Catalog excerpts

MARIN M NE‐4 Q Quad Gas D Detect tor & ABC C A Certific cation n and C Calibr ration Statio on Marine‐4 M 4 Quad G Gas Detec ctor The robust an T nd accurate portable qua ad gas detect tor MARINE‐ ‐4 provides u unrivalled pr rotection in c confined space applications w a with audible and visual a alarms in the e event of exposure to flammable or r toxic gases. . Detecting and D d displaying up to 4 gase es simultaneo ously, MARIN NE‐4 is designed specifically for t d the rigours o of the marine e industry. Pr re‐entry checking of ta c anks, hold an nd void spaces can be ca rried out wit th the intern nal sampling pum mp, and diffu usion operation ensuring g maximum b battery life in n confined spac c ces. M MED “Wheelm marked” for use on all ve essels. Integral samp pling pump – – flexibility fo or pre‐entry into deep anks, holds & & void spaces. ta Pa atented ‘crew w‐safe’ fail s safe sensor t technology. Ro obust constr ruction – bui ilt to last on ships. ABC Cert A tification n & Calibr ration St tation The “A‐B‐ ‐C” Always‐B Be‐Calibrated d certificatio n / calibratio on station creates se ecure tampe er‐proof digit tal on board records of tests to show w that the p portable gas detectors ar re routinely maintained and calibrate ed. These dig gital records are available e for easy vie ewing on scr reen or printing in a secur re PDF forma at. Because t the detector rs are stored and charged d in the “A‐B‐ ‐C” Always‐B Be‐Calibrated d certification n / calibratio on station wh hen not in use e, this provid des 100% gua aranteed saf fety perform mance and peace of mind. Martek M Marine Ltd Adwick Park Rotherha am ● South Yorkshire S63 5AB ● ● UK safe system – 100% safe ety assurance e and peace of mind. Fail‐s ‘Bum mp’ tests det tectors in only 1 minute ‐ delivering 100% safety y assur rance and pe eace of mind d. Auto omatic calibr ration at the end of calib bration inter rval & after failed d bump test t –100% safety assurance e. Auto omatically pr roduces tamper‐proof ca alibration ce ertificate accep ptable to Cla ass & Flag. www.martek‐m marine.com info@martek‐m marine.com
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Specifications Marine‐4 Quad Gas Detector Size: Weight (with pump): Weight (without pump): Reset supply distance: Temperature: Humidity: Alarms: Display: Datalogging: Battery: Enclosure: Drop Test: IP Rating: Response times (T90): Warranty: Sensor: Gas LEL O2 CO H2S Sensor Type Pellistor/Catalytic Electrochemical Electrochemical Electrochemical ABC Certification and Calibration Station Size: Weight: Display: Power: Response time: Material: Data storage: Data interface: Warranty: Martek Marine Ltd Adwick Park Rotherham ● South Yorkshire ...
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