual paddle on the local pond....
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Umqu* Infusion System Our unique, high-tech Infusion System. adapted trom the aerospace industry, otters distinct advantages over traditional boat building systems' • Eliminates human error • Drastically reduces the number of blemishes * Dramatically improves production efficiency • Produces stronger, higber quality laminates • Reduces excess resin in the laminate • Has tar less gas emissions (a plus for tbe * And produces belter, more consistent boats. Today, Nova Craft Canoe is tbe only boat builder using this unique process on every laminate canoe we make. It costs us more to produce...
Open the catalog to page 6All Nova Craft catalogs and brochures
NOVA CRAFT CANOE Catalogue_2013
16 Pages
12 Pages