Catalog excerpts
;'t-~~tl'@;i'Fl988:$., '.!£t~l00:$.1tJH-§';}8\i;J~WL, lff:,G,n@ttlft:folJt.a:$11::JJt.o ,'t-~;}8\i;i~Jr1,+Egii;IJ;J;/1,+Si~ffi-55+{~~55+lt~;,s:Wl~~ ~g{~i!J:15~, ~IH~'.@:l:Jt$JJ;, ;'t-~7!'',g:p 1tjj:ff' o~ o ;'t-~'.!£J'~"~JJt.1-t.~~g1t, '.@:ft1t" ~Jll:'M,i:tt:ff"s'~gir,~~gf'o~, ~~rnH~,~~Ht~t, ~~g)\;t~IJJt.4.0tJz*B~ii.¥.Jr~@.fflo ~~~ ~g{~ii!J7'5~l~{#ill'J! Established in 1988, JIE has been insisting on manufacturing a great reducer in 100 years, aiming to build a century-old enterpriffi wrth its craftsmanship. JIE serves global marketwrth intelligent drwe solutions incl. gear unrts, motors, inverters, sensors and Internet of Things. JIE is commrtted to providing great products for great partners across the world With the core strategy of"Specialization, Intelligence and Global~ation", JI E is dedicated to the innovation and application of industry 4.0 technologies incl. intelligent plants, intelligent products, intelligent services, intelligent experiences, intelligent talents, etc. JIE, a provider of Intelligent Drive Solutionsl Add: qi OO+JtHl~LiJ · +Jt1'1'1 2 ;~ fi )1f!Z · ~~i~1 ~ ~flil: 311223 No.1 , JIE Road , Hangzhou Airport Economic Zone , Xiaoshan, 311223, Hangzhou, P.R. China JRH Industrial Gear Units JIE USA, INC. Add : 493 Mission St. Carol Stream IL80188 USA Tel E-mall: ~~~~;$~~RF8Q~~~)jiaF8~00~. efflm~ ™TF8~~- ~~- ltW-~~- e.'1!-00~-~~-~*mr.~~*- B~~* llfi!i-tZ>tltilHU<" lQF-!< , l\!ll!;<, ~ ~ ~•Olil'l', ;is~~a$oi~~F8Q~Rll)jiit~*- f!:>i ~"lQF -1<, *1tlf"f . ~fi!UJ, i,i;,tlillll!
Open the catalog to page 1Excellence From Expertise JIE INTELLIGENT DRIVE SOLUTIONS PROVIDER
Open the catalog to page 2JRH I~lk"/!r~tffi JRH Industrial Gear Units Selection Guide Product Pictures Product Description Model Description Selection Description Technical Specifications Product Dimension Product Ratio Product Layout Form Explosion Protection Product Accessories JI E Drive Product Catalogue
Open the catalog to page 3im?,1:-;tl::I Excellence From Expertise
Open the catalog to page 4im~tf:1 Excellence From Expertise --~~~it Selection Guide Select JIE Drive product Example: Pick the right model JRHH parallel shaft gear units, JRHB bevel helical gear units. Enter current product brand Example: JIE Drive or competitors. Enter current product specifications Example: JRH industrial gear units, size 3~28, ratio l.25~450, input : power 4.3~ 10515kW, output torque 2300~ 1400000Nm and other : specifications. Generate JIE Drive model and specifications Example: JRHH3SH9-31.5-A-01-79-82, JRHB4SH9-140-A-00 and other models. Generate 2D/3D drawings of JIE Drive products Example:...
