Catalog excerpts

Ship Sec urity Aler t System Click here or Scan this Code to see in Browser
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FMT-SSAS-V2 Utilizes SkyWave’s IDP-800 Maritime Satellite Terminal, and provides ULTIMATE ^ SSAS Reliability and Versatile Tracking Features Integrated with Falcon Mega Track™ 1 FMT Architecture 2 Overview 3 Key Benefits 4 Technology 5 Satellite Coverage 6 Track by Distance 7 Hardware Specification 8 V-Mail 9 V-Mail Benefits 10 FMT Control Panel 11 Next Step 12 FMS Contact Details FfUlS FfUlS FfUlS FfUl FfUlS FfUlS FfUlS I FfUlS FfUlS FfUlS FfUlS
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ULTIMATE Ch o i c e o f S h i p S e c urity A l e r t S y s te m (S S AS ) f or vessel s l e s s t h a n 5 0 0 G R T Pr e p a i d Bi l l i n g , No H i d d e n Co s t Ultimate M a r i n e As s e t Tra c k ing p o w e r e d b y T r a c k by Dis tan c e T M Ap p . fo r L o w Ope ration a l Co s t T y p e Ap p r o v e d S S AS , wi th I n te r n a l Ba tte r y Backup E mail S up p o r t b y I n m a r s a t S a tellite P o w e r e d b y V -Ma i l
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FMT-SSAS-V2 is a Satellite ISatData Pro Terminal, programmed with Marine Asset Tracking and Ship Security Alert System, enables companies to track and monitor their vessels and boats, giving them increased visibility of business operations, enhanced efficiency, and greater safety and security for their vessels and boats, while lowering operational costs. Secure HTTP encryption and password-protected identification ensure that sensitive data remains safe. Key Benefits 1. Inmarsat Type Approve, CE Mark, FCC, RoHS; Perfect for harsh marine environment; 2. Global Coverage of Inmarsat; 3. Quick...
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Technology 1. FMT-SSAS-V2 has IDP Satellite Terminals, by SkyWave, an Orbcomm Company is one of the leading company in the world for the development of M2M Satellite Terminal of Maritime Industry. IDP terminals are highly reliable and high efficient; Robust Ship Security Alert System to stand with harsh marine Environment; Highly Reliable Servers, 99.99% up time, running 24/7 with FMT Control Panel, the core application is the back bone of SSAS & Tracking system; Secure Web Access to FMT Control Panel through HTTPS, powered by Professional SSL Certificates; 24/7 Technical Support;...
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Track by Distance™ Track by Distance™ (TBD), developed by FMS, is an Application for SkyWave IDP Terminal to economize the use of prepaid Airtime Units for the benefit of the customers of FMS. In addition to Time based Automatic Position Reports (APR), TBD Application enables IDP Terminals to sends the APRs at set distance travelled, and that is really a true tracking of a vessel. For Example, a Vessel is set on 1 APR per day, and 20 mile distance, the vessel will just send 1 APR/day while she is not moving, i.e. in port or at anchorage; and automatically starts APRs every 20 miles while...
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Hardware Specification Satellite Communication Make: SkyWave Communication (an Orbcomm Company) Inmarsat, Two-way, ISatData Satellite: Pro Satellite Service, Global Coverage Type Inmarsat, IP67 Approval: Rx: 45mA, with GPS: 60mA Power: Tx: 0.75A Sleep: 100 micro A Acquisition Hot: 1 second; time: Cold: 29/30 seconds Charging: 1.33A (at 12V) NiMH Battery Environmental Operating -40C to +85C Temp: Dust/Water IP67 Ingress: SAE J1455 Vibration: (Sec fig 6-8); MIL-STD-810G (Sec 514.6) Power Pack FMT-PP2 MAIN VOLTS IN BATTERY
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V-Mail FMT V-Mail is a Value Added Solution for Sending and Receiving Email (Messaging) via Inmarsat Satellites. Connecting a computer, with FMT V-Mail installed, through COM Port of FMT MAT or SSAS terminals, enables a vessel to send and receive email messaging via Inmarsat satellite with Global Coverage. Low Cost Satellite Email System; No additional hardware cost, if FMT-MAT or FMT-SSAS is already installed; Serve as Main Email Communication for small vessels; Serve as Backup Email System for Tankers and Ocean Going Ships, to establish communication in case of failure of Main Email...
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FMT Control Panel FMT-Control Panel provides versatile features to control over the entire Fleet of the Company, with secure web access at https://www.falconmegatrack.com FM T Cont r ol Pan e l Feature s Asset Details Customer Account Details Notification Setting Change Password Set Position Report Interval Poll Position Report V-Mail Message Settings Ship Security Alert System V-Mail Message Filters Place Markers SSAS Test (Warning) Register Vessel Customer Billing (Airtime) Detail
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Pulau Ubin Tekong Island
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Next Step Interest in FMT-SSAS-V2? Here is step forward; 1. For any question you may have, please call Sales Department or write an email; 2. Purchase a set of FMT-SSAS-V2 from the nearest ASCD (Distributor) in your area; the contact detail of ASCDs is available under "Where to Buy" on our website www.falconmegasolutions.com 3. Purchase 3,600 FMT Units (Airtime) for 1 year tracking service; and 400 Units for the Activation of FMT-SSAS-V2 terminal (one time only); 4. Upon the installation of FMT-SSAS-V2, and activation; you shall be provided with a User Name and Password of FMT Control Panel...
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Falcon Mega Solutions www.falconmegasolutions.com Click here or Scan this Code to Visit FMS Web Scan this Code to Save Business Card
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