Catalog excerpts
PB380 永久压载 Perman 载 nent Balla st PB38 永久压载的 80 的密度最高可 6.0 吨/m 可达 m3,由重骨型 型料预混合而 而成,泵入后像 像浆料一样,7 天 初步 步固化 28 天完 完全固化。 The PB380 range of permane ballast e e ent exhibits dens sities up to 6.0 and consi 6 ists in a pre-blended com mbination of heavy weigh ore aggreg ht gates pumpe like a visc ed cous slurry 7 days of in nitial cure an 28 days of complete c nd cure. 它不 不会在恶劣的海 海洋条件下移 移动, 在结构损 损坏的情况下 下留在舱体内, 其惰性与超 超过 10 的 pH 值 相结 结合,可防止细 细菌生长和钢 钢结构腐蚀。 It do not shift in hard sea conditions, s oes c stays inside the tanks in case of struct t c ture damage and e Its p passivating p properties combined with a pH in exc h cess of 10 prevent bacter riological gro owth and corrosion of steel struct f tures. 这种 种永久压载由不 不同重型骨料 料混合成,符 符合严格的腐蚀 蚀测试程序。 This permanent ballast is ma of a blen of differe ore aggre s ade nd ent egates which comply wit h th strin ngent corrosi tests pro ion ocedures. 在符
Open the catalog to page 1Email: Address: B305,1325 Hengnan Road, Shanghai Physical properties: Density :3.2-6.0 (± 0.1) g/cm3 (^$ij) PH ^:>_9 Color: _Grey
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