Open the catalog to page 5JRH I~lk"/!r~tffi JRH Industrial Gear Units 5. ~i6X~~iF~2D/3D~ Generate 2D/3D drawing of JI E products
Open the catalog to page 6iffi;,1<;: Excellence From Expertise ""tf:1 - - - - - - - ~~P~ro~d~uJcct Pictures JRHH . . SH
Open the catalog to page 7JRH I~lk"/!r~tffi JRH Industrial Gear Units -· p~j~B~ Product Description ~-JRHI~-~-. oo•~~~m~~. filffi JRHH-1¥-ff$1115~ffi. JRHB~3t$1115~ffi·~~B1Jf"~o ~-JRHI~-~-. ~tl~~t"~-~~Wtt~~mm••-~1"~«~~~-. ···•~1".BW•• ~~~1"-MU-~~. ~-JRHI~-~ffi' ilfit!i.t•~~llittt~i~itillt$' ~*9iJf"~filM$~ Mlb.A. $~•)...•~~••w.xii~~••w.~~••w.m•••~~••w. ~~~•.n~~•.m••~• ~~~ffi*•••m~~~m~•~••m~m•~ma~••.#~ffl •*~•A• □ -•wm•~~•m~. fflWP ■ ~illff~tt~~Wtt~~~ o ~-;h~~~WPfi!&~t"~ ! JRH industrial gear units has a long service life, low noise, no oil leakage, lightweight and able to attach intelligent monitoring systems to...
Open the catalog to page 8im~tf:1 Excellence From Expertise Product Characteristics i~it JRHI.!llt/&•~u~m~~is¾:it' :!t~.!ll~l't-JBIJ~z.~lti:ET: JIE parallel shaft and right angle gear housing adapt new design, the distinctive innovation is: • Less parts type, more specification and models • Higher reliability, bigger power rate • Adapt outstanding non-contact anti-friction labyrinth type seal; • Provide flange type output shaft, to match the installation requirement in the small space ( according the Provide other installation type according the requirement of customer. Provide the standard specification of flange,...
Open the catalog to page 9JRH I~lk"/!r~tffi JRH Industrial Gear Units General Information Attention e111ustrations are examples only and not strictly binding.Dimensions are subject to change. eThe weights are mean values and not strictly binding. • A ~Ji .tt ~ )'~~ ~ :tt ~ . JiJr fi MHHHt ~ m tu.~ it m JiJr:a oo ~ tfu rx ~ ~~~ m ~• n ;Jm =ill' El3 .i'.iU? o eTo prevent accidents.all rotating parts should be ePrior to commissioning .the operating instructions guarded according to local and national safety regulations. must be observed.The gear units are delivered ready for operation but without oil filling . eoil...
Open the catalog to page 10im~tf:1 Excellence From Expertise 3. 32~~~1~.t~ Summary of Basic Types Horizontal mounting position Helical gear units Bevel-helical gear units Vertical mounting position Helical gear units Bevel-helical gear units
Open the catalog to page 11JRH I~lk"/!r~tffi JRH Industrial Gear Units IZ~I. ~ ~ i~ B_ij Model Description H-~~:i\'.~~ M- ~~:i\'.~~ , :fffi±fu}W) V-fl::i\'.~~ • tfUdl W:it S-lt•L.'llll H-~ ,t,,$il
Open the catalog to page 12im~tf:1 Excellence From Expertise n. ~~j~B~ Selection Description 1. ~ ~~f~~jJJ RHf= liil~~~ 'ffmI;}i: mzmfi~: Jf±.ft5~M: 5lijW~M: ~f¥!fru$: ffJ.!£BtfsJ: D15% D25% D40% D60% D100% llllffl d'bAA!: ffttfiiJ~: F8M~.@. : fil~t;f.iR~: fil~M@.: D*ffi D*H (~~) t§;,1,;:~:f4: □ -8-:miiE □ t±1 ,~~~t1Hs Dct:i3ti~B~:t5 □ ~3ti~B~:t5 lll1f!f5l~: o m~• O~ll::~ Ox J~x!ilt;f.iR~: 5m;;Wlts: □JM R-01 □J MG-0 1 □ JGB-0 1 □ RA L2002 □ RA LS0 lS □ RA L9003 □ RAL7045 ORAL7031 iln~~m: □t;f.;ft □ JSl □JS2 □JS3 □JS4 ~AA3-~31<: Dct:i3t □ ~3t ~~R1~: r"d'b~~: □JRHH OJ RHB ~~JJit: □m~!lW~~~it~~ □ :fm~!l!ll~~~it~~ □...
Open the catalog to page 13All Hangzhou JIE Drive Technology Co. catalogs and brochures
JRT Gearmotor catalog
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