Catalog excerpts

Unlimited Rope Solutions Kite Paragliding Sailplane 2019 / 2020 Quality Ropes Made in German
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LIROS – UNLIMITED ROPE SOLUTIONS LIROS Unlimited Rope Solutions LIROS is now recognised as a world leader in the manufacture of high tech yachting ropes, kitesurf cords, paragliding lines and a wide range of industrial cordage. Latest production facilities enable LIROS to develop products for every customer requirement. Special coatings developed by LIROS minimize the abrasion of high-quality fibre ropes and Protect from UV-radiation. Thermal processes optimize the rope in terms of elongation and tensile strength. Our quality management systems ensure the highest level of quality for all...
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CONTENTS Contents Kite Lines Recommendations 6 DePower Lines / D-Pro 11 Paragliding Lines Gliding - Towing Lines Recommendations 22 D-Pro (Glider Winch Launch Rope) 23 Regatta 2000 (Glider Winch Launch Rope) 24 Technical and chemical specifications Comparing summary of synthetic fibres 26 Reaction of syntetic ropes 27
Open the catalog to page 3
Production Rope-finishing expertise Made in Germany LIROS Coating System LIROS LCS is the best Protection against wear-and-tear and UV effects for technical ropes. LIROS LCS increases UV- and wearresistance by up to 50 %. Latest technology Essential for producing premium products LIROS DRS is the durable water-repellent coating for technical ropes. Laboratory Technical development of unique rope solutions Quality control guarantees continuous quality LIROS line optimization systems LIROS – YOUR EXCELLENT PARTNER LIROS HSS pre-stretch system uses exact heat treatment to guarantee the...
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KITE LINES Sleeve Covers LIROS PC PC Bridle Lines LIROS DC (page 08) LIROS DC (page 7) LIROS Bridle Line (page 10) LIROS Bridle Line Flying Lines LIROS DC Pro LIROS DC Pro (page DC LIROS6) Leader Lines LIROS Magic High-Trim LIROS Magic High Trim LIROS DePower Lines LIROS DePower Lines LIROS D-Pro LIROS D-Pro (page 8) (page 10) (page 9) (page 11) (page 22) (page 23) DePower Lines LIROS DePower Lines LIROS DePower Lines
Open the catalog to page 6
LIROS DC Pro High-performance, 100 % Dyneema® SK99 kiteline. Unmatched ratio between diameter and breaking strength. LIROS DC Pro is perfect for use as flying or bridle line. Extremely low drag values and maximum performance for the kiter. Excellent dimensional stability even after highest stress. Delivers best in kite performance and durable precise control of the sporting equipment. • easy to splice • unmatched precision in kite control • excellent dimensional stability • LIROS Heat-Stretch-System Material pre-stretched, coated Dyneema® SK 99 Colours 228 White 594 Red 595 Yellow 596 Black...
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KITE LINES High-end, 100 % Dyneema® SK 75 kiteline. LIRQS DC is perfect for use as flying or bridle line. Highest load capacity with minimal line diameter delivers the best in kite performance. Extreme stretch resistance, even after heavy loads, for precise control of the kite. LIRQS DC - Kiting without compromise! • easy to splice • unmatched precision in kite control • excellent dimensional stability • LIROS Heat-Stretch-System 010 Blue 059 Yellow 086 Green 171 Red 188 Black 205 Silver 228 White LIRDSHSS LIROS LCS Material Construction pre-stretched, coated Dyneema® SK 75 12- and...
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Material hollow-braided Polyester KITE LINES ’ LIROS Flightsport lines may come six pieces to a spool. No line will be shorter than 25 m.
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KITE LINES LIROS Magic-High-Trim 02080 Colours Pre-stretched, extreme low elongation extension line for excellent kitebar control. High-strength continuous Polyester for high-grip and durability. Perfect cleat hold. • working stretch < 1.5 % • extremely low-stretch • built for maximum hold in cleats • round, firm, abrasion resistant braiding • LIROS Heat-Stretch-System Cover Construction Core pre-stretched Dyneema® SK78 LIROS Bridle Line 22138 LIROS Bridle Line is the reliable and durable bridle line with minimal stretch characteristics. The very abrasion-resistant and compact braided...
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KITE LINES Specially designed Depower line made of 100 % Dyneema®. For long-life cycle in modern kitebar constructions. Technically versed coatings deliver up to 30 % more resistance against abrasion, than in common Depowerlines. • highest safety and perfect abrasion resistance for the kiter • spliceable • very good abrasion resistance • high breaking load • low elongation • LIROS Heat Stretch System Colours White Material Dyneema® Construction plaited, heat set and coated
Open the catalog to page 11
Open the catalog to page 12
PARAGLIDING LINES Intermediate Lines PPSLS PPSL TSL DSL LTC Top- / Gallery Lines PPSLS DC DSL LTC TSL (page (page (page (page (page (page (page (page (page (page Bottom Lines PPSLS TSL PPSL DSL LTC (page (page (page (page (page Lines and Webbing for Harness LIROS Harness LIROS T-Webbing
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PARAGLIDING LINES Thin + Safe + Longlasting. Unique breakload at thinnest diameter guarantees highest performance for the paraglider. Minimum elongation for ideal glider setup. The paragliding line for high demands. • extremely light • extremely thin • highest breakloads • best paragliding performance • perfect aging properties • LIROS Heat-Stretch-System LIRDSHSS Cover Polyester Core pre-stretched Dyneema® ’ LIROS Flightsport lines may come six pieces to a spool. No line will be shorter than 25m. Not all colours available in all diameters. (2) Test reports upon request.
Open the catalog to page 14
LIROS PPSL LIRQS PPSL is lightweight, with minimal creep, as well as unrivaled durability, even after extreme bending. The kite line for the most demanding applications. Shrinkage < 0,5 %. • very low creep • lowest stretch • top paragliding performance • optimal dimensional stability • extremely durable • LIROS Heat-Stretch-System LIRDSHSS Cover Polyester 16-plaited Core pre-stretched Dyneema® PARAGLIDING LINES Reference ’ LIROS Flightsport lines may come six pieces to a spool. No line will be shorter than 25m. Not all colours available in all diameters.
Open the catalog to page 15All Liros catalogs and brochures
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