Product Reel


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Product Reel - 1

ProductReel Solutions for Selected Scenarios

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solution expert Lamor (Larsen Marine Oil Recovery) Corporation offers solutions for optimal oil spill response and recovery, With offices, staff and equipment strategi- cally located around the world, Lamor is able to deploy on scene rapidly and effectively to best serve the environmental needs of governments, cor- porations and the general public, minimizing environmental footprints and salvaging eco-systems, The company develops, manufactures, and supplies best available technol- ogy oil spill recovery equipment and services, Included in its portfolio of solutions, Lamor offers...

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Introduction: Lamor Products 4 Solutions for Selected Scenarios 6 Skimmer Systems Small 8 Skimmer Systems Medium 14 Skimmer Systems Large 16 Umbilical Hose Reel 30 Landing Crafts, wbrkboats and Lamor ProductReel Publisher Lamor Corporation, Urakoitsijantie 12 , FI-06450 Porvoo, Finland, Tek+358 20 7650 100, VQMLÀ, © Lamor Corporation, All Rights Reserved Editor Thomas Barbieri (, Ann- m Charlotte Fogde Layout Heku Printed in Finland by Kyriiri Oy, Cover paper MaxiSilk 25og/m2, inside pages MaxiSilk H5g/m2. PEFC Cover Lamor Free Floating Offshore...

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Lamor Products operations worldwide. SUREAU VERITAS We provide expertise coupled with solutions that protect the environment and our ecosystems. Our in-depth knowledge and investment in technologically advanced oil clean-up response equipment has a proven track record in all scenarios Our patented and certified solutions guarantee reliable and efficient oil recovery operations in any environment and our training programs are accredited by the Nautical Institute in accordance with MCA and DTI certi- fied training standards. We provide IMO Level 1 -3 Oil Spill Re- sponder training courses as...

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Agency (EMSA), Chinese governmental and maritime depart- ments and Middle Eastern environmental and representative agencies in several countries. Members of Lamor Response Team (LRT) have acted as on scene commanders at numerous oil spill incidents and the LRT has extensive managerial knowledge and expertise of oil spill accidents in various environments and weather con- ditions such as offshore, on land, Arctic and desert climate. We continuously invest in our products and solutions, i.e. oil spill response (OSR) technology. Lamor has in-depth exper- tise and knowledge in oil spill...

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GUIDE TO ICONS FOR USAGE AREAS Selected Scenarios Arctic Applications Lamor offers a full range of Arctic oil recovery equip- ment. Proven technologies are operational on ice break- ers in e.g. the Baltic Sea and are used in many Arctic oil Exploration and oil extrapolation in the Arctic Ocean is surging ahead, and the climatic conditions can be brutal in that region. Lamor has years of experience in Arctic oil response and recovery operations. Moreover, Lamor has invested significantly in R&D to find new and effective oil clean-up solutions. In addition to having all our skimmers, pumps...

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Whatever the scenario or environment, Lamor provides the right oil spill solution for the most efficient oil spill response. Lamor solutions include a complete range of skimmers, oil booms, pumps, power packs, landing crafts, workboats, storage and ancillary equipment. Harbor, River and Shoreline Applications Containerized harbor systems are custom-made to ac- commodate specific conditions. Each harbor faces differ- ent conditions due to location, currents, swells, tides and products handled. Our experience allows us to accommodate each harbor with the proper customized solution. Rapid...

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LAMOR SKIMMER SYSTEM-SMALL Lamor skimmer systems small are designed for multiple usages and scenarios. PORTABLE I SMALL SIZE | MULTIPLE CAPACITIES | EASY TO USE tion-type oil skimmer, designed to re- cover oil from shorelines, harbors, riv- well proven Lamor brush wheel system, which combines high oil recovery ca- pacity with a low free water pick-up rate. The LMM 12 has proven its effi- ciency in continuous recovery opera- tions in hundreds of oil spills, in all con- ditions and varying types of spilled oil. Moreover, its capacity is certified by Bureau Veritas. is a hand portable skimmer...

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LAMOR SKIMMER SYSTEM-SMALL Lamor Rock Cleaner (LRC) operations on rocky shorelines, in har- justable handle and can be carried with a harness in a comfortable ergonomie position. The LRC is an important tool in the Lamor beach cleaning concept and its recovery capacity in varying woil viscosities has been certified by Bureau Veritas. Compared to conventional meth- thanks to the Lamor stiff-brush tech- nology combined with its small size, making it possible to recover oil from the water as well as from land, con- crete, asphalt, oil booms, etc. with a Lamor Stone Catcher to protect be...

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LAMOR SKIMMER SYSTEM-SMALL Lamor skimmer systems small are designed for multiple usages and scenarios. PORTABLE I SMALL SIZE | MULTIPLE CAPACITIES | EASY TO USE Lamor Weir Skimmers LWS provide the operator with precise control of the skimming process and offers a high recovery capacity in all operating conditions. The LWS's large-diameter, free- floating weir has the ability to follow choppy waves. Coupled with its high buoyancy-to-weight ratio and low iner tial mass, this gives this new genera- tion of weir skimmer excellent sea- keeping characteristics. many years of reliable service and...

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LAMOR SKIMMER SYSTEM-SMALL Technical Specifications *Capacity related to pump selection Preferred package solution Pump Lamor Powerpack Storage (GTA 70 & GTA115) Lamor Power Pack Lamor Collapsible Preferred usage areas Nearshore Shoreline Offshore

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Product Reel - 12

LAMOR SKIMMER SYSTEM-SMALL Lamor skimmer systems small are designed for multiple usages and scenarios. PORTABLE I SMALL SIZE | MULTIPLE CAPACITIES | EASY TO USE Lamor Brush Adapter (LBA) The LBA (patent pending) is a brush- type oil recovery module designed to fit quickly and easily onto the hopper of a weir skimmer. The purpose of the device is to improve the overall recov- ery efficiency, i.e. reduce free water recovered with oil, and to improve the performance in very high viscosity oils. The LBA has four banks of brush wheels, which rotate downward into the oil layer creating a strong...

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