Catalog excerpts

MANUFACTURING SURVEY ARRANGEMENT Between "Manufacturer" Bolatice, Czech Republic and "DNV GL" Cesky lodni a prumyslovy registr, s.r.o. Czechia Ref. Recognition Certificate: MSARC0000B64 This Manufacturing Survey Arrangement (MSA) is applicable to Fiber Ropes - details below subject to testing and inspection for conformance with the requirements of DNV GL Rules, as stated herein. The MSA implies that the manufacturer is authorised to perform the testing and inspection without the attendance of DNV GL and to prepare the certificates which will be validated by DNV GL. The MSA is valid until 2021-11-19 The MSA will, however, be invalid if the Recognition Certificate is invalid, or if the manufacturer's Quality System Certificate No. C - 250/2015 - QMS - 4 is invalid. The MSA is governed by DNV GL's general terms and conditions. These may be provided upon request. Issued at Czechia on 2017-11-20 Alena Zverinova (name) Quality Director (title) Maci District Manager Prague Form code: MSA 701 © DNV GL 2014. DNV GL and the Horizon Graphic are trademarks of DNV GL AS.
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1. Scope of Work Identification and Testing according to DNVGL-ST-0377, DNVGL-ST-0378 and STANDARD FOR CERTIFICATION No. 2.22 (covering the DNVGL inspection and testing items) : - Identification and marking of test samples Identification, Testing and certification, according to DNVGL-ST-0377 and DNVGL-ST-0378. (covering all DNVGL inspection and testing items by delivery of F497 certificate): Fiber ropes according to EN ISO standards and LANEX rope construction up to 104 mm: FIBRE ROPES T A CRUISER PLUS (PP/PE+PES) TITAN (PP/PE+PES) TITAN PLUS (PP/PE+PES) MASTER (PP+PES) 18-36 Rope...
Open the catalog to page 2
1.2 Approvals This MSA does not exempt the manufacturer from obtaining approval of new material grades or reapproval when a new manufacturing process or heat treatment process is introduced. 1.3 Testing and Inspection The verification of correct sampling of test specimen, mechanical testing and inspection are entrusted to the manufacturer on the basis of documented and accepted procedures and the use of qualified personnel familiar with the DNV GL Rules. 1.4 Assessments performed by DNV GL Compliance with the conditions agreed in this MSA is subject to control and review by assessing...
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Annual check of testing machines to be documented and provided to DNVGL. LAN EX a.s. shall file the a.m. documentation (together with the material works certificates (3.1)) for a period of 10 years and make it available to the Surveyor/DNVGL upon request. By including the reference to this MSA agreement in the prepared F497, the manufacturer is declaring full compliance with this MSA agreement. 2.2 F497 certificate For each product to be certified under this agreement, the manufacturer shall prepare a F497 certificate. The certificate shall: • Reference to the MSA agreement • Contain all...
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4. Marking for Identification 4.1 Marking Products which have been satisfactorily tested and inspected shall be marked as required by the DNV GL Rules. Only those products covered by this arrangement are permitted to be marked with this stamp. Rope identification and Marking: 1. Label on the reel - on both side; The product/lable is further to be marked with: - DNV GL certificate number 2. The rope itself has to include woven-in identification bands (manufacturer identification) and coloured identification threads for the year of manufacture: Manufacturer identification: manufacturer name...
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8. Validity Any changes in production process, procedures or other matters that may influence the validity of the Recognition Certificate, the MSA agreement or the conditions stated therein are to be submitted to DNV GL for evaluation. The MSA will be invalid if: a) The Recognition Certificate is invalid, c) The possible non-conformities from the MSA assessments are not responded to and/or corrective actions are not implemented within the agreed time, d) The manufacturer does not comply with the obligations of the MSA agreement, e) The certification fees are not paid in due time. Either...
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