Catalog excerpts
For quick and efficient location of your gear -
Open the catalog to page 1Every Year Fishers World-wide Lose Millions in Lost Fishing Gear! Have you ever stopped to consider how much money you've spent replacing lost fishing gear? How much valuable time and fuel costs you've wasted trying to locate your fishing gear during foggy or adverse weather If you are like most fishers, loss of time and money as part of the price of doing business. However, these enormous costs need not Professionally engineered, Gearfinder will quickly and efficiently locate your fishing gear during day-to- whenever your gear should become lost. worldwide. Ruggedly built from the highest...
Open the catalog to page 2You Need Not Incur These Enormous Costs Any Longer! • Turn the master switch to • Press the up-down keys digits that are your unique identification number; then begin the search process. Immediately data will unit's screen in both graphic and digital formats. Once you receive a signal from your underwater gear, range will be automatically depth, press the "C range" observing range changes. Gearfinder System • Helps you reduce gear • Speeds up gear recovery effective retrieval system fishing operations • Follows responsible fishing practices
Open the catalog to page 3All Notus Electronics catalogs and brochures
Echo for Shrimp Detection
8 Pages
Mantis Trawl Sounder
5 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages
TM Notus System Trawlmaster
20 Pages
Command Center
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
2 Pages
4 Pages
16 Pages
Trawl Door Metrics Sensors
2 Pages
Trawl Bottom Contact Sensor
2 Pages