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MTU_White_Paper_Turbocharging - 1

Key technology for high-performance engines Head of Development Turbocharging, Fuel Injection and Components Ronald Hegner Team Leader, Design of Turbocharging Systems Tobias Mànnle Team Leader, Fluid Dynamics and Therma The performance of an internal combustion engine can be increased by adding tur- bocharging. A turbocharger compresses the air so that more oxygen flows into the combustion chamber. In this way, more fuel is burned and the power output of the engine increases accordingly. The turbocharger is driven by exhaust gas, which makes turbocharged diesel engines very efficient. MTU develops this key technology for high-performance engines in-house. Turbocharger development and production at MTU Turbocharging Is an Integral component of the engine design concept. It shapes the character- istics of the engine more than almost any other system, as It affects Its economy, dynamics and emission characteristics. This Is why turbocharg- tradition of maintaining the expertise for devel- oping and producing Its turbochargers In-house. The range of MTU turbochargers extends across engine power ratings from 400 to 9,100 kW. Turbochargers are purchased for engine designs In which synergy effects with the commercia vehicles sector can be used. The global market for turbochargers Is dominat- ed by car and commercial vehicle applications. By comparison, the number of turbochargers fitted to Industrial engines Is negligible. The re- sult Is that turbocharger manufacturers rarely

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MTU_White_Paper_Turbocharging - 2

produce specialized designs for industrial engine manufactures. Where customers' requirements of the engines are such that they cannot be sat- isfied by purchased turbochargers, MTU devel- ops and produces the turbochargers itself. Taking all engine series into account, MTU pro- duces roughly 50 percent of the turbochargers in-house. The present range of MTU turbo- chargers encompasses five series - the ZRT 12, 1), and is based on a concept of using as many common parts as possible. In the case of the new Series 4000 engine for rail applications with regulated two-stage turbocharging, for...

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MTU_White_Paper_Turbocharging - 3

With variable turbine geometry, the power delivery and response characteristics of the turbocharger can be better adapted to the dynamic engine operating conditions. The exhaust passes over adjustable guides to the turbine blades so that the turbine spools up quickly at low engine speeds and subsequently allows high exhaust Turbocharger with variable turbine geometry (VTG) ings are thermally isolated and, if necessary, water-cooled. To limit the surface temperature, MTU uses a water-cooled impeller blade on highly turbocharged engines, which simultane- ously relieves some of the load on the...

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MTU_White_Paper_Turbocharging - 4

prevented. A common feature of all emissions- reducing technologies is that they diminish the effect of the turbocharging. The Miller proc- ess, exhaust gas recirculation and diesel partic- ulate filter create higher exhaust backpressure; exhaust gas recirculation increases the air mass that has to be delivered to the cylinder. To put it simply, the turbocharger has to compress the air at a higher rate, i.e. it must force more air into the combustion chamber to provide the same amount of oxygen for combustion as before. As research by MTU has shown, the single- stage turbocharging...

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MTU_White_Paper_Turbocharging - 5

Single-stage turbocharging In the case of single-stage turbocharging, the boost pressure for the entire range of engine speeds and oads is generated by a single turbocharger. always switched Sequential single-stage turbocharging In the case of sequential single-stage turbo- charging, individual turbochargers are added sequentially in parallel depending on the engine speed and load by means of valves in the intake Turbocharging: Key technology for high-performance engines I MTU I 5

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MTU_White_Paper_Turbocharging - 6

Sequential two-stage turbocharging Basically speaking, sequential two-stage tur- bocharging operates in the same way as sequential single-stage turbocharging. However, instead of an individual turbocharger in each case, a pair of turbochargers is added or further ETC-groups are switched in "sequential turbocharging" Regulated two-stage turbocharging In the case of regulated two-stage turbocharging, two turbochargers are connected in series. In the system configuration employed by MTU, the exhaust flow from the cylinders is split so that part of it passes through the high-pressure (HP)...

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