Catalog excerpts

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INOXx STYLE Viareggio Faucet: Cold or Premixed water Faucet Mixer: Hot/Cold water Faucet Mixer + Diverter Foot shower Hand shower
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INOX /STYLE Viareggio Faucet + Water outlet Faucet + Foot shower
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INOXx STYLE Viareggio Example: Mixer + Shower head Example: Mixer + Diverter + Shower Head + Foot shower Example: Mixer + Diverter + Shower head + Hand shower
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Open the catalog to page 6
INOX /STYLE Sorrento Faucet: Cold or Premixed water Faucet Mixer: Hot/Cold water Faucet Mixer + Diverter Foot shower Hand shower
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INOX /STYLE Sorrento Faucet + Water outlet Faucet + Foot shower
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INOXx STYLE Sorrento Example: Mixer + Shower head Example: Mixer + Diverter + Shower Head + Foot shower Example: Mixer + Diverter + Shower head + Hand shower
Open the catalog to page 9
■n°x styul Mix Inox O
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INOX /STYLE Mix Inox O Item Code: 51.030 Mix Inox O Wall mounting mixer for outdoor made in Stainless Steel CHARACTERISTICS • AISI 316L stainless steel. • Mirror-like manual polishing, "nautical" level quality Velvet Steel finishing Miscelatore da esterno in acciaio inox per attacco a muro. CARATT ERISTIC HE • Acciaio Inox AISI 316L. • Lucidatura a specchio eseguita a mano di quality nautica. OPZIONI • Finitura Satinata
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Open the catalog to page 13
Open the catalog to page 14
Item Code: 51.031 Mix Inox R Wall mounting mixer for outdoor made in Stainless Steel CHARACTERISTICS • AISI 316L stainless steel. • Mirror-like manual polishing, "nautical" level quality Velvet Steel finishing Miscelatore da esterno in acciaio inox per attacco a muro. CARATT ERISTIC HE • Acciaio Inox AISI 316L. • Lucidatura a specchio eseguita a mano di quality nautica. OPZIONI • Finitura Satinata
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Open the catalog to page 17
Item Code: 51.032 Mix Inox RS Wall mounting mixer for outdoor made in Stainless Steel CHARACTERISTICS • AISI 316L stainless steel. • Mirror-like manual polishing, "nautical" level quality OPTIONS Velvet Steel finishing Miscelatore da esterno in acciaio inox per attacco a muro. CARATT ERISTIC HE • Acciaio Inox AISI 316L. • Lucidatura a specchio eseguita a mano di quality nautica. OPZIONI • Finitura Satinata
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Finish Velvet Steel finish
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INOX /STYLE ITALIA Sede Legale: Via Don Romeo Domenichini, 89 Workshop & Showroom: Via dei Carpentieri, 31 55041 Camaiore (LU) +39 (0)584 1716108 info@inoxstvle.com UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 37, Blvd Dubouchage Le Consul 06000 Nice +33 (0)493 133366 info.fr@inoxstvle.com Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 683 DWTC District - Central 1 Building, 08011 Barcelona Level 1 - Dubai World Trade Centre Q EUIPO . . EUROPEAN UNION * * INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE © 2000-2023 Inoxstyle Sri - All rights are reserved The information contained in this document is the sole property of Inoxstyle Sri. Any...
Open the catalog to page 20All Inoxstyle catalogs and brochures
Shower Arms - PhotoBook 7e7
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SOLE 48 Y photobook 7e8
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DREAM YACHT Y photobook 7e8
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The Nautical Shower Brochure
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Product Index Photobook 2024
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Ellipse Shower Line
5 Pages
Archived catalogs
Telefono Cube
7 Pages
Tecno cube
14 Pages
16 Pages
15 Pages
7 Pages
Aria Cylinder
16 Pages
Sole 60
14 Pages
11 Pages