Catalog excerpts
IMM QUALITY BOAT LIFTS - ELEVATOR SPECIFICATIONS 4,500# Dual PWC 3 THUG TUBAL ENfllMEEJlIHG UtYKW H5 CO 1-iETRijCT1 □ h-l rite flFFh CfSiC.toFXi A=i A w HQ Hfc&&|tf+S SvtltW KlrH CalCJAATO #flD Wf+j L'j-HlL^i TH 00WjWJGE YflTH "HE =1 OFCA FA.lLni*3 OCGF oEOnOfttlGdED 7-10, AMD 'MNfJtL^ 0E3OH U0ADSFQfl eULOMSSANO OTVlFF; ETKi IETUFF9' HO fc'.FhsT.tei::-1 ■ l wiMO lMlS aS&^WED WTF AN LIQUATE WHO E-PFEO Gf l E-- U^O'iLHE ^ Fl£K CATOiOFn"111 AJ^^DL'SAHOFFra fiOfilH *N£i ElhGf*EFR£ HAS Nti «:Cfhi“ DL O F T HE Hr!AJ-lL^=ACTLI-ITJE;. PEHFOSMVjCF. flfi iH5TALiAiii}h C* TH^«*X*JCT. ' nLL-L LW+Hi! IWtf Hblt LFnijri.LULUIH WCUUMUMUA WTHKCEnff-EhKitJnFlhyiPRKTEEaAHn DATA PftCTOtUUY hHb v^fiUFJMJrunER .il SAfdEf* riwi*rAi Kfli ^nrt#$X*jCcTHllriC En^KfTl if|C Ciftlluaa et AfturiHhon Mi :;:^fli r*:d:-rs>^ L>-ti !■.■> 1Q3 *t p. H315 sitsMATuaE Nor valid wi rnour haised seal Base Mount Typical IMM BOAT LIFTS, INC. IS ' NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DOCK STRUCTURE OR ITS ABILITY RESIST THE APPLIED LOADS OF THE BOAT LIFT. THE SITE SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY A LICENSED MARINE CONTRACTOR. APPLIED LOADS WILL BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. . Brackets bolted thru pile with l/2'0 _ min AISI 316 stainless steel bolts. Notesi 1. Structure designed for loads associated with an ultimate wind speed of 170 MPH, exposure 'D', risk category 1, calculated for Florida Building Code 2010, ASCE 7-10 and ADM-2005. 2. Boats shall not be stored on lifts during high wind events. 3. All primary structural members to be 6061-T6 aluminum. 4. Tracks are to be driven to firm bearing material. 5. Wood piles shall comply with ASTM D25 and be southern pine, 2.5 cca marine grade pressure treated. 6. Lateral support for piles and attachment to piles shall be engineered by others for site specific conditions. DWG: 600109 Pub April 21,2016 17030 Alico Center Rd. Ft Myers Fl 33967
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