Catalog excerpts

Carbon/Epoxy Moulding Compound New technology to get your taste buds tingling...
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What is HexMC™? HexMC is a high performance sheet-moulding compound, specifically designed for compression moulding. What differentiates HexMC from other sheet moulding compounds? The epoxy matrix and high fibre volume content of HexMC provide mechanical properties that are superior to those achieved with any other short or long fibre compound and which approach the performance of structural composites. High Technical Performance What are typical applications for HexMC? HexMC is suitable for replacing traditional materials such as aluminium, where a lightweight solution is sought. Typical...
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What are the benefits of HexMC? HexMC is suitable for high volume compression moulding applications with a production rate of 100 - 1,000 components per day. HexMC is easy to use. The fast curing epoxy system provides short cure cycles (from 5 minutes at 135˚C/275˚F, depending on component thickness). Complex 3-D shapes are easy to achieve. Inserts are integrated into the moulding process, avoiding additional time-consuming procedures. There is none of the machining or scrap associated with metal, nor the lay-up and autoclaving associated with prepregs. Zero mould preparation. HexMC has an...
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HexMC™ Carbon epoxy sheet moulding compound with fast curing epoxy system, fibre content of 60%, an internal release agent and specific mechanical properties superior to many metal alloys. The possibilities are endless.
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Sales Office: Telephone/Fax numbers include country codes (in bold) which should be omitted for national dialing. For international dialing, prefix with international access code and omit bracketed number. INTERNET http://www.hexcel.com All information is believed to be accurate but is given without liability. Users should make their own assessment of the suitability of any product for the purposes required. All sales are made subject to our standard terms of sale which include limitations on liability and other important items. ®HEXCEL registered trademark ©HEXCEL Composites Designed and...
Open the catalog to page 6All Hexcel Composites catalogs and brochures
5 Pages
12 Pages
Automotive Product Focus
4 Pages
6 Pages
Archived catalogs
HexTow® Chopped Fiber
2 Pages
HexMC®-i / C / 2000 / M81
2 Pages
HexMC®-i / C / 2000 / M77
2 Pages
Redux ® 100 series
4 Pages
HexPly ® M78.1
4 Pages
A1 & A10
4 Pages
12 Pages
5 Pages
HexPly® M81
4 Pages
HexPly® M77
3 Pages
HexPly® M10R
4 Pages
HexPly® M47
4 Pages
HexPly® M49
4 Pages
116 Pages
4 Pages
HexPly M9M10
4 Pages
4 Pages
HexPly® M34
4 Pages
HexForce? Fiber Glass Fabric
1 Pages
HexForce? Aramid Fabric
1 Pages
Redux epoxy film adhesive
4 Pages
40 Pages