Catalog excerpts

Dynamic Positioning Systems
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NavDP 4000 Series - The Professional's Choice Navis Engineering OY, founded in 1992, is one of the few world experts in dynamic positioning. Having supplied DP systems for more than 400 vessels in 12 years, Navis is recognized as a reliable provider of "turn-key" solutions for high quality Dynamic Positioning Systems. High efficiency, a profound understanding of every customer's needs as well as global market trends, combined with the outstanding quality, reliability and simplicity of the systems - this is what our company stands for. Sharing experience - Navis Engineering is a member of...
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The Navis NavDP4000 series system is fully flexible in configuration de- sign and can be supplied as a stand-alone or integrated solution tailored to the specific needs of every customer, be it a high-end newbuilding or Having a lot of retrofit projects in our reference list, we always find the optimal solution to ensure the best results in any given situation. The modular architecture of the Navis NavDP 4000 Series allows for in- tegration with various types of propulsion/thruster and power manage- ment systems. The sensors and reference system are selected according to Class rules and...
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This section provides an overview of selected features of the Navis NavDP 4000 Series design. Since the functionality and system design of DP systems is largely dictated by Class requirements, this document is not intended to list all the features available in our system ADVANCED ERGONOMIC DESIGN Alongside the standard NavDP 4000 Series workstation console, we can offer our new integrated DP control chair solution for high-end newbuildings with the set of func- tionality fitted to the operator's needs. Both solutions have been designed following Det Norske Veritas (DNV) rules and using...
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THRUST ABILITY DIAGRAM Navis Engineering has developed unique functionality in Dynamic Positioning Systems. For a particular thruster configuration, the Thrust Ability Diagram shows in real time all possible combinations of control forces in the surge and sway axes for a given value of the rotational control mo- ment and thruster availability and/or al- lowed power load. Since each pair offerees can be consid- ered as a vector, the diagram is a bound- ed set on a plane where every point cor- responds to a particular combination of control forces achievable. This set of forces depends on how...
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In the NavDP4000's Trend View window the operator is able to trace the system performance history for three different sets of parameters at a time. Power / Generator Powers Auto Position Auto Auto Heading Auto Consequence Alarms • Present System Consequence Analysis Window
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SIMULATOR MODE Each Navis' DP system is delivered with a built-in Simulation Mode functionality that provides simulations for operator training, also making it possible to analyze the vessel's performance changes in different environmental conditions. Simulations are performed at the DP system control station (console). No additional equipment is required.The simula- tion mode can only be used when the system is not in use for DP operations. Starting the simulation session, the operator can set the initial conditions (vessel initial speed, heading, latitude and longitude).The environmental...
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AUTOPILOT CONTROL MODE The NavDP 4000 Series is equipped with a built-in fully functional autopilot, which has been type-approved by DNV as a Heading Control System. The Autopilot Mode is used for heading control when the vessel is moving forward. Since it is approved for navigation, it can be used instead of a separate conventional Heading Control System. The compact panel of the Navis AP4000 DNV-approved autopilot can optionally be used in the forward navigation console as a remote control station for the autopilot if an aft-view Independent Joystick System is installed. Alternatively, a...
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System Architecture The range of NavDP4000 confi gurations secures compliance with all the functional and redundancy requirements set by IMO, DNV, BV, LRS, CCS, IRS and RMRS for DP systems of Classes 1-3. An example of Navis NavDP 4022/02 DP system configuration
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Turn-Key Solutions Working in close cooperation with all the major Clas- sification Societies (DNV, ABS, Lloyd's Register, BV), our project team ensures that every system we supply will receive optimum Class approval. The Navis Group provides reliable follow up within a whole project period, which ensures that a customer gets a com- plete turn-key solution. • Initial ship inspection • Project services • Class approval • Logistic support • Crew Training The use of extensive testing allows us to reveal all possible problems and errors which may occur during installation and commissioning....
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Wherever you are on the globe, Navis Engineering offers you a comprehensive package of technical support 24/7 x 365 days a year. The combination of extensive built-in diagnostics, hot-line support, a network of service agents with Navis Engineering certified field service engineers, and our service centers with senior engineers ready to fly to your vessel within 24 hours, no matter where it is located, ensures a timely response to any technical problem. The Navis Service Center in Helsinki provides prompt of service agents and partners to accomplish what needs to be Navis Engineering...
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Navis Singapore Level 28 Gateway East, 152 Beach Road, Singapore, 189721 Tel: +65 6827 5645 Fax: +65 6295 2567 www.navisincontrol.com, sales@navisincontrol.com
Open the catalog to page 12All Navis Engineering Oy catalogs and brochures
Heading Control System
6 Pages
Joystick Control System
9 Pages
Dynamic Positioning Systems
8 Pages
Archived catalogs
Steering Control System
4 Pages
8 Pages
Joystick control system
8 Pages
8 Pages
AP4000 Autopilot
8 Pages
JP4000 Joystick Control System
12 Pages