Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1Royal Lankhorst Enróñete; its roots In 1803 * young mín named NtooiM lurjan Lankho*iL married mio a lamily lh¡tt owned a VTiiill (aclnny manul.n riinn^; r.-pr1. and nH'ini; .mil il.irtrd "LanfchorM Tnuivr.ihrirkt-n" In 1965 QipUiJn Gramaxo founded hrs company whw* later became Grupo Eurnnele In 199B Ihr Iwn lamiliri jtunrd arri mrrged inlo Ihe lankhnnt Euronelr group bv In 20Î13. on the iirr.iMiin nt Ihr group'* bicentennial .innnrrn.ary. Hrt l*Aa|fsly Ihr Qurcfi ol Thr Netherlands grantrd Ihr company by Knynl Warrant Ihr prediale "Royal" Hhlnry ílartrd modnlly in 1803 « Lankhonl...
Open the catalog to page 3A tiiretatilr n Ih tl-e rra-st inpnitarl ihangcs nrr. events in Raya I arkhcirst Furicele s hi-itcy: - Family Lnnkhorsl stsilrd a locd tartnry manui ari uring ropei LtfttOM began In BUM ¡Mlllhl» hinder twne fnr irse in vW-tumiing hann-slrr. - Snal twines became the rrviinsr.iy ni (tir [ini. Sui tu in wilhm the Lankhorsl spin- - Lankhwit started extrusion of pnlyrlhylrne and \ mtyn ropy lene - Family Gramami eMahlishei.l Ih^ir lartnry fnr ropr-s and netling - The hokfmg of Lankhorst Snerk was founded, with lour ormai ing rompan*-. - lankhorst Taselaar was established, distributing an entire...
Open the catalog to page 4The Royal Lankhorst Euronete group bv holds a leading position In the International markets of ropes. Industrial yarns, netting, yachting products and recycled plastic products. The group has Achieved this position as a result of focusing Its efforts on marketing, innovation, organ lia tío na I excellence and by constantly adapting to the changing environment. As a privately-held company. Royal Lankhorst Euronete continues to display the stability and long-term vision that are essential In the markets In which It operates. This brochure aims to provide you with a short overview of the...
Open the catalog to page 7Lankhor*t Rope* i* *pcöaiied in the development and production ol fi)re rope* and *teelwire rope* with a special locus on added values tke breaking strength, life-Ürot, taíety and user friendfoe*** Lankhont Rope* is the e^dit-g supplier in the mari* üme and offshore market throughout the world The ropa are produced in accordance with the The R&D department constantly wivks on innova- tive solution* based on market developments and customer demands. These solutions can be either oc» product* or optimized exiling technic^jev various materiali are applied, such at polyamide, po^ester,...
Open the catalog to page 8Continuous product development has enabfcd us to drvcVip ¡nía the nwkcl leader for high perfor- manci Livhn:- y.irrv A o- I: tatrd v:r*ü ■ y h ■ . kd to j strong position in the following markets: Cable m dj', :ry Gí^'-í xlif M. ■ .I- c JIL JM .iriH ,i -'ic jit jn . IfrnforcefTttnl ftan. Sewmgyarn {R8Q, Fencing, In dose coopération with our cuslomer* world- wide, we develop innovative so&jttans lor specific appfia tient The majority of product*, branded under the name Elite-31. a based on a wide range of potyethyfcne and/or polypropylene. Besides these raw materials, alto polyamide,...
Open the catalog to page 10The Yie*itri£ c vutr oí wt* eh Larkhoni Tasrlaa* "¡i the leading company «JU miñnc actrnoríei ín a combination af brand label and privale .abel pmdutti Oiv:nb*j[*>r i* carried ouL from 4 central ioftiilKa) center and produci* ve u>U through Today. t~yr Yaíh\ii\£ drvnun d^tribulr-i it* producto la cu*toreri in the Ne*>cHandi. Brlgïu*ï\ Germany (Lankhartt Hohonl), Poland, Norway, UK, Ireland, lialy and Ruula. The company offer* more than 10.000 produclv ranging from marine lope lo the latent in marine deck equipment. tr 'Mi Lvikbml Spo*l BY meriti w'ti cxv iy :v www okietl...
Open the catalog to page 19HjiyA L¿nkru»r%l E jrt irete |¿niup ht
Open the catalog to page 20All Lankhorst Ropes catalogs and brochures
synthetic tethers
12 Pages
Offshore Steel Wire Ropes
16 Pages
HEAVY LIFT:The Payload Counts
20 Pages
Ropes for Single Point Mooring
20 Pages
Deep water mooring
16 Pages
1 Pages
4 Pages
Gripolon, braided (R-19)
1 Pages
Euroflex (R-4)
1 Pages
Euromoor (R-7)
1 Pages
16 Pages
Product catalogue Maritime
12 Pages
Strongline (R14)
1 Pages
1 Pages