Catalog excerpts
COMPANY PROFILE ND MACHINE, that was established in Istanbul/Maltepe, firstly started to produce grabs for sand. After that because of the developments in industry and technology, our company was supposed to In this time, KARDESLER GRAB AND MACHINE, that improve its capital and staff started to produce suitable for the necessity of age and now, in our sector, we consider quality, good service and pleasure of our customers. We are happy to service in Turkey and foreign countries. We are proud to be able to respond the needs of our customer portfolio that covering the whole world, by using...
Open the catalog to page 2Radio Remote Control Grab Uzaktan Kumandali Kepce Electro Hydraulic Clamshell Grab Hidrotik Elektrikii iki Agizli Kepce Electro Hydraulic Orange Peel Grab Hidrotik Elektrikii Polip Kepce Mechanical Touch Down Clamshell Grab Mekanik Tek Telli iki Agizli Kepce Mechanical Touch Down Orange Peel Grab Mekanik Tek Telli Polip Kepce Mechanical Double Wired Clamshell Grab Mekanik (lift Telli iki Agizli Kepce Mechanical Double Wired Orange Peel Grab Mekanik f ift Telli Polip Kepce Mechanical Roundnose Dredging Grab Mekanik Tarama Kepcesi Hydraulic Clamshell Grab Hidrotik iki Agizli Kepce Hydraulic...
Open the catalog to page 3Radio Remote Control Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads. -Designed to single wired cranes. -No need any electric supply/motor, runs with battery. -Opens by remote control, closes by rope equipment. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Uzaktan Kumandali Keppe -Her turlu ddkme yuk tahmil/tahliyesinde kudanidr. -Tek telli vingler igin dizayn edilmistir. -Herhangi bir elektrik/motor gerektirmeden aku ile calisir. -Uzaktan kumanda iSe aciiir, halat donanimiyla kapanir.
Open the catalog to page 5Electro Hydraulic Clamshell Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads. -Operates through electricity at 380-440 Volts. -Opens and closes by electro motor. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Hidrolik Elektrikli iki Agizli Kepqe -Her turlu dokme yuk tahmil/tahliyesinde kullanihr. -380-440 Volt elektrik enerjisi ile galisir. -Elektrik motoru ile acilir ve kapanir.
Open the catalog to page 7Electro Hydraulic Orange Peel Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads and scraps. -Operates through electricity at 380-440 Volts. -Opens and closes by electro motor. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Hidrolik Elektrikli Polip Kepge -Her turlu dokme yuk ve hurda tahmil/tahliyesinde kullanilir. -380-440 Volt elektrik enerjisi ile gah§ir. -Elektrik motoru ile acilir ve kapanir.
Open the catalog to page 9Mechanical Touch Down Clamshell Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads. -Designed to single wired cranes. -Opens by touching on the hopper or the ground. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Mekanik Tek Telli Iki Aqizli Kepge -Her tiirlii dokme yuk tahmil/tahliyesinde kullanilir. -Tek telli vingler igin dizayn edilmistir. -Bunkere veya yere dokunarak acilir.
Open the catalog to page 11Mechanical Touch Down Orange Peel Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads. -Designed to single wired cranes. -Opens by touching on the hopper or the ground. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Mekanik Tek Telli Polip Kepge -Her turlu dokme yuk tahmil/tahliyesinde kulfanihr. -Tek telli vincler icin dizayn edilmi§tir. -Bunkere veya yere dokunarak acilir.
Open the catalog to page 13Mechanical Double Wired Clamshell Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads. -Designed to double wired cranes. -Opens on the air by rope equipment. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Mekanik Qift Telli ikiAgizh Keppe -Her turlii dokme yuk tahmil/tahliyesinde kullamlir. -Qift telli vingler igin dizayn edilmistir. -Haiat donantmiyla havada acilir.
Open the catalog to page 15Mechanical Double Wired Orange Peel Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of coal, scrap, rock. -Designed to double wired cranes. -Opens on the air by rope equipment. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Mekanik Qift Telli Polip Keppe -Komur, hurda, ta§ tahmil ve tahliyesinde kullanilir. -Qift telli vincler icin dizayn edilmistir. -Halat donantmiyla havada acilir.
Open the catalog to page 17Mechanical Roundnose Dredging Grab -Can be used for all kind of dredging operations. -Designed to double wired cranes. -Opens on the air by rope equipment. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Mekanik Tarama Keppesi -Her tiirlij tarama faaliyetinde kullanilir. -Qift telli vincler igin dizayn edilmi^tir. -Halat donanimiyla havada acilir.
Open the catalog to page 19Hydraulic Clamshell Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of bulk loads. -Designed to mobile cranes. -Opens and closes by hydraulic system. •Turns around 360 degrees by rotator. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Hidrolik ikiAgizli Kepge -Her turlu ddkme yuk tahmil ve tahliyesinde kullamhr. -Mobil vincler icin dizayn edilmisjtir. -Hidrolik sistem tie acilir ve kapanir. -Rotardar vasitasiyfa etrafmda 360 derece donebilir,
Open the catalog to page 21Hydraulic Orange Peel Grab -Can be used for loading/unloading of coal, scrap, rock. -Designed to mobile cranes. -Opens and closes by hydraulic system. -Turns around 360 degrees by rotator. -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Hidrolik Polip Kepge -Komur, hurda, tas tahmil ve tahliyesinde kullanilir. -Mobil vincler igin dizayn edilmi§tir. -Hidrolik sistem ile agilir ve kapanir. -Rotardar vasitasiyia etrafmda 360 derece donebilir.
Open the catalog to page 23-Designed to mobile cranes, single or double wired cranes. -Manufactured as mechanical, hydraulic or electro hydraulic. •Turns around 360 degrees by rotator(except mechanical ones). -Manufactured in range of 1 cbm to 50 cbm capacity. Tomruk Kepgesi -Tomruk tahmil ve tahliyesinde kullanilir. -Mobil vingler, tek telli vingler veya gift telli vingler igin dizayn edilir. -Mekanik, hidrolik veya elektrikli hidrolik olarak imalati yapilmaktadir. -Rotardar vasitasiyia etrafmda 360 derece d6nebilir(mekanikler harig),
Open the catalog to page 25-Designed to taking inside any loads 5 tons to 150 tons. -Can be manufactured as mechanical or hydraulic. -igerisine 5 tondan 150 tona kadar yuk alabilecek §ekilde dizayn ediltr. -Hidrolik veya mekanik olarak imalati yapilmaktadir.
Open the catalog to page 27