Catalog excerpts
Marine Inspection, Exploration and Recovery Tool For over four decades, Hydroacoustics Inc. (HAI) has been recognized asa leader in underwater marine technology. Since 1974. our HLF (Hyd roacoustic Low Frequency) Acoustic Sources can be found on U.S. Navy submarines. The Proteus Series of underwater remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) represents the latest technology in the areas of underwater exploration, marine inspection and observation, and search, rescue and recovery, as well as aiding in the protection of underwater environments through underwater observation. ► Battery operated for portability ► Smallest teth er ROV o n the market today for best control ► Custom built to meet your specific needs ► Enhances youroperational effectiveness, saving time and money > Adds a level of safety to yourdive team operations The Proteus500 ROV is ideal for small boat and platform operations, where a single op erator or quick launch is required.This battery-powered underwater remote operated vehicle means you won't need to drag external power with your ROV or heavy tether reels to remote spots. You can bring the Proteus5O0 ROV onslte.and it will be in the water and running within a few short minutes. The open architecture design enables you to define your ROV capabilities by adding only those options that your mission requires. Our Proteus ROVs come with a 3.5mm tether that is stronger than those that are multiple times larger, and are built to be the most stable ROV platforms available, giving you the ability to take the highest quality videos for your mission. All ROV controls are managed utilizing your laptop, including the graphical user interface, which provides a unique, intuitive control panel screen. This screen includes the Proteus Series ROV operational status, video, and sensor data, as well as joystick control configuration. Some available ROV accessories are: sonar, additional cameras, manipulator arm, GPS. bathometry, water tester. radiation detection, thickness gauge. CP Probe, video enhancement and more. How would you like your ROV customized? If ROV safety, lower total system weight, performance, and affordability are important to you, cal l us today and let us build an ROV just for you. Our ROV is backed by the best warranty in the
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