Ion 2


Catalog excerpts

Ion 2 - 1

Kite Instructions

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Ion 2 - 2

Welcome Contents 2. Contents 3. Welcome 4 - 7. Safety First 8. Terminology / Conditions 40 - 41. Setting Up 5-Line Freestyle Mode 42 - 43. Changing from 5-Line to 4-Line 44 - 45. Changing from 5-Line to 4-Line Bar Wind Window 9. Bienvenue. Willkommen. Bienvenidos. 46. Using the 4-Line Safety System 47. Using the 5-Line Safety System 14 - 15. Kite Size Information 48. Using the Primary Release 49. Reattaching the Primary Release 16 - 17. Ion2 Overview 18 - 19. 4-Line Freeride Bar Overview 20 - 21. 5-Line Freestyle Bar Overview 50. Using the Secondary Release 51. Reattaching the Secondary...

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Ion 2 - 3

Safety First *FLEXIFOIL STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU ABIDE BY ALL SAFETY GUIDELINES AND CONDUCT YOURSELF IN A SAFE MANNER AT ALL TIMES* IMPORTANT INFORMATION » Flexifoil water kites have been designed for kiteboarding and other water use only. They are not recommended for land-based activities. » Kiteboarding is an extreme sport that can be both exhilarating and dangerous. You must read and abide by the following instructions and safety warnings to ensure that you have a great kiteboarding experience. » This information is for your own safety and protection. If you do not agree with these...

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Ion 2 - 4

Safety First Sicherheit geht vor. *FLEXIFOIL EMPFIEHLT SEHR, DASS SIE SICH AN ALLE SICHERHEITSRICHTLINIEN HALTEN UND KEINERLEI RISIKEN EINGEHEN* WICHTIGE INFORMATIONEN » Flexifoil Wasserlenkdrachen sind nur zum Kiteboarding und andere Verwendung im Wasser vorgesehen. Sie werden nicht für landbasierte Aktivitäten empfohlen. » Kiteboarding ist eine Extremsportart, die sowohl berauschend als auch gefährlich sein kann. Sie müssen die folgenden Anweisungen und Warnhinweise durchlesen und sich daran halten, wenn Sie ein großartiges Erlebnis beim Kiteboarden haben möchten. » Diese Informationen...

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Ion 2 - 5

Initiation au Vent. Das Windfenster. La Ventana del Viento. Before going out on the water it is important that you have a basic understanding of the wind as well as the terminology used in describing the different conditions. You will find that these terms are frequently referred to in warnings and instructions, so please take some time to familiarise yourself with them OAvant d'aller dans l'eau il est important que vous ayez une compré hension basi que du vent ainsi que la terminologie utilisée dans la description les différentes conditions. Vous constaterez que ces termes sont fréquemment...

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Ion 2 - 6

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Force 47-54 39-46 32-38 25-31 19-24 13-18 8-12 4-7 1-3 ‹1 MPH 48-55 41-47 34-40 28-33 22-27 17-21 11-16 7-10 4-6 1-3 ‹1 KNOTS 87-101 75-86 62-74 51-61 39-50 30-38 20-29 12-19 6-11 1-5 ‹1 KPH 24.5-28.4 20.8-24.4 17.2-20.7 13.9-17.1 10.8-13.8 8.0-10.7 5.5-7.9 3.4-5.4 1.6-3.3 0.3-1.5 0-0.2 METRES/SEC Storm Strong gale Gale Near gale Strong wind Fresh wind Moderate wind Gentle wind Light breeze Light air Calm DESCRIPTION 20-30ft waves; white churning sea; rolling is heavy, reduced visibility 20ft waves; sea begins to roll; dense streaks of foam 13-20ft waves; edges of crests...

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Ion 2 - 7

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 KRAFT 47-54 39-46 32-38 25-31 19-24 13-18 8-12 4-7 1-3 ‹1 MPH 48-55 41-47 34-40 28-33 22-27 17-21 11-16 7-10 4-6 1-3 ‹1 KNOTEN 87-101 75-86 62-74 51-61 39-50 30-38 20-29 12-19 6-11 1-5 ‹1 KPH 24.5-28.4 20.8-24.4 17.2-20.7 13.9-17.1 10.8-13.8 8.0-10.7 5.5-7.9 3.4-5.4 1.6-3.3 0.3-1.5 0-0.2 METER/SEK Schwerer Sturm Sturm Stürmischer Wind Steifer Wind Starker Wind Frische Briese Mäßige Briese Schwache Briese Leichte Briese Leiser Zug Windstille BESCHREIBG. 6-9 m hohe Wellen, weiß rollende See, Sicht beeinträchtigt 6 m hohe Wellenberge, dichte Schaumstreifen, Rollen der See 4-6...

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Ion 2 - 8

Kite Size Information Informations Sur La Taille Du Cerf-volant. *WHICH SIZE OF KITE SHOULD YOU USE FOR WHICH WIND CONDITIONS?* Generally speaking, you should use smaller kites in stronger winds and larger kites in lighter winds. You must not fly Large kites in strong winds! IMPORTANT: If in doubt about which size of kite to take on to the water, always start with a smaller kite and work up, as necessary. Never start with a larger kite. Tip: In stronger winds, the smaller kites will re- launch easily as the wind will easily lift the kite out of the water. In lighter winds, more skill is...

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Ion 2 - 9

Vision Generale. Übersicht. Visión General. Vision Generale. Übersicht. Visión General. #1. Bridle - A network of Une providing support to the leading edge tube - 2. Power toggles - Rope connectors at the front of the vvmgtip for connecting the front flying lines (5-line) 3. Turning toggles - Rope connect ors that connect the kite to the steering lines 4. LE (Leading Edge) tube - The long inflatable tube at the front of the kite that supports the kite shape 5. Inflation valve - The opening for inflating and deflating the tubes 6. 5th line bridle - 'Y-shaped' lines that connect the 5th line...

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Ion 2 - 10

4-Line Freeride Bar Overview Vue générale de la barre Freeride à 4 lignes. Überblick 4-Leinen Freeride Lenkstange. Descripción general de la barra de 4 líneas para freeride. 1 3 4 4 5 6 2 1. Steel swivel - A metal part which allows the front ying lines to rotate around each other and therefore untwist after you have looped the kite. 2. Grey safety line (marked in green) - The green rope attaches to the ring at the top of the depower strap, runs through the centre hole on the bar and through a ring on the bottom of the centre line. There is a ring on the end of the rope where the leash can...

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Ion 2 - 11

5-Line Freestyle Bar Overview Vue générale de la barre Freestyle à 5 lignes. Überblick 5-Line Freestyle Lenkstange. Descripción general de la barra de 5 líneas para freestyle. 1. Steel swivel - A metal part which allows the front ying lines to rotate around each other and therefore untwist after you have done a loop. 2. Clam cleat - A plastic part with teeth which grips the 5th line when there is load from the kite. This part is used to adjust the tension in the 5th line. 3. Pull-pull depower strap - A webbing strap that is used to adjust the length of the front ying lines relative to the...

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All Flexifoil catalogs and brochures

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Archived catalogs

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  2. Sabre 2

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  4. Blade IV

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  5. Atom

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  6. Axis kite bar

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