Catalog excerpts

N ew TOPLINE ULTIMATE FUSION VERSION This is a patented revolutionary process. By bringing a thermo-plastic polymer which melts in the heart of the Topline the process makes the line almost indestructible! The line will not “unbraid”, its shape is regular and round, which is a benet to aerodynamics. No more vibration effects and noise. Fairly stiff, it is easy to uncoil. Standard packaging: 1 000 or 2 000 m reels of Topline Ultimate, 500 m reels of bridles or pre-lines. It shows an excellent resistance to abrasion and does not wear after the rst few uses. This is now available on the Topline 16 650. . Our products come on bulk reels as standard. 100 m reels are made available on request. Our Topline Ultimate can also be ordered as ready to use kits, coiled on a plate, with stitched loops at each end. PHOTO COURTESY: ©Cousin Trestec • Brice Savignat • Céline Rodenas • Gilles Calvet • DESIGN: PIoIM • Non liable document subject to errors or omissions • As the number one fun water sport kitesurng co ists of h er e port r urn consists A physical melt happens between the components, the bres and Dyneema® braids. surng a board pulled by a powerful kite. The user gets control a u le fu i e ser s on ol n of the wing, which is often partly inated, throug a bar which f h s ough h is linked by 4 twenty me long lines. The br ded lines s nk y w n meter ng h braided n are rucia o cont o ling the behav o ar crucial for co trolling th be aviour of the sai he ail. Since the e Since the very beginning of this new spo t, in the eight es, gi i g this e port s ghtie Cous reste with e nowledge Cousin Trestec, with their knowledge of braiding micro-lines, usin stec w raidin i ro-lines ding l e h p t ee w has partnered with kitesurf manufacturers and has developed itesu manufacturer a has de e o e s nufacture kite lines 8 RUE ABBÉ BONPAIN I 59117 WERVICQ SUD FRANCE www.cousin-trestec.com contact@cousin-trestec.com innovative kite lines using Dyneema® yarns nn vat e ite ines u n yneema® a ns. m For o er For over the last thirty years, these lines have technically ast ir as thir y e s e e in i v echn c lly improved They are now perfectly optimized and highly reliable. mp oved T ed. d ow e ectly y imiz d d ighl re iab e ized g l Today, Cousin Trestec offers a full and wide range of kitelines, oday, ousi T stec offers ull and w sin fers n ange k teli es ge i pre-lines and bridle loops address ng all demands. These lines re-lines a brid line idle o d dress all dema ds e ssin a nes are used have ee used are used or have been used by most of the manufacturers e ost h manufact ers u ctur such F O e l ngshot, Takoon, Ze ko abrinha o h e t such as F-One,, Slingshot, Takoon, Zeeko, Cabrinha, North, Best, gs koon Zeek br a, Flexifoi Flexifoil,, Rrd, Genetrix, Best Ozone… x oil, d Genetri est, Ozone e rix n
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In extreme conditions some racers will choose the Vectraline. Made of VectranTM bers, these lines show an exceptional stability and ne use. They are dedicated to racing and they need to be replaced on a regular basis. TOPLINE ULTIMATE DYNEEMA DYNEEMA BRIDLES WITH POLYESTER COVER Seen less and less on sails now, the bridles are still required on some kites. The most popular are 2 mm et 2.3 mm, made of Dyneema®, with a polyester cover. Ø mm SKELETOR DYNEEMA Stabilized by a thermo treatment, they are highly resistant to chafe and not affected by UV and marine environments. The models 16 650...
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