Catalog excerpts

Marine catalogue
Open the catalog to page 1
L^i]djg`cdl"]dllZcdidcanhZZ`idhVi^h[nVeeZi^iZhhldaaZc Wni]ZhZVhWjiVahdegdk^YZi]ZdXXVh^dc[dg[dcYanegZeVgZY hZV"[V^g^c\[ZVhihWZilZZc[g^ZcYh# I]Z;gZcX]Ògb:CD!:jgdeZVcbVg`ZiaZVYZg^ceaZVhjgZ WdVi^c\`^iX]ZcZfj^ebZci!WdVhihVWgdVYgVc\Zd[hde]^hi^XViZYan YZh^\cZY[jcXi^dcVaegdYjXih[dgÒii^c\djii]Z`^iX]ZcheVXZ d[ndjgWdVi!l]Zi]ZgXdcÒcZYdgheVX^djh# DjgeaZY\Z^hidYZh^\c!bVcj[VXijgZVcY\jVgVciZZdkZgi^bZ egdYjXihi]ViVgZjc^fjZ!gZa^VWaZVcYValVnhVii]Z[dgZ[gdci d[^ccdkVi^dc#;dgbVcnnZVgh!i]Zn]VkZZchjgZYi]ZhjXXZhh d[djgWgVcYdcVaai]ZdXZVch#
Open the catalog to page 2
ENO, THE DETAILS WHICH MAKE THE DIFFERENCE It is our aim to provide maximum domestic comfort to the pleasure boating world. Our engineering and design department creates and produces specially dedicated pleasure boating equipment boasting a vast number of details that guarantee genuine comfort Each ENO appliance undergoes a series of individual tests in our factory to ensure compliance with all enforceable standards BURNERS : screw-less pressure-fastening makes cleaning or replacement easier. ELECTRONIC IGNITION : no need for matches or lighters, easily replaceable battery. U-SHAPED OVEN...
Open the catalog to page 3
Small and compact, this stove easily fits aboard whilst offering maximum safety and reliability. Ideal for day trips and competition boating. TECHNICAL FEATURES Safety device : thermocouple Ignition : Piezo in option Material : stainless steel Color : bright stainless steel A high-performance and light stove, with two burners and made entirely of stainless steel, it comes complete TECHNICAL FEATURES Safety device : thermocouple Ignition : h onic in option Material : stainless steel Color : In i|li stainless steel
Open the catalog to page 4
7J>AI>CDK:CH J;9>D?97B<;7JKH;I ;D7C;BB;:EL;D I]^h gdWjhi VcY Zg\dcdb^X Wj^ai"^c dkZc l^i] hiV^caZhh hiZZa [VVYZ! i^bZg VcY Yddg adX`^c\ hnhiZb ^h VkV^aVWaZ^c'kZgh^dch/ "VcZcVbZaaZYdkZc[dgWZiiZg]ZVi =B7IIB?: H[\$&'/ F7D>EB:;HA?J H[\$I9*)(& & '+ *+& )- 8K?B:#?D>E8)8KHD;HI & &.!.@\ Y^hig^Wji^dcVcYZVh^ZgXaZVc^c\! " V hiV^caZhh hiZZa dkZc egdk^Y^c\ gZh^hiVcXZidi]Z]Vgh]ZhiXdcY^i^dch VcYbV^ciV^c^c\Xdd`^c\fjVa^i^Zh# 8K?BJ#?D :?C;DI?EDI_dcc 8EKH=E=D; -))%#,& &!(`L &+A &!(`L &.%\$] & CE:;BM?J> ;B;9JHED?9?=D?J?ED H[\$*)().' -)(%#,% -))%#,% -)(%#,& &!*`L &!*`L &!(`L '*A &+A '*A &!(`L &(%\$] '%)\$]...
Open the catalog to page 5
8DD@:GH ;D7C;BB;:EL;D I]Z VcY gZbVg`VWan XdbeaZiZ Òc^h]! ^h V Òghi"gViZ Xdd`Zg [dg WdViZgh l]d hZZ` V XZgiV^c dc"WdVgY a^[ZhinaZ# %-'(#-% %-&(#-% %-'(#-& %-&(#-& ' &!,*`LZi'!*`L &!(`L &!(`L &!-`L&!-`L&!*`L&!*`L '*A&+A '*A&+A ))%\$] *()\$] )&-\$] *&'\$] i]ZgbdXdjeaZ ZaZXigdc^X^\c^i^dc hiZZaZcVbZaaZY$hiV^caZhhhiZZa$\aVhh$lddY Wg^\]ihiV^caZhhhiZZa *+-m*&%m))%bb ')!+@\'*!*@\ ')!+@\'*!*@\ &(&'6F,'* 'nZVgh Dci]ZhiVcYVgY!Vh^hi]ZYdjWaZaVnZg\aVhh Yddg! lddYZc ]VcYaZ! Xa^e"adX`^c\ gVX`VcYVY_jhiVWaZdkZchZii^c\h# 8K?BJ#?D :?C;DI?EDI_dcc E9;7D / dkZc [dg ZVhn XaZVc^c\ dg ^c hiV^c" aZhh hi^aa id gZh^hi...
