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Material Safety factor Standards Finish Temperature range Standard certification Forged high tensile steel quenched and tempered 6 times Generally according to US Federal Spec RR-C-271 Galvanised -20°C up to +200°C BOW TYPE SAFETY PIN X Certificate of Conformity 3.1 material certificate EN 10204 shackles DEE TYPE SAFETY PIN X WLL Art. No. Art. No. Art. No. Art. No. ABCDDE FXXYY Packing Weight ton screw pin safety pin screw pin safety pin mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm pcs kg Tolerance: Inside length ± 7.5%, all other forged parts ± 5%, machined parts ± 1 mm GNrope fittings Grofsmederij Nieuwkoop B.V. - The Netherlands www.gnweb.com, sales@gnweb.com Tel: +31(0) 172 579 303, Fax: +31(0) 172 571 073
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