Phantom P150


Catalog excerpts

Phantom P150 - 1

Highly Maneuverable in Confined Areas after operations Nuclear Plant. Point Beach Nuclear Plant. Phantom0 Pi BO is a portable ROV designed specifically for use in the nuclear industry — supporting QC/NDE for visual examination within the confined spaces of PWR reactors. The Deep Ocean Advantage • 25 years of continuous operations • More than 500 ROV systems designed & built • Hundreds of customers in over 30 countries worldwide • World class engineering and R&D • Solutions oriented customer service • Rugged reliable products, easy to Deep Ocean Nuclear Advantage • Primary supplier to industry leaders • Worldwide application • Highly qualified support personnel • Special purpose tools to meet unique • Experienced design and fabrication

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Phantom P150 - 2

Phantom® PISO Forward Thrust: Aluminum housed high resolution color camera. Resolution: >460 lines of television. Remote 10:1 zoom and focus facility. External motorized camera tilt actuator. PAL & NTSC versions available. One light tilts with camera Operating temperature: Test Depth: Standard Cable: Power Requirements: Input voltage selectable: Power Rating: Electronic depth and heading with digital read-out Radiation-tolerant cameras Third party high resolution cameras Additional lighting for rear camera/fault inspections Spares Kits Phantom® PISO • Upper and lower internals, lifts and...

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All Deep Ocean Engineering catalogs and brochures

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Archived catalogs

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  2. L4N

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  3. Firefly

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  4. T4N Brochure

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