2015 Catalog
1 / 12Pages

Catalog excerpts

2015 Catalog - 2

Why is Hutchins Better? Unlike imported sanders, Hutchins is an innovator in sanding technology. This means we constantly improve and re-design our sanders to offer the latest advances for performance, productivity and value. When you purchase a Hutchins sander, you will own it for your entire career. Only Hutchins offers a no-hassle, no strings attached flat rate repair program allowing you to keep sanding with your Hutchins sander long after the imported ones are thrown in the trash! Hutchins sanders may cost a little more initially because American made quality doesn't come cheap but in...

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2015 Catalog - 3

Random Orbital Sander s “For Aluminum Only” ( Part No. 1529A) Red trigger available for newly purchased ProFinishers™- Use it to alert your shop to use the sander only on Aluminum surfaces ProFinisher™ Sanders by Hutchins offer cutting edge technology at an affordable price. All ProFinisher™ sanders are made in America and deliver performance you’d expect from Hutchins Manufacturing. All ProFinisher™ sanders can accommodate 5” or 6” sanding pads (except for 3” models). Vacuum/ Self-Gen. Accessories Included Random Orbital Sanders Random Orbital Sanders • Random Orbital sanders with a 3/32”...

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2015 Catalog - 4

Random Orbital Sander s “For Aluminum Only” ( Part No. 1529A) Red trigger available for newly purchased ProFinishers™ - Use it to alert your shop to use the sander only on Aluminum surfaces ProFinisher™ Sanders by Hutchins offer cutting edge technology at an affordable price. All ProFinisher™ sanders are made in America and deliver performance you’d expect from Hutchins Manufacturing. All ProFinisher™ sanders can accommodate 5” or 6” sanding pads (except for 3” models). P r o F i n i s h e r ™ 7 0 0 S e r i e s - 5/16 O f f s e t • When time is money and you want the fastest sander...

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2015 Catalog - 5

Random Orbital Sander s Legacy Sanders by Hutchins are the product of 65 years of engineering know-how and a dedication to manufacturing the best sanders available. All Legacy Sanders are made in America and are designed to deliver exceptional performance for years of trouble-free service. All Legacy Random Orbital Sanders have built-in pad release buttons and can accommodate 5”, 6”,or 8” sanding pads. F i n i s h i n g S a n d e r s - 3/ 3 2 O f f s e t • Legacy Random Orbit Sanders with a 3/32” offset are generally used for pre and post paint procedures. • The fine orbit allows precise...

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2015 Catalog - 6

Random Orbital Sander s Legacy Sanders by Hutchins are the product of 65 years of engineering know-how and a dedication to manufacturing the best sanders available. All Legacy Sanders are made in America and are designed to deliver exceptional performance for years of trouble-free service. All Legacy Random Orbital Sanders have built-in pad release buttons and can accommodate 5”, 6”,or 8” sanding pads. Industrial Aggressive Sander s • Legacy Industrial Random Orbit Sanders are designed to deliver the fastest, most comfortable sanders while still affording years of worry-free operation. •...

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2015 Catalog - 7

Straightline Sander s All Hutchins Straightline sanders have dual cylinders with a common piston and vertically-engaged, twin-drive gears. This double rack and pinion gear assembly gives twice normal gear contact for maximum balance, thrust and longevity. • Straightline sanders are used for shaping fillers and putties and for achieving a perfectly flat surface. • The Linear motion replicates hand sanding with a block. Vacuum/ Self-Gen. Accessories Included Straightline Accessories Replacement Pads Replacement Pads Straightline Sanders Straightline Sanders VA Connector Hose Fitting...

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2015 Catalog - 8

Orbital Sanders Orbital Action Sanders are versatile and adapt to every surface preparation need. Developed in the early 50’s, this style of sander still is preferred for marine, industrial, and automotive applications. Because the fixed pad orbits an offset counterweight, fast sanding and smooth finish results can be expected. • 3/32” offset orbitals sanders are used mainly for pre & post paint operations and are generally used for wet sanding applications. • 3/16” offset orbitals sanders are more aggressive and used for applications requiring fast material removal and super-flat surface...

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2015 Catalog - 9

Rotar y Sander s Hutchins Rotary sanders offer reduced gear drive action to increase operator control and to control heat generation to lessen distortion. • Rotary Sanders operate in a circular motion • Rotary sanders are generally used for shaping fillers and grinding metals and composites • Reduced gear rotary sanders are ideal for Aluminum Preparation Vacuum/ Self-Gen. Rotar y Sander s Rotar y Sander s Accessories Included Rotar y Accessories Replacement Pads Part No. 5017 Exhaust Hose Assembly (4921 Series) Vacuum, 8” PSA 8-12 hole Pad (4921 Series) Vacuum, 11” PSA 8-12 hole Pad (Model...

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2015 Catalog - 10

Speed Files Long before pneumatic sanders made the scene; Autobody craftsmen were using Speed Files (hand boards) to guarantee a precisely shaped panel. Whether the desired effect is a gentle curve or a perfectly flat surface, Hutchins Speed Files offer the ultimate in comfort & control. Unlike cheap imitations, we use unfinished domestic hickory for our handles to eliminate hand blisters and splinters. Shaped for comfort; these Speed Files allow effortless sanding and outstanding results. Can be used with water Part No. Vacuum/ Self-Gen. Can be used with water 4” x 11” PSA/Clip Pad, Medium...

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2015 Catalog - 11

Anti-Static Airlines Clear, crushproof, reinforced construction allows instant detection of airborne contamination. The anti-static design decreases electrical charge to improve metallic orientation for both solvent & water based paints. Reduces static charge and dust build-up on plastic parts and bumpers. The lightweight, durable design with a large inside diameter improves airflow for better spray gun and air tool operation. Anti-Static 3/8th Airline - 35 Feet Anti-Static 3/8th Airline - 50 Feet Vacuum Ac c e s sor ie s Accessories Part No. Common Vacuum Terms The term “VA” refers to...

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