Catalog excerpts
Nautical Carpentry | Aluminium Bootszimmerei | Carpenteria Nautica a timeless product ein zeitloses Produkt un prodotto senza tempo
Open the catalog to page 1Founded in 1990, the carpentry Cancelli, is present in the field of metal processing for industrial and civil purposes. The machinery and know-how have followed the market evolutions and its requirements, allowing the company to receive in 2013 the CE certificate for the construction of boats. The material therein worked is AL5083, an aluminum alloy particularly suitable for marine environments. In collaboration with an engineering office of ship design, shape is given to hulls for sport and recreational use as well as for working environments. The structure of the hulls is monolithic, of...
Open the catalog to page 3The phases of execution follow one another in: - Project & costs analysis - CAD Prototype Realization - 3D graphic visualization - Customization and calculation - Data transfer for plasma cutting of the alloy - Welding - Accessories predisposition - Painting - Assembly - Trial Die einzelnen Ausführungsphasen erfolgen in aufeinander aufbauenden Schritten: - Planungsanalyse und Kosten - Erstellung eines Prototypen in CAD - Grafische3D Visualisierung - Kundenspezifische Anpassung und Kalkulation - Datenübertragung für die Modelliergröße der Legierung - Schweißarbeit - Vorbereitung des Zubehörs...
Open the catalog to page 5The considerable savings in terms of fuel consumption and maintenance together with an unique strength, makes our boats a timeless product. Sowohl die erhebliche Einsparungen bei den Treibstoffverbrauch und Wartung, sowie die große Robustheit, machen aus unsere Boote ein zeitloses Produkt. Sia il notevole risparmio in termini di consumi e di manutenzione, sia la grande robustezza, fanno delle nostre barche un prodotto senza tempo. Cancelli 19, Cancelli 20, Cancelli 25 FISHERMAN, Cancelli 25 WALKAROUND, FISHMASTER 350 Cancelli 19, Cancelli 20, Cancelli 25 FISHERMAN, Cancelli 25 WALKAROUND,...
Open the catalog to page 7Dealer | Händler |Rivenditore Cancelli Cesare Via Ticino, 18 - 24050 Ghisalba (Bg) - Italy Tel. +39 0363 900432 - Fax +39 0363 942126
Open the catalog to page 8All NAUTICA CANCELLI CESARE catalogs and brochures
8 Pages
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4 Pages
AKES25 open
4 Pages
AKES19 open
4 Pages
AKES25 Walkaround
4 Pages
8 Pages