Catalog excerpts
TV€ 8€€N ON TH6 RIVCA UJH6N IT WAS SO LOW THAT ALL TH6 OTHCR BOATS W6R6 PARKED, AND l‘V€ 8€€N ON IT WH6N TH6 RAPIDS K€PT 6VCRVONC AWAV... THIS THING'S GACAT!" RON MUND6LL, LAfAV€TT€, INDIANA, USA Whether the surface is water, mud. ice, sand, shallows, sand bars or mud flats, the Hovertrek will get you there. Its uses are as diverse as its users, and include: - exploring remote areas - Fishing anywhere - including on ice - Sight-seeing Racing - Bird / Wildlife watching - Cruising - Hunting Accessing water where there Is no boat dock MV HOVCRTRCK RCSCUe KCCPS MC ABOVC TH€ DANG6R, NOTIN IT..." TV WeAVCR, CCNTeRVILLC, VIRGINIA, USA With its specially buoyant foam ond anti tip hull, the Hovertrek Rescue is a stable work platform, on or off-cushion. Its uses include: Victim retrieval over ice, flood water, mud flats, wetlands-bogs, marshes, swift water, shallows, tidal regions, etc. Dive team recovery missions flood Patrol assessment ond management Wildlife retrieval from ice. mud, gold tailings -ponds at mining sites "...ITS PAID TOR ITSar AND IT'S DONC 6V6RVTHING VOU SAID IT WOULD. IT CARRIES THC PRVLOAD AND G6TS TH6 BAGS OT SHRIMP OUT TO OUR WAITING BOATS/' MARK 8AN, SALT CR€6K INC., GR6AT SAIT LAKC, UTAH, USA Its obi I i ty to troversc o vost number of surfaces, and to provide o secure, multi-functional work platform, make the Hovertrek a real work horse. To date it has been used for a multitude of tasks such as: www. neoteri chovercro www. rescuehovercraft. com Military services Port Authorities Rgriculturol Spraying T.V. and film companies Survey work Drug enforcement Forestation Mosquito abatement environmental Testing Oil spill clean-up
Open the catalog to page 1There is no vehicle compotoble to o hovercraft • especiollv Neoteric's Hovertrek. Confidently. you fly just Inches obove the ground, gliding over the woter or ice to explore sholtows. morshes. sond bors. ond mud Hots • distorting nothing In oreos unreochoble by other meons. Vour perception of vuork ond ploy ore forever chonged. fit Neoteric, you don't just buy o versotile sport, wilderness ond utility vehlde. but over 40 years of solid research ond development. unsurpassed engineering ond design, os well os free training from the most experienced drivers in the business. €very Neoteric...
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Escape the ordianry
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