Catalog excerpts

L’Aquaphile sarl Email : contact@aquaphile.fr www.aquaphile.fr Tel +339 53 85 76 60 PEDAYAK A leisure activity adapted to persons with reduced mobility and physical or mental disabilities Various tests have been carried out with reduced mobility persons, in particular paraplegics (paralysed legs and lower torso), Parkinson's patients, or people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. The PEDAYAK TRIO in particular is well suited to disabilities as it offers several key advantages: - It is perfectly stable - It can carry one or two attendant - It can be equipped with an additional electric drive (as with the whole PEDAYAK range) If the feet have difficulty standing on the pedals, a neoprene sock is screwed on and the user puts his foot in it (see photos below). This very simple adaptation can be done in our workshop or at the customer's place. The pedalling of the PEDAYAK is very smooth, it can be adjusted to the strength of the user, who can pedal at his own pace, according to his muscular strength, sometimes with the help of the arms, which push on the thighs. All adaptations to different types of disabilities are possible. The aim is to enable people with physical, neurological or psychological disabilities to enjoy the joys of the sea and water sports in complete safety, with or without an attendant. Please contact us (contact@aquaphile.fr) Pictures galery The PEDAYAK TRIO (trimaran structure)
Open the catalog to page 1
Neoprene socks screwed on the pedals With an accompanying person
Open the catalog to page 2
The PEDAYAK range includes several models that can be adapted to each type of disability: The PEDAYAK DUO (two PEDAYAK in catamaran) Alone or in pairs, in PEDAYAK
Open the catalog to page 3
luilc a U vijite dc Jacquet Fourniol, lctrapjr*tiqur tpastiquc. • /hi &U Occident* le 22 jun 1993, r^tonle lacqut* Foomtoi k ion 0 pctum tetropo&iique ipostique (rtbopkok incomplete}, Uqueite neurotogxyur dun accident de dtcampresibn medudovt (Occident dt plongee grave j le tun un aneien offkkr dt moniw, ptongeur dtmmeuc. ptongeur pro/ond. Occidents en unice. k iu>s koyobfte etje don dee out te “hedayai ' tit merveOktn I Cat to iolutiao quit me manquort pour rrmonter lei vrraU contmkn. (t bkn guH ion trH fm, it auurr une HobUat trti msuronte U tit ropKk. it Hun plank, to mer me tote la...
Open the catalog to page 4All L' AQUAPHILE sarl catalogs and brochures
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4 Pages
PEDAYAK with sail
2 Pages
2 Pages
PEDAYAK-Presentation sheet
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
MAORA presentation sheet
2 Pages
MAC DUCK-Presentation sheet
2 Pages
1 Pages
1 Pages
2 Pages