Catalog excerpts
MARINE BUSINESS, SA, foutided in Barcelona in 1985, fs speciafízed in the creation and design of equipmentfor table, kitchen, cabin, bathroom and deck. Always striving to make life on board more pleasant arid confortable, MARINE BUSINESS offers more than 20 collections where every lover of yachting wiü Exclusive designs Useful products. Muitifutietional. Suited to save space crafts. Items to simplify life on board: Thermals, waterproof, anti-tip. New and original nautical design. Products that suit the needs of navigation. Top quality materials. Unbreakable melamine and polycarbonate....
Open the catalog to page 2Free Style Free Style
Open the catalog to page 3Oval serving platters
Open the catalog to page 11Square píete (smaJIJ Square bowl Stackable glass Drink coaster Paper napkins Stainproof tablecloth Stainproof tablecloth Polyester / ccttan+teflon Plastified tablecloth Plastified tablecloth Polyester / Cotton+reSin Plastified fabric Polyester! Cottom reíln Meiamine BPAFree/PVC doth & Paper napkin Until stock last
Open the catalog to page 15Clear Wine Tritan&PA Free Soup bowt Moka spoon Clear Water Salad bowl + 6 bowls Star plates 2 blue+ 2 retí+ 2 grey 2 blue + 1 red+ 2 «ribbe-an Gear Beverage I salad bowl + 2 serve cutí Melamine BPAFreeVPVC. *f¡i¡j Until stock last
Open the catalog to page 19Soup bowf Melamine BPAFree Melamirw BPAFree Salad bowl & serve Oval serving platters Round tray Recta ngulartray Stainless sleel Moka spoon Stainless íteel 'olystyrene/ líülherrriil Fjottle cooler Statkable glass Paper napkins Plastified tablecloth Polyeslei y Cotton + Reiirt Plastified tablecloth Polyeíter /Cortan -s- Reiin Píastified fabrlc Polyester / Cotton + Resin Atrylic BPA Free + MS BPA Free 12502 PACK ÜfJ ^For tablecloth Non-wind special table »• Pa9e45 doth & Paper napkln Until stock tast
Open the catalog to page 23Soup bowl Cocktail Píate Bowl Salad bowl & serve Oval serving píatters RoundTray Rectangulartray Set snacks Cutlery Moka spoon Melamine BPA Free Cutlery Melamine BPA Free Melamine BPA Free Melamine BPA Free Melamine BPA Free Staínless Steel Stainlesj steel Until stock íast
Open the catalog to page 27Round 5erving platters Round tray Rectangular tray Moka spoon Stainless steel Stain-leis steel Salad bowl & serve Shot glass Stainproof tabledoth Poly e ste r/ eott o n+t&fl o n Paper napkins 1 pe. 1 lOOB +1 ierve mtlei
Open the catalog to page 31MeEamineBPA Free Salad bowl & serve Oval serving platters 5et snacks Melamine BPA Free Melamine BPA Free Round seíving platters Water-Wine Melamine BPA Free Polycarbonate Shot glass Moka spoon Stainless steel Serving cutlery Staintess steei Ecru/Biue Navy
Open the catalog to page 35Fiat Brown MdamineBPA Frte Brown Pack Dessert Brown Flaí Beige Dessert Beige Deep Brown MeiamineBPA Free Salad bowl & serve Oval serving platters Round tray CUtlery Melamine BPA Free Melamine BPA Free Melamine UPA Free Set 3 pes. eiOcm Stainless steel. Moka ípoon Shot glass Beige Pack All items of this coElection available untiE stock lasts
Open the catalog to page 39Water, blue base Beverage, blue base Champagne,blue base Water/wine, blue base Water, colours base Beverage, colours base colours base colours base Clear Champagne stackable, biue base Clear Water stackable, colours base Clear Beverage colours base colours base Clip cocktail Salad bowl +2 snacks Removable tray for cups Removable tray for Cube-puzzle + wall holder Cube-puzzle +- tray glasses Acrylic BPA Free Acrylic BPA Free Acrylic BPA Free SW2u. Setftu. 'rift Until stock last
Open the catalog to page 45Stainless steel+ skay Stainless steel + íkay Stainless steel + skay Stainless steel * skay Sport FLAGS Stainleíí jleel + Simile suede cloth clip Stalnless steel Stainless ileel + skjy Stainless steel + skay Stainless sieei + skay Blue Navy Stairlesi steel t skay tflBa áSífr Blue Navy $tairles<. steel + Simlle soede Champagne bucket with hanger Staintess steel
Open the catalog to page 46Stars Stars 22144 BROWN PACK -^g 22146 BElGE PACK 1 Salad bowl t- 2 serve cutlery MeUmlne BPA Fríe + Slainless steel Generic Básket Round handy basket 1 Salad bowl + 2 serue cutlery Melamlne BPA Free + Stalriless steel Until stock last
Open the catalog to page 48Striped Blue WINDPROOF CUSHION CASE WITH STUFFING Striped Navy A coHection of windproof items such as non-slip terry mat sets and case cushions with stuffing.
Open the catalog to page 56TOWELWITH TOILETBAG
Open the catalog to page 58UPPER SHEETS + PILLOWCASE Single Ecru Single Blue Navy Single White Double Blue Navy Double Whrte Single Ecru Polyeíter / Cotton Single Bine Navy DUVET COVER + PILLOWCASE Singíe Beige Double White/Navy Extra-double Beige Double Beige Polyester / cotton Double BlueNavy Polyester / Cotton Polyestery cotton CUSMIONCASEWITH STUFFING Anchor Ecru Polyester / Cotton Anchor Blue Navy Polyestei / Cotton Ctassic Blue Navy Chic Beige Polyester / Cotton /Acrylic Navy Blue Navy Chic Blue Polyester f Cotton / Acrylic Polyester / CotEon
Open the catalog to page 71YachtClub Welcome SailingTeam RegattaCup Wind Round brown on board Round blue on board Pol ya mide/ Rubber Polyñmide/Rubber Rol ya mídtVRubbei Polyamidp/Rubber Polyam id tí Rubber Polyamlde/Rubber Polyamldc/Rubber CARPET LOOKWON-SLIP Pacific EnjoyYachting Blueonboard Captains Anchors Polyester/Utex Polyestet/Latex Polyester/Látex PolyesterAatex Polyester'látex WOOL LOOKNON-SLIP Until stock last
Open the catalog to page 74SPECIALTREATED Folding stool ASHWOOO Wood REP LACEME NTS For Stool Whíte Folding stool Folding armchair Folding armchair Navigation chart Folding table FoJding table Squared double Measures in tm. Width x Depth x Height
Open the catalog to page product isdesigned fortableuse,notadaptfor cooking ordireetfire. MAINTENANCE AND CLEANINGiTo extend Ú» life of the- artkle, it is recommended to ava\¡í using ¿brasive cíeaners, To prevent stainsfro-m caffee and tea we recommend washing immediately after use. Any ir regularices in the design and trie differences between them are part of the product ion process and should not be considerad as a defecr. INSTRUCCIONES DE USO; Este producto está diseñado para comer, no e: especialmente concebida para cocinar. MANTENIMIENTO V LIMPIEZA: Para alargar la vida del articulo, se...
Open the catalog to page 78All Marine Business catalogs and brochures
index 2021
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Archived catalogs
Catalog 2008
54 Pages