EdgeTech SONAR
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Catalog excerpts

EdgeTech SONAR - 1

The Leader in Underwater Technology whAT SETS EdgETEch ApArT? AdvAncEd TEchnology providing clEArly SUpErior imAging TrAdiTionAl mEThodS And rESUlTS: EdgETEch TEchnology And rESUlTS: EdgeTech is the industry leader in the design and development of advanced imaging sonar systems. Only EdgeTech offers a set of unique and exciting underwater imaging technologies including Full Spectrum® CHIRP Processing, Multi-Pulse technology, Dynamic Aperture and Dynamically Focused Arrays. Our proprietary Full Continuous Wave (CW) Pulse Full Spectrum CHIRP clEArly SUpErior imAging SidE ScAn SonAr | SUb-boTTom proFilErS | bAThymETry combinEd & cUSTomizEd SonAr SolUTionS Spectrum® CHIRP Processing enhances long range resolutions through improved signal-to-noise ratios. Multi-Pulse technology puts up to 4 pulses in the water simultaneously, thereby enabling either a 4 times survey speed increase over conventional side scan sonar systems, or a marked increase of pings on target, which leads to superior feature detection. EdgeTech’s exclusive Dynamically Focused Arrays sharpen resolutions Single Pulse in the far field and enable better target identifications at longer ranges. In addition to these pioneering technologies, our expertise in telemetry, compact & low-power electronics, modular designs and software programming allows us to provide unique and tailored solutions for platforms that include towed bodies, powered towed bodies, remotely operated Non-Dynamically Focused Dynamically Focused vehicles (ROV), unmanned surface vehicles (USV), and unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV). We also have vast knowledge of acoustic positioning, navigation and control technologies that can easily be incorporated into any of EdgeTech solutions. For side scan sonar, sub-bottom profiling, and bathymetric solutions, either individually or in combinations, EdgeTech provides Software Compensated Clearly Superior Imaging. Acoustic Releases | USBL | MRU | Side Scan Sonar | Sub-bottom Profilers | Bathymetry | AUV & ROV Sonars | Combined & Customized Solutions The Leader in Underwater Technology Acoustic Releases | USBL | MRU | Side Scan Sonar | Sub-bottom Profilers | Bathymetry | AUV & ROV Sonars | Combined & Customized Solutions For more information please visit EdgeTech.com info@edgetech.com | USA 1.508.291.0057

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EdgeTech SONAR - 2

The Leader in Underwater Technology UndErwATEr AcoUSTic imAging model name 4125 Ultra high resolution lightweight, portable 4200 multipurpose Survey System 6205 Swath bathymetry & Side Scan Sonar custom Engineered 3100/3200/3300 products for defense and Sub-bottom profiler Security (lmcS) Towed, pole-mount, hull-mount, portable 2000 Series combined Side Scan Sonar & Sub-bottom profiler 2400 / Specials deep Tows Side Scan Sonar Sub-bottom Profiler Bathymetry (3-D) Frequency Options Available 550/1600 kHz Side Scan & 550 kHz bathymetry Sub-bottom Profiler: 500 Hz-12 kHz, 1-6 kHz or 2-16 kHz....

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All EdgeTech catalogs and brochures


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