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Catalog excerpts

LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 1

30.09.2010 14:24 Uhr Seite 1 LIROS Rope Catalogue LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 Yacht Rope Industrial Rope Flightsport

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 2

LIROS Unlimited Rope Solutions LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 30.09.2010 14:24 Uhr Seite 2 LIROS Unlimited Rope Solutions LIROS is now recognized as a world leader in the manufacture of Hi-Tec yachting ropes, kitesurf cords, paragliding lines and a wide range of industrial cordage. With the new factory LIROS continue to manufacture in Germany in order that we can control every part of the production from start to finish. This factory is 10.000 square meters and has been layed out using the most modern flow systems which ensure maximum efficiency allowing LIROS to maintain its...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 3

LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 30.09.2010 14:24 Uhr Seite 3 Contents Yacht Rope Performance Yacht Rope Cruising 4–7 7–12 Dinghy 13–15 Performance custom 16–17 Mooring 18–26 Super Yacht Mooring 20 Traditional Rope 27–28 Sailmaker 29–31 Whipping twine and small cords 31–33 Terminations 34–35 Outdoor 36 Flightsport 37–39 Industrial Rope 40–46 Barrier Rope 47 Natural Fibre Rope, Cords 48–49 Technical Accessories 50–53 Pre Spliced Halyards and Sheets 54 Elongation Charts 55 Service 56–57 Technical and Chemical Specifications 58–59 Yacht Rope Recommendations 60 3

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 4

RACER-XTR with its high tech construction is an ideal rope to enable the cover to be stripped for ultimate weight reduction. Special mixture of heat resistant Hybrid fibres in conjunction with high tenacity Polyester in the cover delivers the best abrasion resistance. It is a multipurpose rope for high tech racing yachts and cruisers. RACER-XTR with the perfect balance resistance between cover and core which guarantees the full power transmission to the complete rope. Strip the cover for extreme performance Excellent high temperature abrasion resistance Hybrid fibre prevents cover melting...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 5

LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 30.09.2010 LIROS Racer 14:24 Uhr Seite 5 02001 New type of Dyneema® rope with a very high breaking load and low stretch with a specially engineered 32-plait cover of high quality spin-dyed Polyester and the core made out of the new generation, new Dyneema fibre, for halyards and sheets. Very suitable for winches. Ø mm Breaking Weight Length of strength kg kg/100 m spool m 8 3800 5,1 200 10 5000 7,1 200 • extremely high breaking strength 12 7200 8,5 200 • easy handling, nonkinking 14 9500 11,5 150 16 11500 14,4 100 18 13500 17,9 100 20 16500 23,7 100...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 6

LIROS Dynamic plus A new halyard or sheet rope using Dyneema® SK75. Light weight and low stretch make this rope ideal for cruiser / racer yachtsmen. Very flexible and non kinking due to the new 32-plait cover. LIROS Dynamic Plus is equally effective as a high performance sheet. • flexible abrasion resistant cover • easy to splice and remove cover 0 Breaking Weight Length of Polyester high twisted additional inner cover plait LIROS D-Pro The LIROS 100% pure Dyneema® rope with the latest technology in coa- ting technology. The pre stretched 12-braid is extremely easy to splice. Impregnated...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 7

04000 Ø mm High-tech rope manufactured of Vectran®, extremely low stretch, high strength comparable to wire, high durability and resistance to abrasion, its 32-plait cover makes it very resistant in stoppers and cleats, ideal for halyards and backstays. LIROS Vectran-Olympic Seite 7 LIROS Herkules LIROS Vectran®-Olympic 14:24 Uhr Performance 30.09.2010 Yacht Rope Cruising LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 Breaking Weight Length of strength kg kg/100 m spool m 2 165 0,3 250 3 530 0,7 250 4 780 1,3 250 • extremely low stretch quality 5 930 1,7 250 • high durability and resistance to...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 8

LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 30.09.2010 Yacht Rope Cruising LIROS Herkules Color Yacht Rope Cruising LIROS TopGrip LIROS Herkules Color 14:24 Uhr Seite 8 01550 Very resilient, extremely multi-functional rope of the highest quality, especially designed for sheets, halyards and trim lines, suitable for yachts of every size, very durable and low stretch, easily spliced to wire – thermo fixed. Very good adhesion on winch drums, abrasion resistant cover, nonkinking. Best choice for cruising yachts. Ø mm Breaking Length of strength kg spool m 086 Green 010 Blue 188 Black 059 Yellow...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 9

LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 30.09.2010 LIROS Top-Cruising 14:24 Uhr Seite 9 00152 Ø mm Very high tensile strength, nonkinking, long lasting sheet made of 100% Polyester. For use as mainsail and headsail and spinnaker sheets. Ideal for blue water sailing, easy to splice – heat set. Breaking Length of strength kg spool m 780 250 6 1100 200 • nonkinking, with abrasion resistant cover, high strength 7 1300 200 • allround line, easy to splice 8 1650 200 10 2700 200 12 3200 200 • the traditional sheet for sailing yachts of every size Colours 236 White-Red 232 White-Green 14 3800 150...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 10

LIROS_Katalog_2010 zusammen.qxd:Layout 1 30.09.2010 LIROS Prestretch 14:24 Uhr Seite 10 00121/00122 LIROS Prestretch Yacht Rope Cruising For use as halyards and control lines for yachts up to 11 m – heat set. 3-strand or 8-plait Polyester. White with guarantee yarn in blue/gold or coloured with LIROS blue/gold fleck. LIROS Allround Yacht Rope Cruising 010 Blue 086 Green 086 Green 228 White 228 White 420 250 5 600 250 6 820 200 8 1400 200 White 10 2300 200 12 2800 200 4 420 250 580 250 6 800 200 8 1500 200 10 2300 200 171 Red 010 Blue 4 5 Colours 00122 171 Red 00122 188 Black Construction...

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LIROS_Catalogue_2010_EN_1_4 - 11

Seite 11 00162 High quality, allround sheet for cruising yachts, with very flexible, soft, easy to grip matt cover. Ideal for dinghy sailors – excellent handling and flexibility – non kinking. Ø mm Breaking Length of strength kg spool m Ø5 Ø 6 up to 10 mm from Ø 12 mm 200 2400 200 2900 150 16 3500 100 Polyester plaited Construction 1900 Polyester matt yarn Core 200 Yacht Rope Cruising Cover 1000 14 228 White 200 12 Colour 520 10 • very good sheet for cruising yachts up to 45 feet 250 8 • high quality matt yarn giving easy handling 300 6 • Stretch characteristics < 6 % 5 8-plaited 16-plaited...

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