Open the catalog to page 6
This cooker opens the doors to the exclusive world of top of the range cookers for boating. Thanks to its large cook-top, cooking is just like being at home. Whether for the choi- ce of material, shine of the stainless Burner Output Grill Output Oven output Oven volume steel, ergonomics of the controls, precision of the thermostat or perfor- mance of the grill, the elegance and efficiency of this cooker will meet the expectations you have for your boat. TECHNICAL FEATURES bright stainless steel
Open the catalog to page 7
COOK-TOP The launch of the electric marine range represents our commitment to meeting market expectations : dimensional stability of products over time, guaranteed reliability through ties with a major European brand and product uniformity for the cooking appliances inside your boat. Elegant, sophisticated and compact, this hot-plate with 2 hobs can be adapted to most types of boats fitted with an electric generator. There are 9 different heat settings for precise adjustment of your cooking and an after-heat warning light for your TECHNICAL FEATURES Regulation : manualwith 9 positions...
Open the catalog to page 8
& 8K?BJ#?D :?C;DI?EDI_dcc )&B9EC8?D;:C?9HE#M7L; *+& & +,& +,& +( ), 8K?BJ#?D :?C;DI?EDI_dcc '-BC?9HE#M7L; )+& B>8GD"L6K:DK:CHLZhjeeanVcZmiZch^kZgVc\Zd[hiV^caZhhhiZZafjVa^in b^Xgd"lVkZdkZch!l]dhZYZh^\c^h^ceZg[ZXi]Vgbdcnl^i]i]ZgZhid[djggVc\Z# L^i]i]gZZY^[[ZgZcih^oZhVcYÒii^c\`^ihVYVeiZYidZVX]dkZc!ndjl^aa]VkZcdigdjWaZ ÒcY^c\i]ZbdYZahj^iZYidndjgWdVi#I]Zh^oZd[djgVeea^VcXZh^h\jVgVciZZYdkZgi^bZ VcYlZVahdegdk^YZVegdVXi^kZV[iZghVaZhhZgk^XZ# J;9>D?97B<;7JKH;I GZ[/BD&,)' 8VeVX^in/&,A Djieji/,*%L GZ\jaVi^dc/bVcjVa :aZXig^X^inXdccZXi^dc/''%KÄ')%K$*%=o$&+6 HV[Zin/YddgadX`^c\hnhiZb!Ójh]gZbdkVWaZ...
Open the catalog to page 9
& 8K?BJ#?D :?C;DI?EDI_dcc :HO;H ,-& & +-& +&& +, ++ 8K?BJ#?D :?C;DI?EDI_dcc :?I>M7I>;H *+& L6H=>C<$G:;G><:G6I>DCLZ]VkZhZaZXiZYVgVc\Zd[jaigV"XdbeVXiVcYa^\]i lVh]Zghi]ViZVh^anÒiVWdVgYW^\WdVihÒiiZYl^i]VcZaZXig^X\ZcZgVidg# I]ZhZgdWjhiVcYgZa^VWaZVeea^VcXZhVgZXdkZgZYWni]ZhVbZ\jVgVciZZi]Vi:cdegdk^" YZh[dg^ihegdYjXihi]gdj\]djii]ZldgaY# GZ[/HA(')' 8VeVX^in/(!'@\d[YgngdeZ Djieji/''%%L GZ\jaVi^dc/bZXVc^XVa 8dchjbi^dc/'!,`L] :aZXig^X^inXdccZXi^dc/''%KÄ*%= BViZg^Va/hiZZa\VakVc^hZYYgjb!ZedmneV^ciZYXVhZ 8dadg/l]^iZ 9^bZch^dc=$A$E/+,%m*%%m*+%bb LZ^\]i/'(@\ 8:bVg`^c\ LVggVcin/'nZVgh +(& "I^bZgjeid&'%b^c#...
Open the catalog to page 10
:MI:G>DG 9;H7C?9H7:?7JEH J;9>D?97B<;7JKH;I GZ[/8G&* Djieji/&%%%$&*%%L :aZXig^X^inXdccZXi^dc/'(%"')%K$*%=o =ZVi^c\edh^i^dch/' KdajbZ/**b( DeZgVi^c\iZbeZgVijgZ/*8"(%8 8dadg/WaVX` 9^bZch^dch=$A$E/'&m&+m&+Xb LZ^\]i/&!,@\ HV[Zin/i]ZgbdhiVi![Vc!]VcYaZ!XaVhh^ÒXVi^dc>EM%! dkZg"]ZVihV[Zin!lVh]VWaZÒaiZg!Vci^"[gZZoZ[jcXi^dc LVggVcin/'nZVgh I]Vc`h id ^ih hbVaa h^oZ VcY Xa^e! ndj XVcÒmi]^heZghdcVa[Vc^cbVcneaV" XZh dc ndjg WdVi id [gZh]Zc je ndjg XVW^c# "A^\]iVcYXdbeVXi "AdlXdchjbi^dc "8a^e"dc "Hl^kZa^c\ J;9>D?97B<;7JKH;I GZ[/8;&* Djieji/&,L :aZXig^X^inXdccZXi^dc/'(%"')%K$*%=o HeZZY/' 6^gÓdl/.b($bc...
Open the catalog to page 11All Eno catalogs and brochures
catalogue eno marine
68 Pages