Catalog Pages 7-11
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Catalog excerpts

Catalog Pages 7-11 - 1

The more wind and waves, the better ROCKER STOPPERS work. scientifically designed to stabilize a moored, anchored, or drifting boat. With engines off or sails down, you feel the sea. Waves, wind, and wake can rock you unmercifully as you stop for meals, fishing, rest or sleep. The Rocker Stopper® is the solution—efficiently dampens the effects of waves and wake on a stationary boat. Lightweight and molded of high-impact, virtu- ally indestructible styrene. Can be deployed or retrieved in seconds. Salt water resistant, gen- tle to the sides of your boat. Units "nest" with- in each other, so storage is a breeze. dock stabilizer Number of Rocker Stopper Units Needed on Each Side of the Boat (Sail or Power): individual unit The Swim Stirrup® provides safe, easy access to small boats for swimmers or water skiers. Durable, reliable design attaches to gunwales, transoms, or open bows. Perfect for rowboats, ski boats, dinghies, sailboats Adjustable length to fit your boat Complete hardware and instructions Easy to install, easy to use—it even TIP Inexpensive mushroom anchors make great weights and "nest" neatly Ventilating Sail Put an end to hot, stuffy cabins and sleepless nights. The Windscoop™ Ventilating Sail is aerodynamically designed to force the slightest breeze into your cabin to keep you cool and comfortable. The versatile Windscoop can be hung from a halyard boom or roller furling sheet. Fits any hatch or companion-way up to 4 feet (120 cm) wide. Nothing to install. Since the Windscoop has no tie-downs, once you put it up, it will follow a variable wind. Works with most screens. Colors Windscoop is packed in its own protective nylon storage bag. DaviS instruments 3465 Diablo Ave., Hayward, CA 94545 U.S.A. inexpensive to adapt WINDSCOOPS for powerboat use. Write for details.

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Catalog Pages 7-11 - 2

Launching Wheels for Boats Boat Handling Made Easy! Wheel-a-Weigh® launching wheels and dollies help you get your small craft to and from the water quickly and conveniently. Choose the model that's right for you! Launching Wheels for Boats Wheel-a-Weigh® launching wheels for small boats and cartoppers ride in tracks permanently installed on the transom. Wheels lock in the "down" position for transporting overland. After launching, they lock in the "up" position. Wheels are easily removed for storage or theft prevention. These units are sturdy—made of anodized marine aluminum and stain- less...

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Catalog Pages 7-11 - 3

Japanese outboard motors THAT LUBRICATES STEERING CABLE CABLE BUDDY STEERING CABLE LUBRICATION SYSTEM Max-Lube™ oiling-tube method Cable Buddy™ is a complete steer- ing cable lubrication system. Includes the patented, stainless steel Cable Buddy™ nut with plug and sealing washer, oiling tube assembly, and Max- Lube™, the ideal lubricant for steering cables. Works on inboards, outboards, and inboard/outboard steer- ing cables. Fits all major U.S. and foreign motors (7/8" X 14 pitch threads). Seals moisture out, puts lubricant in. Prevents corrosion and freezing to - 40°F (-40°C). Cable Buddy...

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Catalog Pages 7-11 - 4

Mega-Light™ energy efficient lights consume very little current. Whether fishing at night, laying at anchor or camping in the great outdoors, powerboats, sailboats and RV’s often have limited battery capacity. At just 0.11 amp (approximately 1/10th amp), battery discharge is just over one amp hour in a 12-hour period. Your batteries will hardly know it’s on! Mega Light Utility and Mega Light Masthead include a light sensor that automatically switches the light on at night and off at dawn. All models feature a dual-function Fresnel lens that projects light for up to two nautical miles (3.7...

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Catalog Pages 7-11 - 5

chart light that night vision. Actual Size profiles to help determine if LED Clusters fit your existing LED Clusters ™ are energy efficient lights that directly replace many incandescent bulbs aboard At just 0.068 amps, they draw little current on your 12-volt system, generate no heat, and last for over 100,000 hours. Output equivalent to normal 10-watt light bulb using 12 times as much current. Sold in 3 colors and two bayonet socket styles. Use LED Clusters for reading, engine room lighting, as courtesy lights below or marker lights for stairs, entryways and safety equipment. Battery...

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