Abrasive Sweep Standards


Catalog excerpts

Abrasive Sweep Standards - 2

Dry Abrasive Sweep Blasting Standards Those standards have boon produced m an attempt to orter a ccxnmod consensus on tno types of substrates which paint suppliers and appfcators ant head with overcoating m tho current Maintenance & Bo pair market. They are an attempt to quality the standards achiovabki botwoon iho two oxtremes ol "No abraslvo tfoatmont" nnd "Full removal ol Uio ousting coatings" by roloronclng where appropnale the recognlMd standards, audi aa We havo ohoson 3 starting luttiiraHi tor ness standards: IP BSB • Coatings where the corrosion areas can sensftry bo spot-blasted IP...

Open the catalog to page 2
Abrasive Sweep Standards - 3

International Dry Abrasive Sweep Blasting Standards Swoop blasting Is considered iho (Mills! lemoval of a coot or coals ol palnl from an tnlacl surface, or part removal ol corrosion Irom a corroded surtaco This is achieved by the rapid sweeping' over the surface by a >e< of dry abrasive. The eflectfvenoss of the operation depends on tho nature anrj condWon of surface, type end pest^ sra of the e&aarve and. above n* the skrl ol the operator N wfl dean a surface ol loose rxrtafnfnaeon or loose coaling but n w* not remove deep seated corrosion Removal ol thra can only be ■flaciad IT IS NOT AN...

Open the catalog to page 3
Abrasive Sweep Standards - 4

Intact Coating A stool surtoco which otter removal oJ contamination (oWgrease etc.) and alter High Pressure Fresh Water Washing (HPFWW), should present intact, sound and llrmh/ adhering coalings - with no visible delects.

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Abrasive Sweep Standards - 5

All aioas havo boon systematically treated by dry abrasive sweep Wasting to remove one or more coats ot the scheme to reveal a firm substrate. There should bo no steel surfaces exposed and iho remaining coalings should bo fumiy adhorlng. All areas have boon systematically treated by dry abrasive blasting to remove one or more coats ot tho schome lo reveal a (urn substrate It is acceptable that the steel surfaces may be oxposod and islands of soundly adhering Intact may also bo present. Note: (I)Any arena ol blisters should be treated In accordance with tho recommendations of tho local...

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Abrasive Sweep Standards - 6

A steel surface which after removal of contamination (cWgreaso etc.) and after High Pressure Fresh Waior Washing (HPFWW). should present Intact, firmly adhering coatings. The lurfoco will also exhibit localised areas of damage and corrosion, and a buH-up of previous systems will also bo present These aroas should bo capabio of being treated by dry abrasive spot blasting.

Open the catalog to page 6
Abrasive Sweep Standards - 7

Aroas ol damngo and corrosion havo boon treaiod to an agreed specific standard An remaining areas have boon treated by dry abrasive swoop blasting to partially remove one of more ol the existing coating layers to leave a firm substrate Steel surfaces may be oxposed, but any islands of remaining Intact coalings should bo soundly adhering lo iho There should not be any obviously visible loose edgos." II those do exist then lurthor agrood means of treatment w* havo to bo carried out Nolo: (I) Any proas ol bllslora should be treated In accordance with the recommendations of the local...

Open the catalog to page 7
Abrasive Sweep Standards - 8

Scattered Areas of Corrosion A steef surface which after removal ol contamination (o*Qfease etc.) and after High Prossuro Frosh Water Washing (HPFWW) shoutd prosont areas ol intact coating, with scoltorod or oxtonsivo areas ol damage and/or corroston breakdown. Tho areas o* damage and corrosion would be deemed loo numerous to treat by spot-Wasting alone.

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Abrasive Sweep Standards - 9

AH areas of th© surface lm bean systemabcafy treated by dry abrasive Wasting to remove al loosely adhering coebngs. and/or corrosion, together with any significant build- up ol the existing achomels). There w« be significant areas or exposed Heel but il is unlikely that any men oxpoeed steel win Be to any recognised dry abrasive blast standard. There may be Islands' of the original coatings remaining where "loose edges* am visible but In general mosi >omalnlng coatings should be adhering lo iho subsKoto AP areas ol the surface have been systematically treated by dry abrasive Masflng to...

Open the catalog to page 9
Abrasive Sweep Standards - 10

Potentially Unsuitable Surfaces This photograph attempts to show the types of surface effects, sometimes obtained by the use ol diy abrasive sweep blasting techniques, which exhibit hard edges, lilting edges. islands ol coatings lending to detach etc., and which is unltttety to be suitable tor

Open the catalog to page 10

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