

Catalog excerpts

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Miscetatore abbattibile con canna girevole alta Single lever mixer with lowering and swiveling tall spout Cartuccia - Cartridge Miscelatore abbattibile con canna girevole bassa Single lever mixer with lowering and swiveling short spout Cartuccia - Cartridge

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Miscelatore abbaltibile leva in ottone Single lever basin mixer with brass lever

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Miscelatore abbattibile Single lever mixer with lowering Cartuccia - Cartridge

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Miscelatore abbattibile con canna girevole e comando remoto Single lever mixer with retractable and swiveling tall spout Cartuccia - Cartridge

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Miscelatore con canna abbattibile e girevole coassiale e doccia shut off Single lever mixer and coaxial swiveling and retractable spout and shut offhand shower

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Gruppo miscelatore a vitoni Mixer group with swiveling spout Vitone - Valve Gruppo misceiatore a vitoni Mixer group with Vitone - Valve Rubinetto singolo sinistro Single water SX lowering spout Vitone - Valve Rubinetto singolo destro Single water DX lowering spout Vitone - Valve

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Gruppo miscelatore a vitoni Mixer group with swiveling spout Vitone - Valve Gruppo miscelatore a vitoni Mixer group with Vitone - Valve Rubinetto singolo sinistro Single water SX lowering spout Vitone - Valve Rubinetto singolo destro Single water DX lowering spout Vitone - Valve

Open the catalog to page 11

All Elka design catalogs and brochures


    11 Pages

  2. SLIM

    13 Pages

  3. BARBY

    5 Pages

  4. TWIN

    3 Pages

  5. MARIN

    7 Pages


    5 Pages

  7. STILL

    5 Pages

  8. BAMBU'

    5 Pages

  9. EMME

    3 Pages

  10. ZEN

    9 Pages

  11. QUADRA

    5 Pages

  12. SLIDE

    5 Pages

  13. FARLEY

    5 Pages

  14. INN

    3 Pages

  15. ALLURA

    9 Pages