Catalog excerpts

Source: ESR– Envisat Data from DEOS, Delft University of Technology, Nederlands Photo from Shutterstock The sky is no longer the limit. Hosted Payloads Iridium NEXT
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“Iridium NEXT represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to place additional mission payloads on the world’s largest commercial satellite constellation, which will provide 24/7 real-time visibility over the entire Earth’s surface and its atmosphere. Hosted payloads on Iridium NEXT will provide an unmatched opportunity to meet Earth observation and government mission requirements in the near term at a fraction of the cost of designing, building, launching and maintaining dedicated platforms in space. This is an opportunity that will not be repeated for many years.” Photo from Shutterstock...
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Iridium NEXT Specifications Orbital Period 66 satellites in 6 orbital planes Expected Launch Window 2015-2017 Risk Mitigation Multiple in-orbit spares, redundant backup Earth station 1 Specifications are approximate and subject to change.
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Hosted Payload Data rate Up to 1 Mbps 2 Specifications are approximate and subject to change. Note: Iridium NEXT satellites have been designed to accommodate a "standard" payload that meets these specifications. Detailed specifications for interfacing hosted payloads with the satellites are Starting in 2015, Iridium expects to begin launching its next generation spacecraft will replace Iridium's current constellation of 66 low-earth orbit (LEO) satellites - the world's largest commercial satellite system. Known as Iridium NEXT, the new constellation will offer a unique opportunity for...
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“The Earth observation community has a unique window of opportunity, starting now, to augment our ability to capture Earth climate, weather and environmental data through mission payloads on Iridium NEXT. It is critically important to act quickly to ensure the hosted payloads can be included on the Iridium NEXT satellites.” 4 Photo courtesy of The SeaWifs Project, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Centre and Orbimage Dr. Jose Achache, Director, Group on Earth Observations
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Remote Sensing, Climate and Weather Earth and Space Weather Observation Missions GPS Occultation (GPSRO) to Measure Atmospheric Profiles (Temperature, Pressure,WaterVapor) Earth Radiation Budget Solar Irradiance Atmospheric Constituents (Ozone Profiles) Radar Altimetry for Sea Surface Topography Ocean Color Using Multi-spectral Imagers Space Weather Iridium has a long-standing relationship with the remote sensing and Earth observation community.The first-generation satellite constellation currently supports a wide range of missions, including Argo profiling floats, tsunami early warning...
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“Hosted payloads on Iridium NEXT can provide a unique blend of coverage, persistence, survivability and economy for government missions, filling the critical gap until the deployment of new major Iridium Executive Vice President for Government Programs 6 Photo by Cpl. Justin L Schaeffer, U.S. DoD Lt. Gen. John Campbell, U.S. Air Force (Ret.), Photo courtesy of U.S. DoD dedicated satellite programs.”
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Iridium NEXT offers a cost-effective opportunity to fly payloads to address a variety of near-term and long-term government and military requirements. Potential missions include dedicated communications. Earth observation, signals collection, space weather and space situational awareness. The 66 LEO satellites form a canopy over the globe, providing continuous coverage over 100% of the Earth's surface with real-time user command and control of payloads and data flow from the payload in space to a location of the user's choosing. Like the current Iridium constellation, Iridium NEXT will be...
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Annual Sensor Mission Cost, Example Source: Futron Corporation study, 2007 Engineering plans for Iridium NEXT are already well advanced. The first satellites are expected to be launched in 2015 and the full constellation is expected to be operational in 2017. With the selection of a prime contractor planned for 2010, the Iridium NEXT program will move into full system development. It is critical for organizations interested in taking advantage of this opportunity to step forward quickly as the window of opportunity is closing. Firm commitments must be received in 2012 to ensure that...
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Milestone NEXT System Prime Contractor selection and Start of Full Scale Development First NEXT Launch Launch Campaign Complete NEXT System Operations Start Hosted Payload Continuation of feasibility studies, slot commitments accepted Continuation of feasibility and design/risk reduction studies, slot commitment to ensure deployment with first launch Hosted Payload Interface Specification finalized, slot commitment window closed Initial Hosted Payload delivery to Iridium. Integration and qualification with SV to ensure first launch Deployment of NEXT Hosted Payloads into orbit. Hosted...
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To discuss your hosted payload please contact: Remote Sensing, Director, Strategic Market Development E-mail: Om.Gupta@lridium.com John Campbell, Lt. Gen., USAF (Ret.) Executive Vice President, E-Mail: John.Campbell@lridium.com Only one communications company connects the entire globe Iridium is the world's only truly global mobile communications company, with coverage of the entire Earth, including oceans, airways and Polar Regions. Iridium voice and data products provide communications solutions that allow global companies, government agencies and individuals to stay connected,...
Open the catalog to page 12All Iridium catalogs and brochures
Iridium LRIT
4 Pages
Iridium Extreme PTT
2 Pages
Iridium 9555
2 Pages
Iridium Extreme
4 Pages
Iridium Extreme PTT
4 Pages
Iridium 9555
4 Pages
Iridium Pilot
4 Pages
Iridium AxcessPoint Brochure
2 Pages
Iridium 9603 Brochure
4 Pages
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages