Catalog excerpts

Dispersants Dispersant Application ScorSpray Arms The ScorSpray Arms are a portable dispersant applicant system that utilizes spray arms to deploy dispersant from multiple nozzles in a systematic, swath approach. The system deploys neat and concentrated chemical dispersants at an output up to 150 lpm depending on the needs of the operation at hand. A portable, diesel-driven pump controls the application of the dispersant. The system is comprised of two aluminium arms that are easily assembled and can be outfitted on a vessel or work platform. Each arm is equipped with four nozzles situated on drop pipes that deploy the dispersant in a swath spray pattern. TECHNICAL DATA The effective swath of one arm is 5.2m with an effective spray pattern greater than 10m in length. The system consists of a diesel engine, a diaphragmatic pump, eductor set, spraying arms with nozzles and a hose set. The air-cooled, Yanmar diesel engine employs a recoil starter. The engine drives a reduction unit, EU-made Comet diaphragmatic pump with a capacity up to 135 lpm. An eductor is fitted on the pump discharge for the dilution of concentrate dispersant when required, with a dispersant to seawater dilution rate up to 25% . KEY FEATURES: • Adjustable up to 150 lpm dispersant deployment • Dual arm system • Swath of 5.2 m per arm (adjustable) • Spray pattern >10 m • Can be outfitted to a variety of vessels EQUIPMENT OPTIONS: Dispersant Spray Arms/Nozzle Pumps Hoses • 2 x 10 m for dispersant delivery • 1 x 3 m hose for dispersant intake • 1 x 1” sea water suction hose • Quick-connectors
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