

Catalog excerpts

L4N - 1

L4N A powerful and manueverable inspection class vehicle S5N is a portable high performance ROV that combines superior power, telemetry, and payload with ease of use, ruggedness and reliability. This provides a powerful overall performance envelope and versatility compared to other vehicles of its class. It has four high performance Tecnadyne® thrusters — two horizontal, one lateral, and one vertical. • Easily maintained • Cost effective, small, powerful and portable • Highly Reliable Magnetically Coupled Thrusters • Minimum training required for operation • Hard wired for simplicity and ease of electrical fault diagnosis THE DEEP OCEAN ADVANTAGE The Deep Ocean Engineering brand is well established with over 20 years of experience supplying the robotics industry. Over 500 ROV systems have beeen delivered to a broad international customer base with clients in over 30 countries. Our internationally acclaimed system designs are strong, resilient, and rugged with the ability to integrate tooling and sensor packages. Our dedicated customer service, support, and technical training is unparalleled. Applications include: • Dam and Hydroelectric plant inspections • Military, customs & police • Search & recovery www.deepocean.com • Offshore oil & gas • Scientific research • Underwater filming

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L4N - 2

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS Features: • 1 hp Tecnadyne magnetically coupled thrusters • 2 - Horizontal Thrusters, 1 - Vertical, 1 - Lateral • Foward Thrust: 32 kg (70 lbs) • Lateral Thrust: 16 kg (35lbs) • Vertical Thrust: 16 kg (35lbs) • Maximum Operating Depth: 500 m Power Availability 190 VDC - Thrusters / Lighting 24 VDC - Telemetry / Video / Sonar etc. 220 VAC - Manipulator or Additional Tooling Dimensions Length: 1054mm (41.5 in) Width: 724mm (28.5 in) Height: 660mm (26.0 in) Chassis Black Polypropylene Frame Non conducting / corroding Options Small Hydraulic / Electric Manipulator...

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All Deep Ocean Engineering catalogs and brochures

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  5. USV I-1650

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  6. P150

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  7. S5N Brochure

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Archived catalogs

  1. T5

    2 Pages

  2. Firefly

    2 Pages

  3. T4N Brochure

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  4. T4H Brochure

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  5. L4N Brochure

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  7. Phantom P150

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