Maretron 2012 Product Catalog


Catalog excerpts

Maretron 2012 Product Catalog - 2

a wcrltì leader in vecce! manne-ring and control Systems, designs, manufactures. and markets leading edge producís lor commercial and recreational marine motels. Our producís are highly integral ed to provide a common user interface to the equipment and systems commonly found onboard a uessd. Maretron's corporate philocooTry ÍE to provde premium qui tv. state-of-the-art vessel monitoring and control products thai work tn GonoiGfaon ivrlfi traditional ruvoation and monitoring techniques for the highest level of safety and performance while on Ino water. User Interface Products NMEA 2000s...

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Maretron 2012 Product Catalog - 3

World-class standards In vesse Tionltorlng and control systems Simpler, safer, and more secure boating. Tríese are the guiding principles of Maretron. We understand that a vessel is made up of many complex systems including the engine, transmission generators, electrical, and much, much more. Trying to keep track of this equipment to ensure a safe small issues can quickly turn into dang ero us situations, and can even become life-threatening. Further complicating the task at hand is the different user interfaces for each piece of equipment, all havinç various gauges, buttons, and ways to...

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Maretron 2012 Product Catalog - 4

User Interfac IKKView® ■ Vessel Monitoring and Control Software N2KView® Mobile - Vessel Monitoring anú Control Software DSM800 - Vessel Monitoring anú Contro! Indoor Display MBB100 - Black Box Vessel Monitonng and Control Maretran Cloud Services - Remote Vessel Monitonng and Control DSM250 - Multi-Function Color Display If you think about all the systems onboard a vessel and what needs to be monitored to keep each person safe., secure., and comfortable, it can be a daunting task Is there enough fuel to moki it to the destination, is. the engine overheating. ÍE the bilge filling up with...

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□ -lanane yo jr ?le-tr s/sterr; far example, you can turn lights or pumps or or off Jrectly from NEKView" and even tell if the lights or pump; are burned out and not working. Lastly, the Fuel Management module usee information from the fue I flow; monitor, tank monitors, and GPS to próvida N2KViewe software can run or your vessel's computer or on standalone products likt Maretron's DSM80D display (see page 12) or the Maretron Black BON (MBB1 OOjYessel rror te'inj .system (see page 14). If you want to run NÏKView"software on your vessel's computer, you will need either a. (page- L'6). which...

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Maretron 2012 Product Catalog - 8

MDDH f\r\ Black Box Vessel IVIDD I KJU Monitoring and Control Maietron's Black Bo* (MBB1 00) is a dedicated processing unit that comes preloaded with Maretron's. N2KViewr» vessel monitoring and control software. Unlike a PC that allows any software to be loaded, the MBB100 runs only rJ2Kvïew" software making it extremely -ïtab s ¿uu js-J iiivt J LC monitoring and controlling your vessel. a solid s'ats dish dr »ts Lo to Lin-Laid Lhe ooundinc associated with waves. And since the MBB10Û Dissipâtes :*s.s tr ar ¿: vatrs, rhíre is no need for i-ite-nsl ex m g tan.-- tr at are noisy and wear out...

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Maretron Cloud Services

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IPG100-NMEA aw/Internet Protocol Gateway HBE100 - Network Bus Extender (NMEA 200V Bridge)

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FPM100 - Fluid Pressure Monitor TLM100 - Tank Level Monitor (Max 40" Deptti) TLM150 - Tank Level Monitor (Gasoline) TLM2O0 - Tank Level Monitor (Max 104' Depili) TLA100 - Tank Level Adapter When it comesto tank monitcrirg. Mnretni.n .riferì, the moil comprehensive NMEA 20QOE technology in the industry. Whether yoj are looking to retrofit a tank with an existing resistive sensor, or il you're interested in precision tank level even when heeled over during sailing or riding bom up on plane. Maretron offers the right product tor the applicati on. All of Maretron's tank monitors can be custom...

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EMS100 - Analog Engine Monitoring system FFM100 - Fuel Flow Monitor

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ACM100 - Alternating Current Monitor DCM100 - Direct Current Monitor OCR 100 Direct Current Relays

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General Systems SIM100 - Switcn indicata Module FPM100 ■ Fluid Pressure Monitor RAA100 ■ Rudder Angle Adaprer

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WSO100 - Ultrasonic Wins and Weattier Station SSC200 - Solid State Compass

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Vlicro Double-Ended Micro Tee I Micro/Mid Powertap Tees Vlicro Double-Ended Cordsets

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Vlid Bulk Cable Cordsets (Gray) Vlid Double-Ended Cordsets (Blue)

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Connector Cable Female Connector Vlld Single-Ended Cordset =emale to Open Plgtal

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Mini Bulk Cable Mini Field-Attachable Connector (Male/Female) Mini Double-Ended Cordset

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Mini Double-Endec Mini Tees Mini Powertap / Mini Power Cord

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Mini Termination Resistor Mini 90° Male to Female Mini Male to (Male/Female) Connector Micro Female Reducer termination resslors aie w/alerrjocí and continue la función evenwhib The Mini Elbow e used in sprts ntiee it is impassi bb ta benda codici a cu nd i ebt cornas The ebon oasi^ cotters rnakirg ^jjcegeej lure prod tal at the end aranimrher obng The reducer is used to change lerna Diag.-ioslic arsons indicate correct polarity at a glance to ensure power connectons have teen made procer^ IMMarprad ^ats lor lelebfe tant Ncke ote:er. Mini Termination Resistor Mini 90° Male to Female...

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Mini Gender Changers Mini Bulkhead N2KMeter

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Network Installation Guide

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Vesset Monitoring S Control Systems Maretron Corporate Office 9014 N, 23rd Ave.. Suite 10 I Phoenix, AZ B5021 Toll Free; 306-550-9100 I Phone: 002-801-1797 I Fax; 602-861-1777 Email: calciums relrori,com Web:

Open the catalog to page 57

All Maretron catalogs and brochures

  1. CLMD16

    2 Pages

  2. CLMD12

    2 Pages

  3. N2KBuilder

    1 Pages


    1 Pages

  5. MBB200C

    2 Pages

  6. SMS100

    2 Pages

  7. DSM410

    2 Pages

  8. DSM250

    2 Pages

  9. MBB300C

    2 Pages

  10. FPM100

    2 Pages

  11. CLM100

    2 Pages

  12. SSC300

    2 Pages

  13. TSM800C

    2 Pages

  14. TSM1330C

    2 Pages

  15. N2KView

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs