Catalog excerpts

Propulsion Control Lever Single or double operation of propulsion machinery (or bow/stern thruster Technical description (unit LF90, LF120) Side covers: Scale light: Black coated aluminium Flat finished stainless steel Flat finished POM (plastic material Self adhesive on acrylic bow Potentiometer operation: footh belt • Spring-loaded return to neutral position • Built-in switches • Motorised axes • A range of different scale foils. • Custom design (scale, panel plate, pot-meter, shafts and handles)
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Type LF120 Cut out withOUT panelplate (STANDARD) Cut out with panelplate (OPTION) ISO 9001 Certified TEL. +47 33 03 18 50 FAX +47 33 03 18 60 Ce LILAAS AS, KONGEVEIEN 75, P.B. 705, N-3196 HORTEN, NORWAY E-POST: LILAAS@LILAAS.NO ORG.NR. 917 748 446 MVA r ti on m Ne ko f i c a ti NORWEGIAN ACCREDITATION QUAL 001 Certificate no. 900548
Open the catalog to page 2All Lilaas catalogs and brochures
LF 70
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LF 60
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LF 50
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LF70 Azimuth control lever
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LF 180
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LF 120
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LF 90
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LF 80
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LF 40
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