Catalog excerpts
Magic by INEXA Craftsmen to the world´s finest ships A stylish new wall finish for marine interiors Fire-retardant, lightweight, easy to maintain and affordable Uniquely, it encourages creativity
Open the catalog to page 1TNF Magic ® A revolution in ship safety and interior design Since the mid-90’ies Inexa has delivered TNF Magic® to hundreds of ships and offshore units as an upgraded surface, complementary to the traditional pvc. TNF Magic® surpasses technical standards and is a safer and more durable and stylish surface than pvc. •Halogen free •No Dioxin •Fire Retardant •Lightweight •Low flame spread surface •Hard Wearing •Low calorific value •Easily Maintained •Non toxic •Competitive •No Clorides •Vast Colour Range •No Cyanides •Stylish
Open the catalog to page 2TNF has more than 35 years global experience in making marine interior products to a quality that surpasses international standards. During these years TNF has become a leading brand for interior products to the world market. Contracts have been won for the supply of products to 9,000 ships, ferries, yachts, navy ships and offshore accommodation units. TNF Magic® A major breakthrough in technology and production systems by TNF has resulted in a revolutionary new approach to the style of a safe, fire retardant wall finish - TNF Magic®. New designs have been created for all types of...
Open the catalog to page 3TNF Magic ® wins Ship Safety Award The prestigious Ship Safety Award was presented by Mr Richard Moorhouse, Executive Chairman of Lloyd’s Register (right) to Karl-David Sundberg, Chairman of Inexa TNF (center). Also present was the President of RINA, Mr Nigel Gee (left). The ceremony was held at the annual Dinner of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects in London on 27 April 2005. The Lloyd’s Register and Royal Institution of Naval Architects Ship Safety Award serves to promote a greater awareness of the need for safer ships. The award is presented to individuals or organizations whose...
Open the catalog to page 4THE 2004 RINA ~ LLOYD'S REGISTER SHIP SAFETY AWARDS THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF NAVAL ARCHITECTS LLOYD'S REGISTER Winner of the Industry Category TNF Magic- A New Fire-Retardant Wall Finish
Open the catalog to page 5Fire Test Presentation In March 2004, TNF commissioned independent fire tests on its product TNF Magic® at Laboratorio Studi e Ricerche Sul Fuoco, Italy and the European Fire & Conductivity Laboratory in Denmark. Simultaneously, both laboratories conducted identical tests on PVC wall finish of the type normally used on ships. The timed photographs provide visual evidence of the poor performance of PVC compared to TNF Magic®. The scientific data recorded proved that TNF Magic out-performs PVC wall finishes. 2 MINUTES from Ignition Already 2 minutes after ignition, the massive gathering of...
Open the catalog to page 6The Data Produced Independent scientific data show that TNF Magic® is substantially safer that PVC foil. SMOKE The massive quantities of smoke and toxic fumes generated by the burning PVC foil proved, beyond doubt, to be a serious threat to life. Smoke produced by TNF Magic® was small in comparison and was non toxic. Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide In the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) test 1,500 mg/m³ was emitted from burning PVC, while TNF Magic produced 500 mg/m³. In the Carbon Monoxide (CO) test PVC burst through the 200 mg/m³ while TNF Magic® only reached 50 mg/m³ Hydrogen Chloride PVC foil...
Open the catalog to page 7TNF Magic® colours M1191 M1131 M1187 M1133 M1132 M1190 M1155 M1184 M1154 M1143 M1157 M1141 Durable surface M1185 TNF M1201 •Superior fire safety •Galvanized steel or aluminium with ARSsurface •No foil, but impressed directly into the ARS-surface •Surface thickness: 0,033 mm •Chemical resistant Magic EB10 by INEXA
Open the catalog to page 9TNF Magic® colours 6A220D EFF 3H082F 11 2A505D I2 36603 I2 3H082F 402 LASCA I2 6A220D I1 3K209K I1 3H082 403 2K613K I3 2A505D EFF 2K442K EFF TNF Magic can be repaired 2A505D I3 2K442K I1 TNF •Scratches can be repaired with paint and brush •Shoepolish, rubber, oil and other materials can easily be removed with hot water and a cloth Magic by INEXA
Open the catalog to page 10TNF is the complete high quality accommodation system for all marine interiors. The TNF system includes wall and ceiling panels, doors, floors and wetunits. TNF has been leading the development in marine interiors since 1973. The world famous TNF quality is demonstrated in the environment, which can be designed to provide the ideal conditions for all functions. TNF
Open the catalog to page 12All INEXA A/S catalogs and brochures
TNF Wet Units
4 Pages
TNF Marine Fire Doors
7 Pages
TNF General low
3 Pages
TNF Window Boxes
3 Pages
TNF Wet Units
5 Pages
TNF Profile Selection low
9 Pages
TNF Partition and lining
9 Pages
TNF Magic By Inexa
7 Pages
TNF Ceilings C55 & C65
8 Pages
12 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
16 Pages
16 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
8 Pages